
Oil Industry Profits Oil Industry Profits. National Energy Studies 170. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1977.



Experimental Methods Experimental Methods: A Primer for Economists. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. ISBN 0-521-45068-3. Friedman, Daniel and Shyam Sunder.
Experimental Methods (Japanese) Experimental Methods: A Primer for Economists (Japanese Edition), 1999 – Foreward and Table of Contents

Japanese Edition, translated by Professors Toshiji Kawagoe, Toru Mori, and Testsuya Uchiki. 1999. ISBN 4-495-43471-3. Preface to the Japanese Edition in Japanese.. Preface to the Japanese Edition in English.

Economic Analysis Kigyou Kaikei no Keizaigakuteka Bunseke (Economic Analysis of Business Accounting),  Tokyo: Chyuou Keizaisya, 1996. ISBN 4-502-14023-6. 
JEBO Cyert Modeling Socio-Economic Behavior: Essays in Honor of Richard M. Cyert. Special edition, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 31, no. 2 (November 1996). ISSN 0167-2681.
Theory of Accounting and Control, Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 1997. ISBN 0-538-86686-1.
Accounting and Control (Japanese) Theory of Accounting and Control (Japanese Edition), 1998 – Foreward and Table of Contents

Japanese translation: Hidetoshi Yamaji, Kazumi Suzuki, Yoshinao Matsumoto, and Akira Kajiwara. Kaikei To Kontororu No Riron: Keiyaku Riron Ni Motozuku Kaikeigaku Nyumon. Tokyo: Keiso Shobo Publishing Company, 1998. ISBN 4-326-50146-4. Reviewed by Shota Otomasa, Kigyou Kaikei 51, no. 3 (March 1999).

Accounting and Control (Korean) Theory of Accounting and Control (Korean Edition), 1999

Korean translation: Kim Gab-Ryong. Hwekewa Tongjae. Seoul: Dae Young Publishing Company, 1999. ISBN 89-7163-090-6.

Accounting and Control (Chinese) Theory of Accounting and Control (Standard Chinese Edition) 2000 – Foreward and Table of Contents

Standard Chinese translation: Rong-Ruey Duh, Chia-shin Chiang, and Sin-Hui Yen. Kwai Ji Yu Kong Ter Si Tong: Si Wu Guan Cha Yu Lee Lun. Taipei: Yuan-Liou Publishing Company, 2000. ISBN 957-32-4102-1 (494).

Theory of Accounting and Control (Simplified Chinese Edition, 2001)

Simplified Chinese Translation: Fang Hong Hsing, Wang Peng, Lee Hong Hsia, Kwai Ji You Kon Tz Li Lun. Dalien, China: Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, 2000.  ISBN 7-81044-687-8/F. 345.



Theory of Accounting and Control (Spanish Edition, 2005)

Spanish translation: Nohora Garcia, Claudia Niño, Diego Hernandez, Manuel Muñoz and Pedro Nel Paez. Teorỉa de la contabilidad y el control. Bogota: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2005. ISBN 0-538-86686-1. Remarks Text (PDF)

Remarks on Release of the Spanish Edition. Presented to Faculty of Economic Sciences, National University of Columbia, Bogota, Columbia, August 17, 2005. Text (PDF).


Theory of Accounting and Control (Chapter Summaries in German, 2002)



Accounting and Control (Korean) Theory of Accounting and Control (Portuguese Edition, 2014)
Japan: Why It Works Japan: Why It Works, Why It Doesn’t. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press, 1998. ISBN 0-8248-1967-5.


Japanese Style The Japanese Style of Business Accounting. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1999. ISBN 1-56720-219-5. Table of Contents and Preface. Sunder, Shyam and Hidetoshi Yamaji, eds.
 “Risky Curves: On Empirical Failure of the Expected Utility.London: Routledge. Friedman, Daniel, Mark Isaac, Duncan James, and Shyam Sunder. 2013. Synopsis
 Rethinking Financial Reporting: Standards, Norms and Institutions, Foundations and Trends® in Accounting: Vol. 11: No. 1–2, pp 1-118.

Rethinking Financial Reporting: Standards, Norms and Institutions (Japanese edition).シャム・サンダー 著、 徳賀芳弘・山地秀俊 監訳、工藤栄一郎・大石桂一・潮﨑智美 訳、『財務報告の再検討 基準・規範・制度』、税務. (Shyamu Sandah cyo, Yoshihiro Tokuga・Hidetoshi Yamaji kanyaku、Eiichirou Kudou, Keiichi Ohishi, Tomomi Shiosaki yaku, Zaimuhoukoku no Saikentou  kijunKihanSeido, Zeimukeirikyoukai. Book CoverPreface to the Japanese EditionChapter 1, Order from Japanese publisher’s website at:
Japanese Accounting for Manufacturing Organization and International Accounting. Kobe Economics and Business Research Series No. 70. University of Kobe, March 2009, 180p. (Nihon no Monozukuri Sosiki Shikou no Kaikei to Kokusai Kaikei, (Kenkyusousyo 70) Koubedaigaku Keizaikeiei Kenkyusyo, 180peiji, 2009nen 3gatsu. シャム・サンダー、山地秀俊編著、『日本のもの造り組織指向 の会計と国際会計』〔研究叢書70〕神戸大学経済経営研究所 180頁 2009年3月。).

Copyright 1998 Shyam Sunder