Positive Consequences Of Conflict On Decision Making, (with J. Savary, T. Kleiman, and R. Hassin), Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2015.
When Going Green Backfires: How firm Intentions Shape the Evaluation of Socially Beneficial Product Enhancements, (with G. Newman and M. Gorlin), Journal of Consumer Research, 2014.
Why Choosing Healthy Foods Is Hard, and How to Help: Presenting 4P’s Framework for Behavior Change, (with Z. Chance and M. Gorlin), Customer Needs and Solutions, 2014.
Giving Against the Odds: When Tempting Alternatives Increase Willingness to Donate, (with J. Savary and K. Goldsmith), Journal of Marketing Research, 2014.
Authenticity is Contagious: Brand Essence and the Original Source of Production, (with George Newman), Journal of Marketing Research, 2014.
A Dual System Framework to Understand Preference Construction Processes in Choice, (with M. Gorlin), Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2013.
Comparing Apples to Apples or Apples to Oranges: The Role of Mental Representation in Choice Difficulty, (with Eunice Kim Cho, Uzma Khan, Ravi Dhar), Journal of Marketing Research, 2013.
Mental Representation and Perceived Similarity: How Abstract Mindset Aids Choice from Large Assortments, (with Jing Xu, Zixi Jiang, Ravi Dhar), Journal of Marketing Research, 2013.
Negativity Bias and Task Motivation: Testing the Effectiveness of Positively Versus Negatively Framed Incentives, (with Kelly Goldsmith and Ravi Dhar), Journal of Experiemental Psychology: Applied, 2013.
Refining the dual-process theory of preference construction: A reply to Gawronski, Martin, and Sloman, Stanovich, and Wegener and Chien, (with Margarita Gorlin, Ravi Dhar), Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2013.
Adding Small Differences Can Increase Similarity and Choice, (with Jongmin Kim, Nathan Novemsky, and Ravi Dhar), Association for Psychological Science, 2012.
When Guilt Begets Pleasure: The Positive Effect of a Negative Emotion (with Kelly Goldsmith, Eunice Kim Cho), Journal of Marketing Research, December 2012.
Bridging the gap between joint and individual decisions: Deconstructing preferences in relationships, (with Margarita Gorlin), Journal of Consumer Psychology 22 (2012).
Importance of Context in Brand Extension, How Pictures and Comparisons Shift Consumers’ Focus from Fit to Quality, Journal of Marketing Research, forthcoming.
Self-Signaling and the Cost and Benefits of Temptation in Consumer Choice, Journal of Marketing Research, February 2012.
Price Framing Effects on Purchase of Hedonic and Utilitarian Bundles, (with U. Khan), Journal of Marketing Research, 2010.
Making Products Feel Special: When Metacognitive Difficulty Enhances Evaluation, (with A. Pocheptsova and A. Labroo), Journal of Marketing Research, 2010.
Modeling the Under Reporting Bias in Panel Survey Data, (with Sha Yang and Yi Zhao) Marketing Science, 2010.
The Effect of Decision Order on Purchase Quantity Decisions, (with I. Simonson and S. M. Nowlis), Journal of Marketing Research, 2010.
Tradeoffs and Depletion in Choice, (with N. Novemsky, J. Wang, R. Baumeister), Journal of Marketing Research, 2010.
Opportunity Cost Neglect (with S. Frederick, N. Novemsky, J. Wang, and S. Nowlis), Journal of Consumer Research, 2009.
Anticipating Adaptation to Products (with J. Wang and N. Novemsky), Journal of Consumer Research, 2009.
Deciding Without Resources: Psychological Depletion and Choice in Context, (with O. Amir, A. Pochepstova, and R. Baumeister), Journal of Marketing Research, 2009.
Customization Procedures and Customer Preferences, (with A. Valenzuela and F. Zettelmeyer), Journal of Marketing Research, 2009.
Beyond Rationality: The Content of Preferences, (with N. Novemsky), Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2008.
Of Frog Wines and Frowning Watches: Semantic Priming of Perceptual Features and Brand Evaluation, (with A. Labroo and N. Schwarz), Journal of Consumer Research, 2008.
