Electronic Markets and Software
Some recent papers are also available from Social Science Research Network, EconPapers and Selected Works
Accounting and Control
Shyam Sunder, “Building the Economy through Trust in Accounting and Finance: Critical Role of Teachers and Accountants,” Keynote address at the Inaugural meetings of the Bangladesh Accounting Association (and Indian Accounting Research Foundation), Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 29, 2023.
Shyam Sunder. “Digitization of Human Perception, Models and Technology: Accounting Education, Practice and Research,” Keynote Address, Conference on Digitization and Accounting: Reshaping the Future, Center for Accounting Studies, and Department of Accounting at the School of Management, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China October 27-28, 2022 (Virtual). Text.
Shyam Sunder, “Some Thoughts on Jeremy Bertomeu’s ‘Disclosure Paternalism’,” 14thWorkshop on Accounting and Economics, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, July 7-8, 2022.
Shyam Sunder, “Achieving Good Financial Reporting under Rapidly Changing Environment,” Keynote address to the Annual Meetings of Canadian Academic Accounting Association, Saskatoon, June 10, 2022.
Shyam Sunder, “Anatomy of Research Journals’ Review and Revision Process,” (Virtual), Faculty Development Program, Jindal School of Banking and Finance, Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India, April 21, 2022. Announcement.
Shyam Sunder. 2021. “Finance, Economic Growth and Environment,” Valedictory Address at the Third Global Finance Enclave 2021, O. P. Jindal Global University (Sonepat, India), November 14, 2021. Powerpoint. Video.
Shyam Sunder. Virtual: What is Good Financial Reporting? How Do We Get There? Indian Accounting Association and Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (Western Region), June 11, 2021.
Shyam Sunder. Virtual: “What Is Good Financial Reporting? How Do We Get There?” Accounting Design Project, Center for Excellence in Accounting and Security Analysis, Columbia University and Indiana University, April 28, 2021.
Shyam Sunder. Virtual: “Rethinking Financial Reporting: Standards, Norms and Institutions” Accounting Research Workshop, Rutgers University. February 5, 2021.
Shyam Sunder. Virtual: “Roles of Prescription and Evolution in Practice of Financial Reporting” Online Seminars in Business, Accounting and Economics, Mansoura University, Mansoura Egypt, January 15, 2021. https://youtu.be/syAd16oct3E
Shyam Sunder. Virtual. “Financing and Quality of Higher Education in India,” Jindal Global University Higher Education Conclave, January 8, 2021.
Shyam Sunder. Virtual: “Reflections on the Future of the Accounting Profession” (Reflexiones Sobre el Futuro de la Profession Contable), Area de Ciencias Contables, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogota, Colombia, November 26, 2020.
Shyam Sunder, “Trust as Foundation of Finance and Accounting” Session on Financial Integrity and Misconduct, Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) in Virtual Space, July 18-20, 2020.
Shyam Sunder, “Remarks in the Panel on Corporate Fraud” JAAF Symposium, Indian Institute of Management, Bengalaru, January 11-13, 2020.
Shyam Sunder, “Financial Reporting in India” Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India, January 8, 2020.
Shyam Sunder, “Making Research Relevant” Panel on Impacting the Future, American Accounting Association Conference, New York, October 5, 2019.
Shyam Sunder, “Risk In Accounting: Concepts, Measures, Attitudes, Evidence and Consequences” Organizational and Market Risk Conference, Georgia State University, April 5-6, 2019.
Shyam Sunder, “Accounting for Good Governance.” Fourth Accounting Conference, University of Brasilia, Brasil, November 29, 2018.
Shyam Sunder, “What Shall We Say is Better Accounting?” 18th Annual Carnegie Mellon Accounting Mini-Conference Celebrating the Scholarly Excellence of Professor Yuji Ijiri, Tepper School of Business, August 17-18, 2018.
Author Meets Critics: “Comment on Understanding Mattessich and Ijiri,” Moderator and Speaker, Kyoto, Japan, June 23, 2018.
Shyam Sunder, “Rethinking Financial Reporting: Standards, Norms and Institutions,“ Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia, May 25, 2018.
Shyam Sunder, “Norms, Organizations and Risk in Accounting,” Universidad Externado de Colombia, Facultad de Contaduria Publica, Bogota, Colombia, May 23, 2018.
Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT. “Structure of Organizations for Production of Public and Private Goods,” Faculty workshop April 18, 2018.
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Second JAAF Symposium, Organizer and Moderator of Panel on “GST 2.0: Redesigning Goods and Services Tax in India,” January 9, 2018.
Shyam Sunder, “Rethinking Financial Reporting: Standards, Norms and Institutions,” Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, Dec. 1, 2017.
Shyam Sunder. “Accounting and Control in Organizations,” Yonsei University, Seoul Korea, November 29-30, 2017.
Manjula Shyam and Shyam Sunder, “Accounting, Business and Governance in Kautilya’s Arthasastra,” The Silk Road International Conference on Accounting History and Culture: While East Meets West, Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance and China Accounting Museum, Shanghai, China, November 25-26, 2017.
Shyam Sunder, Accounting and Controls for Local Governments: Organizing for Public- vs. Private Goods,” Inaugural Address at the 40th All-India Accounting Conference, Indian Accounting Association, Udaipur, India, November 18, 2017.
Shyam Sunder, Moderator for session on Money and Banking (II): Insights from Accounting for Financial Institutions, 29th Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics, Lyon, France, June 29, 2017.
Shyam Sunder, Comments as a Panel Member, “Reshaping and Developing Accounting Systems: Stakeholders Approach and Social Role of Accounting,” 29th Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics, Lyon, France, June 29, 2017.
Shyam Sunder. “Value Creation, Distribution, and Integrated Financial Reporting,” Indian Accounting Review Vol. 21 No. 1 (June 2017), pp. 1-18.
“Accounting for Regulation”. Sixth Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Conference, I.E. Business School, London School of Economics and Political Science, and University of Maryland’s Smith School of Business, Silver Springs, Maryland, June 8-9, 2017
“Changing Paradigm in Accounting and Finance: Emerging Issues”, Thirteenth International Accounting Conference, IAA Research Foundation and Deloitte India, Calcutta University, January 7, 2017.
“Rethinking Financial Reporting: Standards, Norms and Institutions”, JAAF Symposium, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, January 5-7, 2017
Accounting Research Workshop, Temple University. Shyam Sunder, Adam Esplin and Karim Jamal (University of Alberta), November 4, 2016. “Demand for and Assessment of Audit Quality in the Market for Private Capital: A Field Study”.
