
Published Papers

  1. “A Structural Model of Organizational Buying for B2B Markets: Innovation Diffusion and Market Share Contracts,” (with Navid Mojir), Journal of Marketing Research, Forthcoming.
  2. Can Random Friends Seed More Buzz and Adoption? Leveraging the Friendship Paradox,” (with Vineet Kumar), Management Science, Forthcoming.
  3. “Optimal Inter-release Time Between Sequentially Released Products,” (with Jackie Luan),
    Customer Needs and Solutions, Forthcoming.
  4. Attribute Sentiment Scoring with Online Text Reviews: Accounting for Language Structure and Attribute Self-Selection,” (with Ishita Chakraborty and Minkyung Kim), Journal of Marketing Research, Published Online, January 2022.
  5. Coresets for Time Series Clustering,” (with Lingxiao Huang and Nisheeth Vishnoi),
    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021.
  6. Attribute Sentiment Scoring with Online Text Reviews: Accounting for Language Structure and Attribute Self-Selection,” (with Ishita Chakraborty and Minkyung Kim), Journal of Marketing Research, Forthcoming
  7. A Structural Model of a Multi-Tasking Salesforce: Job Task Allocation and Incentive Plan Design,” (with Minkyung Kim and Kosuke Uetake), Management Science, Published Online, September 2021.
  8. “Effects of Cost-Information Transparency on Intertemporal Price Discrimination”, (with Baojun Jiang and Tianxin Zou), Production and Operations Management, 2021.
  9. “A Model of Multi-Pass Search: Price Search Across Stores and Time”, (with Navid Mojir), Management Science, April 2021.
  10. “The Causal Effect of Service Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty,” (with Guofang Huang), Management Science, January 2021.
  11. “Coresets for Regressions with Panel Data,” (with Lingxiao Huang and Nisheeth Vishnoi), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2020. Computation and Society Blog.
  12. “How can Machine Learning Aid Behavioral Marketing Research?.” Marketing Letters (With Linda Hagen, Kosuke Uetake, Nathan Yang et al.), July 2020.
  13. “Managing Customer Relationships Through a Salesforce”(with Minkyung Kim, Kosuke Uetake and Rodrigo Canales), Journal of Marketing Research, October 2019.
    • Winner: Donald Lehmann Best Dissertation Paper in JMR Award 2021.
  14. “How Context Affects Choice,” (with Thomadsen, Rooderkerk et al.), Customer Needs and Solutions, November 2017.
  15. “Do Sympathy Biases Affect Charitable Giving? The Effects of Advertising Content” (with Subroto Roy and Mathew Cherian), Marketing Science, November 2016.
  16. “Do Store Brands Aid Store Loyalty?” (with Satheeshkumar Seenivasan and Debu Talukdar), Management Science, March 2016.
  17. “Early Adoption of Modern Retail in an Emerging Market: Evidence from India,” (with Vishal Narayan and Vithala Rao), Marketing Science, Nov-Dec 2015.
  18. “Research Opportunities in Emerging Markets: an Inter-disciplinary Perspective from Marketing, Economics, and Psychology,” (with JB Priester, M. Shum, D. Atkin, A. Foster, G. Iyer, G. Jin, D. Keniston, S. Kitayama, AM. Mobarak, Y. Qian, I. Tewari, W. Wood), Customer Needs and Solutions, December 2015.
  19. “Short Run Needs and Long Term Goals: A Dynamic Model of Thirst Management,” (with Guofang Huang and Ahmed Khwaja), Marketing Science, Sep-Oct 2015.
  20. “The “Peter Pan Syndrome” in Emerging Markets: The Productivity-Transparency Tradeoff in IT Adoption”(with Debu Talukdar), Marketing Science, July-August 2015.
  21. “Education Consumption in an Emerging Market” (with Sachin Sancheti), Customer Needs and Solutions, December 2014.
  22. “Do Bonuses Enhance Sales Productivity? A Dynamic Structural Analysis of Bonus Based Compensation Plans” (with Doug Chung and Thomas Steenburgh), Marketing Science, March-April 2014.
    • Lead Article
    • Finalist: ISMS Long Term Impact Award, 2021           
    • Finalist: John D.C. Little Best Paper Award in Marketing Science 
    • Finalist: Frank M. Bass Best Dissertation Paper Award.  
  23. “Does Reducing Spatial Differentiation Increase Product Differentiation? Effects of Zoning on Retail Entry and Format Variety” (with Sumon Datta), Quantitative Marketing and Economics, March 2013.
  24. “Customer Cost Based Pricing,” (with Jiwoong Shin and Dae-Hee Yoon), Management Science, May 2012.
  25. “Do Private Labels Increase Retailer Bargaining Power?” (with Sergio Meza), Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Sep 2010
