Entry and competition in mobile app stores, 2024, (bruegel.org)
The chicken-and-egg problem in the European Union Digital Markets Act, 2024, (bruegel.org)
Improving the contestability of e-commerce in two jurisdictions: the Amazon case, 2023, (bruegel.org)
Digital Market Act designations: the interoperability of Google Android, 2023, (bruegel.org)
‘Home-grown’ innovation has costs as well as benefits, 2023, (bruegel.org)
The Impact of the Entry of Biosimilars: Evidence from Europe, 2018, (Review of Industrial Organization)
Antitrust Enforcement Against Platform MFNs, 2018, (The Yale Law Journal)
Horizontal Shareholding and Antitrust Policy, 2018, (The Yale Law Journal)
The impact of consumer inattention on insurer pricing in the Medicare Part D program, 2017, (RAND Journal of Economics)
A Proposal to Limit the Anticompetitive Power of Institutional Investors, 2017, (Antitrust Law Journal)
A Unifying Analytical Framework for Loyalty Rebates, 2017, (Antitrust Law Journal)
Enabling Competition in US Pharmaceutical Markets, 2017, (Hutchins Center Working Paper #30)
Out-of-Network Emergency-Physician Bills-An Unwelcome Surprise, 2016, (The New England Journal of Medicine)
Market size and pharmaceutical innovation, 2015, (RAND Journal of Economics)
Patent Assertions: Are We Any Closer to Aligning Reward to Contribution?, 2016, (National Bureau of Economic Research)
Strategic Patent Acquisitions, 2014, (Antitrust Law Journal)
Hospitals, Market Share, and Consolidation, 2013, (Journal of American Medical Association)
Pay-for-Delay, 2013, (Competition Policy International)
Research into biomarkers: how does drug procurement affect the design of clinical trials? 2013, (Health Management, Policy and Innovation)
Developing an Administrable MFN Enforcement Policy, 2013, (Antitrust)
Standard Setting Organizations Can Help Solve the Standard Essential Patents Licensing Problem 2013, (CPI Antitrust Chronicle)
The Year in Review: Economics at the Antitrust Division: 2011, 2012, (Review of Industrial Organization)
What matters in a price negotiation: Evidence from the U.S. auto retailing industry, 2011, (Quantitative Marketing and Economics)
Data Impediments to Empirical Work on Health Insurance Markets, 2013, (The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy)
The Medium-Term Impact of Medicare Part D on Pharmaceutical Prices, 2011, (The American Economic Review)
Markets for Pharmaceutical Products, 2012, (The Handbook of Health Economics)
State Franchise Laws, Dealer Terminations, and the Auto Crisis, 2010, (The Journal of Economic Perspectives)
The Effect of Medicare Part D on Pharmaceutical Prices and Utilization, 2010, (The American Economic Review)
Providing Prescription Drug Coverage to the Elderly: America’s Experiment with Medicare Part D, 2008, (The Journal of Economic Perspectives)
State Casket Sales Restrictions: A Pointless Undertaking?, 2008, (The Journal of Law & Economics)
How the Internet Lowers Prices: Evidence from Matched Survey and Auto Transaction Data, 2006, (Journal of Marketing Research)
The Distortionary Effects of Government Procurement: Evidence from Medicaid Prescription Drug Purchasing, 2006, (The Quarterly Journal of Economics)
Behavioral Biases Meet the Market: The Case of Magazine Subscription Prices, 2013, (Advances in Economic Analysis & Policy)
Consumer Benefit from Use of the Internet, 2006, (Innovation Policy and the Economy)
The Strategic Positioning of Store Brands in Retailer-Manufacturer Negotiations, 2004, (Review of Industrial Organization)
Consumer Information and Price Discrimination: Does the Internet Affect the Pricing of New Cars to Women and Minorities?2003, (Quantitative Marketing and Economics)
Love or Money? The Effect of Owner Motivation in the California Wine Industry, 2002, (The Journal of Industrial Economics)
Horizontal Integration between Brand and Generic Firms in the Pharmaceutical Industry, 2013, (Journal of Economics & Management Strategy)
Internet Car Retailing, 2001, (The Journal of Industrial Economics)
Barriers to entry, brand advertising, and generic entry in the US pharmaceutical industry, 2000, (International Journal of Industrial Organization)
Social Status, Entry, and Predation: The Case of British Shipping Cartels 1879-1929, 1999, (The Journal of Industrial Economics)
Entry decisions in the generic pharmaceutical industry, 1999, (RAND Journal of Economics)
Misclassification of the dependent variable in a discrete-response setting, 1998, (Journal of Econometrics)
Entry and Predation: British Shipping Cartels 1879-1929, 2013, (Antitrust)
The strategic response by pharmaceutical firms to the Medicaid most-favored-customer rules, 1997, (RAND Journal of Economics)
The Interaction Between a Most-Favored-Customer Clause and Price Dispersion: An Empirical Examination of the Medicaid Rebate Rules of 1990, 2004, (Journal of Economics & Management Strategy)