Yale School of Management Faculty Workshop, November 2, 2016, New Haven, CT. “Rethinking Financial Reporting: Standards, Norms and Institutions.”
Japan Society for Social Science of Accounting (31st Annual Conference), Nagasaki University (Katafuchi Campus), October 21-24, 2016. “What Is Better Accounting?”
Accounting Workshop, College of Business Management, National Taiwan University, Taipei, October 20, 2016. “Rethinking Financial Reporting: Standards, Norms and Institutions.”
LABEX-ReFi,Stony Brook Conference on US and European Financial Regulation, New York City, September 6-9, 2016. “What Is Better Financial Reporting and How Do We Get There?”
Yuji Ijiri Lectures, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, August 22, 2016. “An Invitation to Accounting:”
Summaries of Discussion (Prepared by Eunhee Kim and Wenjie Xue).
American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY. August 10, 2016. “Role of Accounting Academy in Society,”
Network on Accounting, Economics and Law, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Berkeley CA, June 26, 2016. “Social Norms, Risk and Financial Reporting”.
28th SASE Annual Meeting, UC Berkeley, CA. Moderator for discussion: “Author Meets Critics: Political Standards, Corporate Interest, Ideology, and Leadership in the Shaping of Accounting Rules for the Market Economy.” June 26, 2016.
Copenhagen School of Business, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 8, 2016. “Better Financial Reporting: Meanings and Means.”
Journal of Accounting, Economics and Law Conference, Harvard Law School, November 6-7, 2015, “Regulating Financial Matters by Written Rules.”
Conference on the Effect of Social Norms on Organizations and Market Risk. Georgia State University, October 23-24, 2015.Keynote address. “Norms, Organizations, Risk in Financial Reporting.”
Sixth University of Alberta Accounting Research Conference, Banff, August 15-16, 2015.“Better Financial Reporting”.
University of Tel Aviv, June 21-22, 2015. “Financial Engineering and the Arms Race between Accounting Standard Setters and Preparers.”
Accounting and Finance Workshop, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, June 10, 2015. “Financial Engineering and the Arms Race between Accounting Standard Setters and Preparers.”
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Conference, London School of Economics, May 29, 2015. “Better Financial Reporting: Meanings and Means.”
Labex ReFi Workshop on Accounting Regulation ESCP Europe, Paris, May 22, 2015. “Financial Engineering and the Arms Race between Accounting Standard Setters and Preparers.”
Which Accounting Regulation for Europe’s Economy and Society? Workshop Organized by Research Lab on Financial Regulation (Labex ReFi) under the auspices of the European Parliament, European Parliament, Strasbourg, May 20, 2015. “Financial Regulation for a Better Society.”
American Accounting Association – Mid-Atlantic Region Meetings, Cherry Hill, NJ April 24, 2015. “Financial Engineering and the Arms Race between Accounting Standard Setters and Preparers.”
Doctoral/Junior Faculty Consortium, American Accounting Association – Mid Atlantic Region, Cherry Hill, NJ April 23, 2014. “Statistical Inference in Accounting Research.”
Amrut Modi School of Management, Ahmedabad University, January 1, 2015. “Trade, Accounting, and Governance in Kautilya’s Arthaśāstra.”
H.L. Institute of Commerce, Ahmedabad University, January 2, 2015. “Accounting by Rules or Social Norms?”
Amrut Modi School of Management, Ahmedabad University, January 1, 2015. “Valuation of Equity and Investment Decisions.”
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, December 9, 2014. “Challenges of Social Science Research in Management.”
Yale School of Management Accounting Conference, May 30-31, 2014. “How Can Financial Reporting Standards Resist Accounting-Motivated Financial Engineering?”
JAPP Conference on Accounting and Risk Management, LSA, IE Business School and University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, May 29, 2014. “Role of Accounting in Managing Risk.”
AAA: APLG/FSA Annual Seminar, San Antonio, February 9-11, 2014. “Accounting and Control for MBA’s” Text
Second Critical Studies in Accounting and Finance Conference. Financing Development and Reshaping Globalization, United Arab Emirates University, Abu Dhabi, December 15-17, 2013. “Financial Reporting and Economic Development”
Accounting for Accounting in Economics Laboratory for Aggregate Economics and Finance, University of Santa Barbara, November 8-9, 2013. “Accounting for Policy in Accounting Economics and Law.”
Fifth International Conference on Accounting and Finance, University of Namibia, Windhoek, November 5, 2013. “Building Research Culture”
India Accounting and Finance Conference, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, September 10, 2013. “Financial Reporting and Regulation in a World of Financial Engineering: Accounting and the Global Financial Crisis.”
Yale School of Management Conference on Accounting and the Financial Crisis, July 12-13, 2013. Moderator of the Panel Discussion on Accounting and the Financial Crisis (with Gary Gorton, Andrew Metrick, Stephen Ryan and Martin Shubik)
III International Conference on Luca Pacioli in Accounting History, III Balkans and Middle East Countries Conference on Accounting and Accounting History, Istanbul, Turkey, June 19-22, 2013. Keynote Address. “Custom Fit or Off-the-Shelf Standards: Dilemma of Financial Reporting in Interactive World Economy.”
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Conference on Accounting and the World Economic Crisis, IE University, Segovia, Spain, June 14, 2013. Keynote Address. ” Financial Reporting and Regulation in a World of Financial Engineering: Accounting and the Global Financial Crisis.”
University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, March 12, 2013.
Prudence vs. Liquidity: Alternative Approaches to Money, Finance and Accounting, Workshop at Bocconi University, Milan, March 1, 2013. “Accounting Antecedents of the Financial Crisis” (powerpoint);; Summary of Remarks; Transcript of Remarks; Full Conference Audio (4:20 hours).
Singapore Management University, School of Accountancy, SOAR Public Lecture:“Financial Regulation in a World of Financial Engineering.” January 18, 2013.
Singapore Management University, School of Accountancy Faculty Workshop, “IFRS Monopoly: Pied Piper of Financial Accounting,” January 17, 2013
Singapore Management University, School of Accountancy Faculty Workshop, “Building Research Culture,” January 16, 2013.
Global ARC, Boston, October 17, 2012. “Can Accounting Standards Help Address Defined Benefit Pension Problems?” Discussion
Yale School of Management, University of Namibia, October 9, 2012 (by video). “Riding the Accounting Train: From Crisis to Crisis in eighty Years.”