  26. “Empirical Models of Manufacturer-Retailer Interactions-A Review and Agenda for Future Research,” (with Kusum Ailawadi et al.), Marketing Letters, September 2010
  27. “A Customer Management Dilemma: When is it Profitable to Reward Own Customers,”(with Jiwoong Shin), Marketing Science, June – July 2010
    • Winner: John D.C. Little Best Paper Award in Marketing Science
    • Finalist: ISMS Long Term Impact Award, 2020
  28. “Forecasting Marketing Mix Responsiveness for New Products,” (with Jackie Luan), Journal of Marketing Research, June 2010.
  29. “Switching Costs and Market Competitiveness: De-Constructing the Relationship” (with Jiwoong Shin), Journal of Marketing Research, August 2009
  30. “The Temporal and Spatial Dimensions of Price Search: Insights from Matching Household Survey and Purchase Data” (with Dinesh Gauri and Debabrata Talukdar), Journal of Marketing Research, February 2008. Earlier Version Available as MSI Report
  31. “Optimal Marketing Strategies for a Customer Data Intermediary,”(with Joseph Pancras), Journal of Marketing Research, November 2007. Previously titled: Personalization Services Firms: What to Sell, To Whom to Sell and For How Much. Technical Appendix
    Winner: Don Lehmann Best Dissertation Paper Award, in JMR 2008
  32. Competitive Pricing under State Dependent Demand: Do Firms Look Ahead? How Far
    Ahead?”(with Hai Che and P.B. Seetharaman), Journal of Marketing Research, August 2007.
  33. “Passthrough Timing” (with Sergio Meza), Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Vol 4, No. 4, December 2006, 351-382.
    Honorable Mention: Dick Wittink Award for Best Paper in Quantitative Marketing and Economics (QME), 2006.
  34. “Do Slotting Allowances Enhance Efficiency or Hinder Competition?”,, (with Vithala R. Rao), Journal of Marketing Research, May 2006, Vol 43, Issue 2, pp. 137-155.
    Lead Article; Finalist: Paul Green Best Paper Award in JMR, 2006. Earlier Version Available as MSI Report.
  35. “Recent Advances in Structural Modeling: Dynamics, Product Positioning and Entry”,, Marketing Letters, December 2005, pp. 209-224.
  36. “Time Varying Competition” (with Pradeep Chintagunta and Vrinda Kadiyali), Marketing Science, Winter 2005, pp 96-109.
  37. “When Shopbots Meet Emails: Implications for Price Competition on the Internet,” (with Yuxin Chen), Quantitative Marketing and Economics, Issue 3, 2004.
  38. “Does Store Brand Patronage Improve Store Patronage?”,, Review of Industrial Organization, (RIO Symposium Issue on Store Brands), March 2004.
  39. “Structural Applications of the Discrete Choice Model,” (with Jean-Pierre Dube, Pradeep Chintagunta, Bart Bronnenberg, Ron Goettler, Amil Petrin, P.B. Seetharaman, Raphael Thomadsen and Ying Zhao), Marketing Letters, August 2002 pp. 207-220.
  40. “Investigating New Product Diffusion across Products and Countries,”(with Debabrata Talukdar and Andrew Ainslie), Marketing Science, Winter 2002.
    Recognized among, “A Few Very Recently Highly Cited Marketing Science Articles in 2002” in the Summer 2005 issue of Marketing Science.
  41. “A Multiple Ideal Point Model: Capturing Multiple Preference Effects from Within an Ideal Point Framework,” (with Jack Lee and Joel Steckel), Journal of Marketing Research, February 2002.
  42. “Structural Analysis of Manufacturer Pricing in the Presence of a Strategic Retailer,” Marketing Science, Summer, 2001, pp. 244-264;
    Winner: Frank M. Bass Best Dissertation Paper Award, 2003
    Finalist: ISMS Long Term Impact Award, 2009, 2010, 2011 among all papers published in Marketing Science and Management Science (Marketing Area) between 1999-2004, 2000-2005 and 2001-2006.
  43. “Structural Analysis of Competitive Behavior: New Empirical Industrial Organization Methods in Marketing,”with Vrinda Kadiyali and Vithala R. Rao), International Journal of Research in Marketing, June 2001.
    Honorable Mention: Best Paper Award in IJRM, 2001
  44. “Competitive Pricing Behavior in the US Auto Market: A Structural Analysis,” Marketing Science, Winter, 2001, pp. 42-60.
    Finalist: John DC Little Best Paper Award in Marketing Science, 2001
    Recognized among, “A Few Very Recently Highly Cited Marketing Science Articles in 2001” in the Summer 2004 issue.
    Finalist: ISMS Long Term Impact Award, 2009, 2010, 2011 among all papers published in Marketing Science and Management Science (Marketing Area) between 1999-2004, 2000-2005 and 2001-2006.


