James L. Frank ’32 Professor of Private Enterprise and Management, Professor of Marketing & Director of the China India Insights Program
Published Papers
“A Structural Model of Organizational Buying for B2B Markets: Innovation Diffusion and Market Share Contracts,” (with Navid Mojir), Journal of Marketing Research, Forthcoming.
“Passthrough Timing” (with Sergio Meza), Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Vol 4, No. 4, December 2006, 351-382. Honorable Mention: Dick Wittink Award for Best Paper in Quantitative Marketing and Economics (QME), 2006.
“Do Slotting Allowances Enhance Efficiency or Hinder Competition?”,, (with Vithala R. Rao), Journal of Marketing Research, May 2006, Vol 43, Issue 2, pp. 137-155. Lead Article; Finalist: Paul Green Best Paper Award in JMR, 2006. Earlier Version Available as MSI Report.
“Structural Applications of the Discrete Choice Model,” (with Jean-Pierre Dube, Pradeep Chintagunta, Bart Bronnenberg, Ron Goettler, Amil Petrin, P.B. Seetharaman, Raphael Thomadsen and Ying Zhao), Marketing Letters, August 2002 pp. 207-220.
“Investigating New Product Diffusion across Products and Countries,”(with Debabrata Talukdar and Andrew Ainslie), Marketing Science, Winter 2002. Recognized among, “A Few Very Recently Highly Cited Marketing Science Articles in 2002” in the Summer 2005 issue of Marketing Science.
“Structural Analysis of Manufacturer Pricing in the Presence of a Strategic Retailer,”Marketing Science, Summer, 2001, pp. 244-264; Winner: Frank M. Bass Best Dissertation Paper Award, 2003 Finalist: ISMS Long Term Impact Award, 2009, 2010, 2011 among all papers published in Marketing Science and Management Science (Marketing Area) between 1999-2004, 2000-2005 and 2001-2006.
“Competitive Pricing Behavior in the US Auto Market: A Structural Analysis,”Marketing Science, Winter, 2001, pp. 42-60. Finalist: John DC Little Best Paper Award in Marketing Science, 2001 Recognized among, “A Few Very Recently Highly Cited Marketing Science Articles in 2001” in the Summer 2004 issue. Finalist: ISMS Long Term Impact Award, 2009, 2010, 2011 among all papers published in Marketing Science and Management Science (Marketing Area) between 1999-2004, 2000-2005 and 2001-2006.
“Match Uncertainty in Online Channels: Dynamic Mechanism Design of Price and Return Policies” (with Amit Pazgal and Li Yang), Revision Requested at Management Science.
“Sustainability and Profit Impact of Durable Goods Innovation,” (with Ramesh Shankar and
Yuan Jin), Being revised for resubmission at Management Science.
“Product Development at Lean Startups: The Learning-Financing Tradeoff” (with Steve
Yoo), Being revised for resubmission at Manufacturing and Service Operations Management.
“Modeling the Price Signaling Effect and Substitution Effect in Consumer Demand for Luxury Goods” (with Sha Yang and Yao (Alex) Yao), Under 1st round review to Journal of Marketing Research.
“Lookalike Targeting on Others’ Journeys: Brand Versus Performance Marketing,” (with
Seung Yoon Lee and Subroto Roy), Under 1st round review at Management Science.