Whitney Humanities Center, October 3, 2012, “Individual Behavior and Social Structures.“
XIII. Symposium on the Economic Analysis of the Firm, German Economic Association of Business Administration, GEABA, e.V. , University of Graz, Austria, 19-21 September 2012 .“Norms and Rules: Financial Reporting by Evolution or Design“
University of Alberta Accounting Conference, August 9-11, 2012. “Extensive Income and Value of the Firm: Who Gets What?”
American Accounting Association Annual Meetings, Washington DC, August 5-8, 2012.
- Panel on Rationalism in Accounting.
- Panel on Financial Reporting and Financial Engineering
Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland, June 22, 2012. “Engaging Auditors: Field Investigation of a Courtship.”
Yale Center for Corporate Governance, June 8, 2012. Moderator for Audit Panel: “Global Push to Reinvent Auditing.”
24th World Continuous Auditing and Reporting Symposium, Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey, May 3-4, 2012.”Problems of Defining and Reforming Auditor Liability.”
Accounting Workshop, Smeal College of Business, Penn State University, April 5, 2012. “Value of the Firm.”
Program on Non-Profit Organizations (PONPO), Yale University, April 3, 2012. “Structure of Organizations for Production of Public and Private Goods.“
International Seminar on Sustainability and Corporate Governance, EIILM, IAA Research Foundation, and Bengal Chamber, Kolkata, March 1, 2012. “Sustainability and Corporate Governance.”
Forum on Financial Structures and Management, Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, December 15, 2011. “Matching Expectations: Source of Decline and Remedy for Wealth of Societies.”
Emory University, Atlanta, December 2, 2011. “Engaging Auditors: Field Investigation of a Courtship.”
NTU Management Review Conference on Management Theory and Practice, Schools of Management of Fudan University and National Taiwan University, Shanghai, China, November 11-12, 2011, “Management as a University Discipline: Education and Research 管理作為大學的學科:教育與研究” Presentation (English) Presentation (Chinese)
Smart Women Securities, Yale Chapter, New Haven, CT – September 20, 2011. “Analyzing Companies and Industries.”
American Accounting Association, Annual Meeting, Denver, August 8-10, 2011.
- “Financial Reporting and Financial Stability: Causes and Effects,” Panelist, August 10, 2011. Summary of Remarks.
- “Financial Market Regulation and Opportunities for Accounting Research,” Panelist, August 9, 2011.
- “Asset Liabilities versus Revenue Expense Accounting,” Panelist, August 9, 2011.
- “Theoretical Perspectives on Disclosure,” Panel Moderator, August 8, 2011.
Consultative Committee of the Authorité des Norme Comptables (ANC), Paris, France, June 22, 2011. “Financial Reporting: Roles of Written and Unwritten Requirements.”
Third International Conference on Accounting and Finance, University of Namibia, Windhoek, June 13-14, 2011. “Contract Theory of Organizations, Accounting and Control.”
Shyam Sunder, Morgan Stanley Panel Discussion on Insurance Contract Accounting Standards, New York, June 9, 2011. Invited panelist. (Text) (Blog entry)
The Canadian Academic Accounting Association (CAAA) Annual Meeting, Toronto, May 27, 2011. “IFRS Monopoly: Pied Piper of Financial Reporting.” Presentation (PPT) Text
Rethinking Capitalism, Bruce Initiative at the University of California at Santa Cruz, April 7-9, 2011.
Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics: Accounting Symposium in Honor of Prof. K.R. Balachandran, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 25-26, 2011. “Statistical Studies of Accounting and Stock Markets.”
Presentation at Amrut Mody School of Management, Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, India, March 18, 2011. “Better Corporate Management: What, Why and How?”
Accounting Workshop, Keio Business School, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, February 19, 2011. “Value of the Firm.”
Sunder, Shyam. “IFRS Monopoly: The Pied Piper of Financial Reporting.” February 17, 2011. PPT Presentation. FASRI Web Discussion. http://fasri.net/index.php/2011/06/critique-of-potential-ifrs-monopoly/comment-page-1/#comment-11038
Presentation at Keidanren (Japan Chamber of Commerce), Tokyo, Japan, February 4, 2011. “Adoption of IFRS in U.S. as a sole financial reporting standard.”
International Symposium on the Prospects of IFRS Adoption: Present Situation in the U.S., Canada, and the World, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, on February 3, 2011. Presentation (PPT), Text, “Transcript.“
Accounting Standards Board of Japan, Tokyo, January 2011. “The Accounting Consensus: Implications for Accounting Education, Research and the Profession”
Conference on Information for Better Markets, Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales London, December 20-21, 2010. “IFRS Monopoly: Pied Piper of Financial Reporting.” Presentation (PPT) Text (PDF) Video stream ICAEW website
Presentation at Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, Dec 13, 2010. “Research for Accounting Policy”
JAAF/KPMG Foundation Conference, Stern School of Business, New York University, November 19, 2010. “Research for Accounting Policy.”
Videoconference, Zhytomyr State Technological University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, October 14, 2010. “Riding the Accounting Train: From Crisis to Crisis in Eighty Years.”
Fall 2010 Research Accounting Conference, Yale School of Management, October 19, 2010. “Research for Accounting Policy.”
11th Accounting Research Conference, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, September 24-25, 2010. “Research for Accounting Policy.” Introduction of Professor Ijiri.
American Accounting Association, Annual Meeting, August 3, 2010, Panelist on “Is the Financial Accounting Model Broken?”
Singleton-Green, Brian. 2010. “Commentary: Is the Reporting Model Broken?” Australian Accounting Review Vol. 20, Issue 4 (December): 409:410.
American Accounting Association, Annual Meeting, August 2, 2010, Panelist on “Accounting and the Financial Crisis.”
American Accounting Association, Annual Meeting, August 2, 2010, Panelist on “GAAP versus IFRS.”
Society for Advance of Socio-Economics, Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, June 24-26, 2010, Moderator for “Evolutionary Regulation: Rethinking the Role of Regulation in Economy and Society.”
Information, Markets and Organizations Conference, Harvard Business School, June 10-11, 2010. “Research for Accounting Policy.” Presentation (PPT).
International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) Conference and Plenary Address, Toronto, Canada, June 7-9, 2010. “Was Accounting a Root Cause of the Global Financial Crisis?” Text (PDF)
Liberty Fund Colloquium, Responsibility in Financial Reporting, Indianapolis, Indiana June 3-6, 2010.
Accounting Research Conference, Pennsylvania State University, April 30-May 1, 2010. “Impact of IFRS and Standardization on Financial Reporting.”