  1. “Editorial: Acknowledgments, Stocktaking and Farewell,” Marketing Science, November-
    December 2021.
  2. “Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Consumer Protection.” (with Avi Goldfarb and Ginger Jin) Marketing Science, January-February 2020.
  3. “Editorial: An Update on the Frontiers Section.” Marketing Science, November-December 2019.
  4. “Editorial: Introduction to the Special Issue on Marketing Science and Health.” (with Kusum Ailawadi, Tat Chan and Puneet Manchanda), Marketing Science, May-June 2020.
  5. “Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on Mobile Technologies,Marketing Science, September-October 2019.
  6. “Editorial: Introducing a New Section—Marketing Science: Frontiers,”Marketing Science, January-Feb 2018.
  7. “Editorial: The Exploration-Exploitation Tradeoff and Efficiency in Knowledge Production,Marketing Science, January-Feb 2016.
  8. “Editorial: Marketing Science in Emerging Markets,” (with Laxman Narasimhan and Kannan Srinivasan), Marketing Science, July-August 2015.

Papers under Review/Working Papers

  1. “Long Term Effects of Experience during Youth: Evidence from China” (with Ishani Tewari), for 3rd round revision requested at Journal of Marketing Research.
  2. Greedy or Grateful? Asking for More when Thanking Donors,” (with Hortense Fong and Subroto Roy), invited for revision at Journal of Marketing Research.
  3. Privacy Rights and Data Security: GDPR and Personal Data Driven Markets(with Tony Ke), Revision Requested at Management Science.
  4. “Match Uncertainty in Online Channels: Dynamic Mechanism Design of Price and Return Policies (with Amit Pazgal and Li Yang), Revision Requested at Management Science.
  5. “Sustainability and Profit Impact of Durable Goods Innovation,” (with Ramesh Shankar and
    Yuan Jin), Being revised for resubmission at Management Science.
  6. “Product Development at Lean Startups: The Learning-Financing Tradeoff” (with Steve
    Yoo), Being revised for resubmission at Manufacturing and Service Operations Management.
  7. “Modeling the Price Signaling Effect and Substitution Effect in Consumer Demand for Luxury Goods” (with Sha Yang and Yao (Alex) Yao), Under 1st round review to Journal of Marketing Research.
  8. “Lookalike Targeting on Others’ Journeys: Brand Versus Performance Marketing,” (with
    Seung Yoon Lee and Subroto Roy), Under 1st round review at Management Science.
  9.  “Exploiting the Choice-Consumption Mismatch: A New Approach to Disentangle State Dependence and Heterogeneity,” (with Nathan Yang), Being revised for resubmission to Management Science.

Non-active Working Papers

  1. “A Structural Model of Entry and Location Choice: The Differentiation-Agglomeration Tradeoff,” (with Sumon Datta).
  2.  “Measuring Revenue Economies of Scope: Can Gas Stations Increase Grocery Revenues for Supermarkets?” (with Boudhayan Sen and Jiwoong Shin)
  3.  “Predicting Individual Response with Aggregate Data: A Conditional Means Approach,” (with Jason Duan and Sachin Sancheti).
  4. “Optimal Inter-release Time Between Sequentially Released Products,” (with Jackie Luan)
  5.  “Dynamic Market Structure in a Durable Goods Market: The Effect of a New Product Form,” (with Jackie Luan).

Work in Progress

  1. “Does Cheap Talk Enhance Platform Efficiency?” (with Minkyu Shin and Kosuke Uetake)
  2. “Long Term Impact of a Recession on National Brands and Private Labels” (with Satheeshkumar Seenivasan and Debabrata Talukdar)