When Thinking Beats Doing: The Role of Optimistic Expectations in Goal-Based Choice, (with A. Fishbach and Y. Zhang), 2007, Journal of Consumer Research.
Seeing The Forest Or The Trees: Implications of Construal Level Theory for Consumer Choice, (with E. Kim), Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2007.
Where There Is a Way, Is There a Will? The Effect of Future Choices on Self-Control (with U. Khan), Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2007.
Preference Fluency in Choice, (with N. Novemsky, N. Schwarz, and I. Simonson), 2007, Journal of Marketing Research.
The Shopping Momentum Effect, (with J. Huber and U. Khan), 2007, Journal of Marketing Research.
Institutional Perspectives in Real Estate Investing, (with W. Goetzmann), 2006, Journal of Portfolio Management.
Are Rheumatologists’ Treatment Decisions Influenced by Patients Age?, (with L. Fraenkel and N. Rabidou),” 2006, Rheumatology.
Sub-goals as Substitutes or Complements: The Role of Goal Accessibility, (with A. Fishbach and Y. Zhang), 2006, Journal of Personality & Social Psychology.
Up Close and Personal: A Cross Sectional Study of the Disposition Effect (with N. Zhu), Management Science, 2006.
Licensing Effect in Consumer Choice, (with U. Khan), Journal of Marketing Research, 2006.
Goals as excuses or guides: The liberating effect of perceived goal progress on choice, (with A. Fishbach), Journal of Consumer Research, 2005.
Goal Fulfillment and Goal Targets in Sequential Choice, (with N. Novemsky), Journal of Consumer Research, 2005.
Towards extending the Compromise Effect to Complex Buying Contexts, (with Anil Menon and Bryan Maach), Journal of Marketing Research, 2004.
To Buy or Not to Buy: Response Mode Effects on Consumer Choice, (with S. Nowlis), Journal of Marketing Research, 2004.
Hedging Customers, (with R. Glazer), Harvard Business Review, 2003.
The Effect of Forced Choice on Choice, (with I. Simonson), Journal of Marketing Research, 2003.
Coping with Ambivalence: The Effect of removing a “fence sitting” option on Consumer Attitude and Preference Judgments (with B. Kahn and S. Nowlis), Journal of Consumer Research, 2002.
Consumer Psychology: In Search of Identity, (with Z. Carmon, A. Drolet, S. Nowlis, and I. Simonson), Annual Review of Psychology, 2001.
An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Category Expenditure, (with W. Putsis), Journal of Business Research, 2001.
Trying Hard or Hardly Trying: An Analysis of Context Effects in Choice (with S. Nowlis and S. Sherman), Journal of Consumer Psychology, September 2000.
Consumer Choice between Hedonic and Utilitarian Goods, (with K. Wertenbroch), Journal of Marketing Research, February 2000.
Assessing the Competitve Interaction Between Private Labels and National Brands, (with R. Cotterill and W. Putsis), Journal of Business, January 2000.
Comparison Effects on Preference Construction, (with S. Nowlis and S. Sherman), Journal of Consumer Research, December 1999.
The Effect of Time Pressure on Consumer Choice Deferral, (with S. Nowlis), Journal of Consumer Research, March, 1999.
Making complementary choices in consumption episodes: Highlighting Versus Balancing, (with I. Simonson), Journal of Marketing Research, February, 1999.
The Many Faces of Competition, (with W. Putsis), Marketing Letters, July, 1998.
Consumer Preference for a No-Choice Option, Journal of Consumer Research, September, 1997.
Context and Task Effects on Choice Deferral, Marketing Letters, January, 1997.
The Effect of Decision Strategy on the Decision to Defer Choice, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, December, 1996.
The Effect of Common and Unique features in Consumer Choice, (with S. J. Sherman), Journal of Consumer Research, December, 1996.
Similarity in Context: Cognitive Representation and the Violation of Preference Invariance in Consumer Choice, (with R. Glazer), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, September, 1996.
The Effect of the focus of comparison on consumer preferences, (with I. Simonson), Journal of Marketing Research, November, 1992.