Conference on Financial Reporting, Auditing and Governance, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, April 23, 2010. “Riding the Accounting Train:From Crisis to Crisis in Eighty Years.” Presentation (PPT)
Yale SOM Faculty Research Workshop, April 14, 2010. “Engaging Auditors: Field Investigation of a Courtship.” Presentation (PPT)
Bruce Initiative on Rethinking Capitalism, University of California at Santa Cruz, April 8-10, 2010. “On the Accounting Train: From Crisis to Crisis in Eighty Years.” Presentation (PPT)
25th Anniversary Distinguished Scholar Series, College of Business, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, March 26, 2010. “Equilibrating Corporate Financial Engineering and Reporting.” Presentation (PPT)
SSN College of Management and Computer Applications, Chennai, China, December 24, 2009. “Better Corporate Management: What, Why and How?” Presentation (PPT)
Third Accounting Research Conference, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India, December 22-23, 2009. “Value of the Firm.” Presentation (PDF)
Accounting Workshop, City University of Hong Kong, December 18, 2009. “Engaging Auditors: Field Investigation of a Courtship.” (Work of Fiolleau, Hoang, Jamal and Sunder.) Presentation (PPT)
Accounting Research Symposium, Hangzhou, China, December 16-17, 2009. “Role of Accounting in Global Financial Crisis: Research and Open Questions.” Presentation (PPT):
20th Anniversary Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting, Rutgers University, November 14, 2009. “Equilibrating Corporate Financial Engineering and Report.” Presentation (PPT)
Center for Study of Science and Technology Policy (CSTEP), Bangalore, India, October 30 – November 4, 2009.
- Presentation: “Production of Private and Public Goods: When Market Mechanisms Work and Don’t Work”, November 3, 2009.
- Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, Bangalore, India, November 3, 2009. “Better Corporate Management: What, Why and How?” Presentation (PPT)
Smart Women Securities, Yale Chapter, New Haven, CT – October 6, 2009. “Researching to Find Good Investments.” Presentation(PPT)
Global Social Entrepreneurship Workshop, Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT – September 24, 2009. “Issues in Social Entrepreneurship.” Presentation (PPT)
Annual Meetings of the American Accounting Association, New York, August 3, 2009.
- Social and Moral Norms: Institutional Perspective on Accounting, Financial Markets and the Firm. “Norms and Regulation: Accounting beyond the Financial Crisis.” Presentation (PPT)
- Teaching Accounting 101 Presentation (PPT)
American Accounting Association Ethics Symposium, New York, August 2, 2009. “True and Fair’ as the Moral compass of Financial Reporting.” Presentation (PPT)
Mini-conference on Overcoming Financialization and Its Crisis: Ideas from and Suggestions for Accounting, Economics and Law. 21st Annual Conference of the Society of the Advancement of Socio-economics, Paris, July 16-18, 2009. “Accounting, Common Knowledge and the Dynamics of Stock Markets.” Presentation (PPT)
Accounting, Economics and Finance Seminar CNAM-Intec, Paris, July 15, 2009. “Perspectives and Questions on Corporate Financial Reporting.” Presentation (PPT)
First Mediterranean Critical Studies in Accounting and Finance Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, July 6-7, 2009. “Round Table: The Global Financial Crisis: Alternative Architectures of Financial System.” Presentation (PPT)
First Mediterranean Critical Studies in Accounting and Finance Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, July 6-7, 2009. “Behind the Financial Crisis: Views on Culture and Polity.” Presentation (PPT)
Yale Governance Forum 2009: Restoring Trust, June 10, 2009. Panel on Developments in Financial Reporting and Disclosure: Impact on Public Company Governance
Keizai Koho Center, Tokyo, Japan – May 29, 2009. “Good Corporate Management: What, Why and How?” Presentation (PPT)
Krakow University of Economics, Krakow, Poland – May 21, 2009. “Regulation of Accounting.” Presentation (PPT)
University of Gdansk, Poland – May 19, 2009. “Better Corporate Management: What, Why and How?” Presentation (PPT)
Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland – May 16, 2009. “Theory of Accounting and Control.” Presentation (PPT)
American Accounting Association Ohio Regional Meeting, May 8, 2009. “Evaluating Research Impact.” Remarks at the Panel on AACSB Task Force Report on Impact of Research. Text (PDF)
Dongbei University, Dalian, China – January 8, 2009. “Accounting and Accountability: Foundations of Good Governance” Presentation (PPT)
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, November 24-26, 2008.
- “Value of the Firm.” Presentation (PPT
- “Econometrics of Fair Values.” Presentation (PPT)
- “Accounting and Contract Theory of the Firm.” Presentation (PPT)
The Office of the Director General of Internal Markets and Services, European Commission, Brussels, November 20, 2008. “Regulation of Accounting.” Presentation (PPT)
Conference on Shifting Capital Markets and Corporate Performance, Millstein Center for Corporate Governance, Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT – November 7-8, 2008. Comments on “Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from India” by R. Madhumathi, M. Ranganatham, and R. Kannan. (Presentation (PPT)
Conference on Experimental Social Sciences, Washington University, St. Louis, MO – October 17-18, 2008. Comments on: “Recordkeeping Alters Economic History by Promoting Reciprocity by Basu et al.” (2008). Presentation (PPT)
Eighteenth Symposium on Auditing Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 2-4, 2008, Comments on: Choy and King, ” Instrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Incentives: An Experimental Investigation of Exogenous Guidance and Gatekeeper Behavior” Presentation (PPT)
International Social Entrepreneurship Workshop, Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT – September 30, 2008. “Engineering of Organizations: A Template”. Presentation (PPT)
Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets Workshop, Millstein Center for Corporate Governance and Performance, Yale School of Management, September 19-20, 2008. “Comments on Agent’s Response to Inefficient Judiciary: Social Norms and the Law in Transition.” Text (PDF)
American Accounting Association’s Annual Meeting, Anaheim – August 3-6, 2008.
- “Conceptual Framework: Revisiting the Basics. A comment on Hicks and the concept of ‘income’ in the conceptual framework”. Presentation (PPT)
- “Monopoly or Competition: Standard Setting in The Public and Private Sector.” Karim Jamal and Shyam Sunder. Presentation (PPT)
Twelfth Congress of the Academy of Accounting Historians, Istanbul, Turkey, July 20-21, 2008. “Trade, Accounting, and Governance in Kautilya’s Arthasastra.” Presentation (PPT)
Second Interdisciplinary Accounting Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark – June 23-24, 2008. “Monopoly and Competition: Standard Setting in the Public and Private Sector.” Presentation (PPT)
EIASM Workshop on Accounting and Economics, Universita Bocconi, Milan, Italy – June 19-20, 2008. “The Accounting Consensus: Implications for Accounting Education, Research and the Profession.” Presentation (PPT)
Conference on International Financial Reporting, Accounting, and Valuation, Fox School of Business, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – June 6-7, 2008.
