
Sang Kim is Professor of Operations Management at the Yale School of Management. Professor Kim specializes in supply chain management and service operations, with a particular interest in management of business process failures. He develops analytical models based on operations research and game theory to study practice-driven problems. His recent research interests include managing low-probability/high-impact disruptions in supply chains, sustainable operations, and social responsibility in supply chain management. Using the risk management framework, he has studied problems in application areas such as aftermarkets in the aerospace and defense industry, environmental regulation, and social enterprises in developing economies. Kim’s research has been published in top management journals including Management Science, Operations Research, and Marketing Science. Currently he serves as an associate editor at Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Service Science. Professor Kim received his Ph.D. degree in Operations and Information Management from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, MS in Scientific Computing & Computational Mathematics from the Stanford University, and BA in Physics from the University of Pennsylvania.

Sang Kim
Professor of Operations Management
Yale School of ManagementYale University
165 Whitney Avenue, PO Box 208200, New Haven, CT 06520-8200
203.436.8865 (office), 203.436.9143 (fax)
[Official Yale SOM Page] [Curriculum Vitae]

Publications in Refereed Journals

Product Quality in a Distribution Channel with Inventory Risk (with Kinshuk Jerath and Robert Swinney). 2017. Marketing Science, 36(5), 747-761.

Time to Come Clean? Disclosure and Inspection Policies for Green Production. 2015. Operations Research, 63(1), 1-20 (lead article). [Technical Appendix]
– Outstanding Paper Award, 2014 ARCS Annual Conference

Signaling New Product Reliability with After-Sales Service Contracts (with Nitin Bakshi and Nicos Savva). 2015. Management Science, 61(8), 1812-1829.

Guilt by Association: Strategic Failure Prevention and Recovery Capacity Investments (with Brian Tomlin). 2013. Management Science, 59(7), 1631-1649.

Collaborative Cost Reduction and Component Procurement Under Information Asymmetry (with Serguei Netessine). 2013. Management Science, 59(1), 189-206. [Technical Appendix]

Impact of Performance-Based Contracting on Product Reliability: An Empirical Analysis (with Morris CohenJose Guajardo, and Serguei Netessine). 2012. Management Science, 58(5), 961-979.
– Finalist, 2015 MSOM Service Management Special Interest Group Best Paper Award
– Finalist, 2010 MSOM Student Paper Competition (awarded to Jose Guajardo)

Contracting for Infrequent Restoration and Recovery of Mission-Critical Systems (with Morris CohenSerguei Netessine, and Senthil Veeraraghavan). 2010. Management Science, 56(9), 1551-1567.
– First Place, 2008 POMS SCM Student Paper Competition

Performance Contracting in After-Sales Service Supply Chains (with Morris Cohen and Serguei Netessine). 2007. Management Science, 53(12), 1843-1858.
– Honorable Mention, 2006 MSOM Student Paper Competition

Book Chapters

Reliability or Inventory? An Analysis of Performance-Based Contracts for Product Support Services (with Morris Cohen and Serguei Netessine). 2017. Handbook of Information Exchange in Supply Chain Management (eds. Albert Ha and Christopher Tang), Springer.

Working Papers

Impact of Network Structure on New Service Pricing (with Saed AlizamirNingyuan Chen, and Vahideh Manshadi). 2018.

Competing to Discover Compliance Violations: Self-Inspections and Enforcement Policies (with Saed Alizamir). 2017.

Healthcare Vehicle Maintenance Contracting in Developing Economies: The Role of Social Enterprise (with Li Chen and Hau Lee). 2017.

A Model of Generic Drug Shortages: Supply Disruptions, Demand Substitution, and Price Control (with Fiona Scott Morton). 2015.

Strategic Reliability Investments in Multi-Indenture Supply Chains. 2011.

Work in Progress

Impact of Additive Manufacturing on After-Sales Service Supply Chains (with Yue Zhang and Brian Tomlin).

Targeted Inspections with Learning (with Saed Alizamir and Suresh Muthulingam).

In the News

Managing the Unpredictable Risks in Supply Chains. September 15, 2016. Development Channel, Council on Foreign Relations.

Pay for What You Get: Putting Performance-based Contracting to the Test. October 14, 2009. Knowledge@Wharton.

‘Power by the Hour’: Can Paying Only for Performance Redefine How Products Are Sold and Serviced? February 21, 2007. Knowledge@Wharton.

Honors and Awards

F. K. Weyerhaeuser Memorial Fund Research GrantYale Center for Business and the Environment. 2012, 2015.

Outstanding Paper Award, Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability (ARCS) Annual Conference. 2014.

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Meritorious Service Award. 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2016.

Management Science Distinguished Service Award. 2010, 2013.

First Place, George B. Dantzig Dissertation Award. 2008.

First Place, POMS College of Supply Chain Management Student Paper Competition (co-winner: N. Bakshi). 2008.

Honorable Mention, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Student Paper Competition. 2006.

Seth Bonder Scholarship for Applied Operations Research in Military Applications. 2006.

SOLE Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award. 2006.

NSF IGERT Doctoral Fellowship in Global Manufacturing Logistics. 2003-07.


MGT 422: Operations Engine (MBA core).

MGT 873: Supply Chain Management (MBA elective).

MGT 875: Service Operations Management (MBA elective).