- “Monopoly and Competition: Standard Setting in the Public and Private Sector.” Karim Jamal and Shyam Sunder. Presentation (PPT)
- IFRS, “The Accounting Consensus, and Its Implications for Accounting Education.” Presentation (PPT), Text.
European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) International Conference on Governing the Business Enterprise: Ownership, Institutions, and Society, Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, Paris, France – May 22-23, 2008. “Value of the Firm” Presentation (PPT)
Deloitte-Federation of Schools of Accountancy Faculty Consortium, Chicago, May 15-16, 2008, “IFRS, Accounting Consensus and its Implications for Accounting Education.”Presentation (PPT) Text (PDF)
Current Accounting Issues Conference, Michigan Association of CPAs, Lansing, MI – May 15, 2008. “Norms, Standards, and Failures in Accounting and Auditing: Rethinking Practice, Research, and Education.” Presentation (PPT)
Conference on Critical Perspectives in Accounting, Baruch College, New York – April 26, 2008. “Whispering in the Ears of Princes: Authority and Academa in Accounting.”Presentation (PPT)
Symposium on Principles v. Rules in Financial Regulation, Cambridge University, Cambridge, U.K., April 10-12, 2008. “Simpler Financial Reports.” Presentation (PPT)
Warsaw Academy TIGER and LKAEM Distinguished Lecture Series, Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management, Warsaw – March 28, 2008. “Better Corporate Governance: What, Why and How?” Presentation (PPT) Text (PDF) Link to Video
Berkeley Fellows, Berkeley College, New Haven CT – March 24, 2008. “Enron and the Failures of Financial Reporting: A Revisionist Perspective on Public Policy.” Text PDF
Bauer Accounting Conference, University of Houston – March 7-8, 2008. “Value of the Firm.” Presentation (PPT) Text (PDF)
AIS Workshop, University of Kansas – February 22, 2008. “Regulation, Competition and Independence in a Certification Society: Certification of Financial Reports vs. Baseball Cards” Presentation (PPT)
Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan – January 26, 2008.
- “International and National Standards and Norms of Financial Reporting: Monopoly or Competitive Coexistence.” Presentation (PPT), Text PDF
- Regulation, Competition and Independence in a Certification Society: Financial reports vs. Baseball cards.” Presentation(PPT)
Shyam Sunder, “Perspectives on Accounting Research,” Kobe Forum, Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, January 26, 2008.
Shyam Sunder, “International and National Standards and Norms of Financial Reporting: Monopoly or Competitive Coexistence,” Kobe Forum, Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, January 26, 2008. Presentation (PPT)
Shyam Sunder, “Regulation, Competition and Independence in a Certification Society: Financial Reports vs. Baseball Cards,” Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University, Japan, January 25, 2008. Presentation (PPT)
Manheim University – December 14, 2007. ” Regulation, Competition and Independence in a Certification Society: Financial Reports vs. Baseball Cards.” Presentation (PPT)
Faculty Research Workshop, Yale University School of Management – November 28, 2007. “Monopoly and Competition: Standard Setting in the Public and Private Sector.” Presentation (PPT)
Accounting Research Workshop, National Taiwan University – November 9, 2007. “Monopoly and Competition: Standard Setting in the Public and Private Sector.” Presentation (PPT)
Conference on Accounting Leadership, National Taipei University and Taiwan Accounting Association – November 8, 2007. “Accounting Leadership in Practice, Education and Research.” Presentation (PPT) , Presentation(Video)
Emanuel Saxe Lecture in Accounting, Baruch College, City University of New York, New York – October 22, 2007. “Adverse Effects of Accounting Uniformity on Practice, Education and Research.” Presentation (PPT) ,Text (PDF), Presentation(Video)
Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants, Troy, MI – October 17, 2007. “Norms, Standards, and Failures in Accounting and Auditing: Rethinking Practice, Research, and Education.” Presentation (PPT)
Accounting Research Workshop, Carnegie Mellon University – October 10, 2007. “Monopoly and Competition: Standard Setting in the Public and Private Sector.” Presentation (PPT)
Journée IFRS, CNAM, Paris – September 14, 2007. “International and National Standards and Norms of Financial Reporting: Monopoly or Competitive Coexistence.” Presentation (PPT), Text (PDF), Link to Video
Université Paris Dauphine – September 13, 2007. “Auditing and Competition: A Policy Dilemma.” Presentation (PPT)
Accounting Doctoral Students Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL – August 3-5, 2007. “Accounting Scholarship as an Avocation.” Presentation (PPT)
Chinese Accounting Professors Association Annual Conference, Wuhan, China – July 14, 2007. “Solving the Problem of Setting Efficient Accounting Standards and Increasing Complexity through Regulatory Competition.” Presentation (PPT)
Peking University, Beijing, China – July 12, 2007. “Norms, Standards and Failures in Accounting and Auditing: Rethinking Practice, Research and Education.” Presentation (PPT)
Interdisciplinary Accounting Conference, Danish Center of Accounting & Finance – Copenhagen, Denmark – July 2, 2007. Karim Jamal and Shyam Sunder, “Regulation, Competition and Independence in a Certification Society: Financial Reports vs. Baseball Cards.” Presentation (PPT)
American Accounting Association Doctoral Consortium, Lake Tahoe, June 13-17, 2007.
- “Welcome to AAA-Deloitte-J. Michael Cook Doctoral Consortium” Presentation (PPT)
- “’Fair’ Values” Presentation (PPT)
- “Why Competitive Standards” Presentation (PPT)
Annual Meeting of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia – June 1, 2007. Luncheon Address, “An Invitation to Accounting.” Presentation (PPT)
Faculty Lunch Seminar, Yale School of Management – May 2, 2007. “Regulation, Competition and Independence in a Certification Society: Certification of Financial Reports vs. Baseball Cards.” Presentation (PPT)
European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Lisbon, Portugal – April 25-27, 2007. “Auditor Liability Reform in UK and US: Who benefits?” Presentation (PPT)
Mid-Atlantic Regional Mid-Year Meeting of the American Accounting Association, Parsippany, NJ – April 19-21, 2007. Luncheon Address, “Norms, Standards and Failures in Accounting and Auditing: Rethinking Practice, Research and Education.” Presentation (PPT)
Midwest Regional Mid-Year Meeting of the American Accounting Association, St. Louis, MO – April 14, 2007. Luncheon Address, “Auditing and Competition: The Policy Dilemma.” Presentation (PPT)
Financial Accounting Foundation, Board of Trustees, New York, NY – February 26, 2007. Dinner Address, “Introduce Regulatory Competition to Simplify Financial Reporting.” Text (PDF)
Address at Resona Bank, Osaka, Japan – February 10, 2007. “Imagined Worlds of Accounting.” Text (PDF)
Address to a special meeting of the Korean Accounting Association, Seoul, Korea – February 7, 2007. “Norms, Standards and Failures in Accounting and Auditing: Rethinking Practice, Research and Education.” Presentation (PPT)
Seoul National University, Korea – February 6, 2007. “Value, Valuation and Standards.” Presentation (PPT)
American Accounting Association’s New Faculty Consortium, Lansdowne, VA – January 26-27, 2007. “Imagination as an Alternative Approach to Research and Scholarship.” Text (PDF)
Mid-Year Meeting of the AAA Financial Accounting and Reporting Section, San Antonio, Texas – January 19-20, 2007. Luncheon Address, “Econometrics of Fair Values.” Presentation (PPT)
ICFAI School of Business, Gurgaon, India – January 8, 2007. “Better Corporate Governance: What, Why and How?” Presentation (PPT)
Eighth International Accounting Conference, Indian Accounting Association Research Foundation, Kolkata, India – January 6, 2007. Opening Plenary Address, “From Norms towards Standards of Corporate Reporting: Transition and Consequences.” Presentation (PPT)
University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India – January 5, 2007. “Organizational Engineering.” Presentation (PPT)
EIILM University, Kolkata, India – January 5, 2007. “Better Corporate Governance: What, Why and How?” Presentation (PPT)
Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India – December 27, 2006. “Better Corporate Governance: What, Why and How?” Presentation (PPT)
29th All India Accounting Conference, University of Delhi – December 22-23, 2006. Opening Plenary Address, “Accounting, Education and Research as Infrastructure for a Modernizing Economy.” Presentation (PPT), Text (PDF)
2006 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan – November 23-24, 2006. Keynote Speaker, “Accounting and Control: Creation of Value and Valuation of Stakes.” Presentation (PPT)
Financial Supervisory Commission, Taipei, Taiwan – November 22, 2006. “Auditing and Competition: The Policy Dilemma.” Presentation (PPT)
Soochow University Lecture – November 22, 2006. “Imagined Worlds of Accounting.” Text (PDF)
National Taiwan University Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan – November 22, 2006. “Regulation, Competition and Independence in a Certification Society: Certification of Financial Reports vs. Baseball Cards.” Presentation (PPT)
Washington University in St. Louis Accounting Mini Conference in Honor of Nick Dopuch, St. Louis, MO – November 10-11, 2006. “Regulation and Markets in a Certification Society.” Presentation (PPT)
10th World Congress of Accounting Educators & The 3rd Annual International Accounting Conference, Istanbul, Turkey – November 9-11, 2006. Plenary Address, “Corporate Financial Reporting: By Emergence or Intelligent Design.” Presentation (PPT)
Sabanaci University Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey – November 7, 2006, “Regulation, Competition and Independence in a Certification Society: Financial Reports vs. Baseball Cards.” Presentation (PPT)
University of Illinois 17th Symposium on Audit Research, Montvale, NJ – September 28-30, 2006. “Regulation and Markets in a Certification Society.” Presentation (PPT)
Carnegie Mellon University Seventh Annual Accounting Conference – August 25-26, 2006. “Regulation and Markets in a Certification Society: Financial Reports vs. Baseball Cards.” Presentation (PPT)
American Accounting Association’s Annual Meeting, Washington, DC – August 9, 2006.
- Presidential Address, “Imagined Worlds of Accounting.” Text (PDF)
- Panelist on “Concentration and Competition: New Development in the Market for Audit.”
- Panelist on “The Contrasting Role of Accountants in U.S. and U.K. Corporate Governance Systems.”
Two-Year Section of the American Accounting Association’s Annual Meeting, Washington, DC – August 7, 2006. Luncheon Address, “Accounting as Foundation of Engineering of Organizations.” Text (PDF)
Symposium to Celebrate the 100th Birthday of Professor William T. Baxter, London School of Economics, U.K. – July 14-15, 2006. “Not by Will: Baxter and the Rise of Authoritative Accounting Standards.” Abstract, Text (PDF)
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Annual Conference: Constituting Globalization: Actors, Arenas and Outcomes, Special Session on Accounting and Economics. University of Trier, Germany – June 30-July 2, 2006. “Accounting Regulation Between Norms and Rules: the FASB and the IASB.” Program including the abstract (PDF)
HEC School of Management and University of Illinois Accounting Symposium, Paris, France – June 8-10, 2006. Luncheon Address, “Corporate Financial Reporting: By Emergence or Intelligent Design.” Presentation (PPT)
Tenth Anniversary Conference of the Ukrainian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors, Kiev, Ukraine – May 19, 2006. “Why Reconsider the Top-Down Push for Uniform Financial Reporting Standards?” Presentation (PPT)
Zhytomyr State Technological University Fifth Scientific Conference on Accounting, Zhytomyr, Ukraine – May 18, 2006.
- “Opportunity Cost, Profits, and Value.” Presentation (PPT), Related Paper
- “Accounting, Labor, Capital and Product Markets.” Presentation (PPT)
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine – May 17, 2006. “Control as Equilibrium.” Presentation (PPT)
Annual Meeting of the Ohio Region of the American Accounting Association, Cleveland, OH – May 5, 2006. Luncheon Address, “Why the Top-Down Push for Uniform Financial Reporting Standards?” Text (PDF), Presentation (PPT)
Annual Meeting of the Northeast Region of the American Accounting Association, Portsmouth, NH – April 21, 2006. Luncheon Address, “Why the Top-Down Push for Uniform Financial Reporting Standards?” Text (PDF) Presentation (PPT)
Annual Meeting of the Southeast Region of the American Accounting Association, Knoxville, TN – March 31, 2006. Luncheon Address, “From General Acceptance to Written Standards in Financial Reporting: Consequences for Accounting Practice, Education and Research.” Presentation (PPT)
29th Congress of the European Accounting Association, University College, Dublin, Ireland – March 22-24, 2006. Opening Plenary Session: KPMG Symposium on International Accounting Regulation and IFRS: Implementation in Europe and Beyond, “Why Reconsider the Top-Down Push for Uniform Financial Reporting Standards.” Text (PDF), Presentation (PPT)
Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association, Oklahoma City, OK – March 3, 2006. Plenary Address, “The State of Accounting Practice and Education.” Presentation (PPT)
Yale School of Management Faculty Workshop – February 22, 2006. “Corporate Financial Reporting: By Emergence or Intelligent Design?” Presentation (PPT)
Mini-Conference on Foundations of Accounting, Emory University Goizueta Business School – January 20, 2006. Discussant of “Quasi-Permanent Rules” by Mark Penno, University of Iowa.
University of Florida, Gainesville, Research Conference in Honor of Joel S. Demski – October 14-15, 2005. “Economizing Principle in Accounting Research.” Text (PDF)
Ohio State University, Conference on the Accounting Profession in Transition – October 6-8, 2005.
- “Minding Our Manners: Accounting as Social Norms.” Presentation (PPT)
- Panel member on Education, Research and the Accounting Profession.
University of Illinois Accounting Research Workshop – September 23, 2005. “Minding Our Manners: Accounting as Social Norms.”
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota – August 16-17, 2005
- “Remarks on Release of the Spanish Translation of Theory of Accounting and Control.” Text (PDF)
- Nanny Knows Best: The Problem of Setting Efficient Accounting Standards.” Presentation (PPT)
- “Accounting and Controls in E-Commerce: Expectations, Common Knowledge and Culture.” Presentation (PPT)
- “Opportunity Costs, Profits, and Value.” Presentation (PPT)
American Accounting Association Annual Meetings – August 8-10, 2005. Session Moderator, “Theoretical Models of Earnings Management.”
Institute of Chartered Accountants of England & Wales, London – June 16, 2005. “Nanny Knows Best: The Problem of Setting Efficient Accounting Standards.” Presentation (PPT)
Financial Reporting Council of U.K., London – June 16, 2005. “Nanny Knows Best: The Problem of Setting Efficient Accounting Standards.” Presentation (PPT)
Accounting and Finance Workshop, Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway – June 3, 2005. “Social Norms versus Standards of Accounting.” Presentation (PPT)
Krakow University of Economics, Zakopane, Poland – May 28-June 1, 2005
- “Social Norms versus Standards of Accounting.” Presentation (PPT)
- “Future of East-West General Accounting Theory Conferences.”
- “Defining Research Projects in Accounting.”
British Accounting Association’s Annual Meeting, Edinburgh, U.K. – March 30-April 1, 2005. Distinguished Lecture, “Minding Our Manners: Accounting as Social Norms.” Presentation (PPT)
Conference on General Accounting Theory: Towards Balancing the Society, L.K.Academy of Management and Entrepreneurship, Warsaw , Poland – June 17-18, 2004. “Contract Theory and Strategic Management: Balancing Expectations and Actions.” Presentation (PPT)
Ross Institute Forum on Auditor Independence , New York University – May 10, 2004. “Audit Failures: Why They Happened and What Can We Do?” Presentation (PPT)
Sunder, Shyam. Political Economy of Accounting Emory University, February 14, 2003.
Sixth International Conference of Indian Accounting Association Research Foundation, Calcutta – January 11, 2003. “Rethinking the Structure of Accounting and Auditing.” Text (PDF), Presentation (PPT)
- “Enron and Arthur Andersen: Lessons for Accounting and Corporate Governance.” Presentation (PPT)
National Science Council, Taiwan, August 27, 2002. “Structure of Organizations for Production of Public and Private Goods.”
National Taiwan University – August 27, 2002; University of Muenster, Germany – November 25, 2002; and London School of Economics – November 27, 2002. “Collapse of Accounting: Causes and Cures.” Presentation (PPT)
LondonSchool of Economics Management Accounting Research Group Conference on Management Control and E-Business – April 18, 2002. “Management Controls in E-Business: Expectations, Common Knowledge and Culture.” Presentation (PPT)
University of Illinois International Accounting Symposium – March 14-16, 2002. “Regulatory Competition Among Accounting Standards Within and Across International Boundaries.” Presentation (PPT)
Washington Luncheon Address, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research Conference – March 13, 2002. “Does Competition Offer a Way to Resolve the GAAP v. IAS Controversy?” Presentation (PPT)
Luncheon Address, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research Conference – March 13, 2002. “Does Competition Offer a Way to Resolve the GAAP v. IAS Controversy?” Presentation (PPT)
Management Accounting Conference Plenary Address, American Accounting Association, Austin , TX – January 11, 2002. “Management Controls, Expectations, Common Knowledge and Culture.” Presentation (PPT)
Workshop on E-Business and Management Controls, Plenary Address, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels – December 14, 2001. “Failure of Controls: An E-Commerce Epidemic.” Presentation (PPT)
Keynote Address, Tenth Conference on Accounting Theory and Practice, SooChow University and Taiwan Accounting Association, Taipei – October 27, 2001. “Standards for Corporate Financial Reporting: Regulatory Competition Within and Across National Boundaries.” Presentation (PPT)
Research Issues for Cross-Border Business Combinations and Strategic Alliances Conference , American Accounting Association, Berlin – June 22-25, 2001. “Research Issues in Accounting for Cross-Border Organizations.” Presentation (PPT) Lecture Text (PDF)
American Accounting Association’s International Visiting Lecturer, Bogazici University, Istanbul, October 9, 2000. “Structure of Organizations for Production of Public and Private Goods“.
The International Symposium on Chinese Accounting in the New Century, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, China – December 10-12, 1999. “Accounting: Continuity and Transition.” Lecture Text (PDF), Presentation
Accounting, Behavior and Organizations Conference Plenary Address, American Accounting Association, Costa Mesa , CA – October 8, 1999. “Common Knowledge and Accounting.” Lecture Text (PDF), Presentation
Presidential Research Lecture Presentation at Plenary Session, American Accounting Association, San Diego – August 18, 1999. “A Theory of Accounting and Control for Organizations Producing Public-Versus Private-Goods.” Lecture Text (PDF), Presentation
♦Working Papers/Notes
Shyam Sunder and Dae-Hee Yoon. “Conceptual Foundations of Audit: Quality, Independence, Efficiency, Signaling and Competition,” Yale University and Yonsei University Working Paper (August 17, 2023). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4544254 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4544254
Shyam Sunder. “Digitization, Perception, Cognition, and Categorization: Consequences for Accounting” Edited version of the Keynote Address at Conference on Digitization and Accounting: Reshaping the Future at the Center for Accounting Studies, and Department of Accounting at the School of Management, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China October 27-28, 2022 (Virtual).
Shyam Sunder, “Accounting Research and Problem Solving” May 14, 2020.
Shyam Sunder and Erik Olson, “No Contest: Can Financial Reporting Standards Achieve Comparability in the Face of Financial Engineering” October 31, 2019.
Shyam Sunder, “Making Research Relevant” Panel on Impacting the Future, American Accounting Association Conference, New York, October 5, 2019.
Shyam Sunder, “What Shall We Say is Better Accounting?” Remarks at the 18th Annual Carnegie Mellon Accounting Mini-Conference Celebrating the Scholarly Excellence of Professor Yuji Ijiri, Tepper School of Business, August 17-18, 2018.
Sunder, Shyam. “Comments on Nohora Garcia Understanding Mattessich and Ijiri: A Study of Accounting Thought.” August 6, 2018.
Esplin, Adam, Karim Jamal and Shyam Sunder. “Demand for and Assessment of Audit Quality in the Market for Private Capital: A Field Study”, Revised April 2018.
Yuji Ijiri: “Accounting for a Better Society,” Accounting, Economics and law: A Convivium,” published online by DeGruyter, February 2018. 10.1515/ael-2017-0045.
Memorial Service for Yuji Ijiri “Accounting for a Better Society”, Carnegie Mellon University, May 13, 2017.
Sunder, Shyam. “Value Creation, Distribution, and Integrated Financial Reporting.” Revised January 2017. Text Revised May 2017. Text
Sunder, Shyam. “Rethinking Financial Reporting: Standards, Norms and Institutions.” Forthcoming in Foundations and Trends in Accounting: www.nowpublishers.com/acc. Rethinking Financial Reporting: Standards, Norms and Institutions.
Esplin, Adam, Karim Jamal and Shyam Sunder. “Demand for and Assessment of Audit Quality in the Market for Private Capital: A Field Study”, Revised August 1, 2016. Text
Sunder, Shyam. “Better Financial Reporting: Meanings and Means,” Preliminary Draft May 29, 2015; Revised March 8, 2016. Yale University Text
Sunder, Shyam. “Risk in Accounting.” Revised August 5, 2015. First draft April 17, 2015.
Esplin, Adam, Karim Jamal and Shyam Sunder. “How Do Market Agents Assess Audit Quality?” (formerly Auditing and Private Capital Formation: A Field Study)“, Revised November 17, 2015. First draft, July 31, 2014.
Dye, Ronald A., Jonathan Glover, and Shyam Sunder. “Financial Engineering and the Arms Race Between Accounting Standard Setters and Preparers.” November 1, 2014.
Prudence vs. Liquidity: Alternative Approaches to Money, Finance and Accounting, Workshop at Bocconi University, Milan, March 1, 2013. “Accounting Antecedents of the Financial Crisis” (powerpoint);; Summary of Remarks; Transcript of Remarks; Full Conference Audio (4:20 hours).
Sunder, Shyam. “Corporate Disclosure: A Symposium.” December 31, 2011.
Sunder, Shyam. “Paradox of Writing Clear Rules: Interplay of Financial Reporting and Engineering.” Revised Draft December 8, 2011.
Jamal, Karim, Yuri Biondi, Jonathan Glover, James A. Ohlson, Stephen Penman, Shyam Sunder (invited principal and co-author), Eiko Tsujiyama, and Jeff Wilks. “Some Conceptual Tensions in Financial Reporting”, September 15, 2011.
Sunder, Shyam. “Statistical Studies of Financial Reports and Stock Markets.” New Working Paper, September 13, 2011.
Sunder, Shyam. “IFRS Monopoly: The Pied Piper of Financial Reporting.” February 17, 2011.
Jamal, Karim and Shyam Sunder. ” Unregulated Markets for Audit Services.” April 25, 2011.
Fiolleau, Krista, Kris Hoang, Karim Jamal, Shyam Sunder. “Engaging Auditors: Field Investigation of a Courtship.” May 5, 2010.
Bromwich, Michael, Richard Macve, and Shyam Sunder. “Hicksian Income in the Conceptual Framework”. March, 2010.
Sunder, Shyam. “Evaluating Research Impact.” May 8, 2009. Text (PDF)
Sunder, Shyam. “Comments on the Security and Exchange Commission’s Roadmap for Potential Use of Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by U.S. Issuers.” (File Number S7-27-08). April 17, 2009. (Text (PDF) (Link)
Sunder, Shyam. “Extensive Income and Value of the Firm: Who Gets What?” Revised October 30, 2008. Text (PDF)
Jamal, Karim and Shyam Sunder. “Are Regulatory Mandate and Independence Necessary For Audit Quality?” October 13, 2008. Text (PDF)
Shyam, Manjula and Shyam Sunder. “Accounting and Governance in Kautilya’s Arthasastra“, First draft, August 9, 2008.
Colson, Robert, George Benston, Douglas Carmichael, Theodore Christensen, Karim Jamal, Stephen Moehrle, Shivaram Rajgopal, Thomas Stober, Shyam Sunder, and Ross Watts. Response to FAF Exposure Draft, “Proposed Changes to Oversight, Structure, and Operations of the FAF, FASB, and GASB”. July 17, 2008. Text (PDF)
IFRS, “The Accounting Consensus, and Its Implications for Accounting Education.” Presentation (PPT), Text.
Jamal, Karim and Shyam Sunder. “Monopoly or Competition: Standard Setting in the Private and Public Sector.” December 2007.
Sunder, Shyam. “International and National Standards and Norms of Financial Reporting: Monopoly or Competitive Coexistence.” September 2007. Text (PDF). In French: “Des régulations comptables nationales et internationale : monopole ou coexistence concurrentielle.” September 2007. Text (PDF)
Bush, Tim, Stella Fearnley, and Shyam Sunder. “Auditor Liability Reforms in UK and US: A Comparative Review.” August 2007. Text (PDF)
“Introduce Regulatory Competition to Simplify Financial Reporting” scanned notes, February 16, 2007. Text
Sunder, Shyam. “Why Reconsider the Top-Down Push for Uniform Financial Reporting Standards.” March 2006.
Balakrishnan, Ramji, K. Sivaramakrishnan, and Shyam Sunder. “A Resource Granularity Framework for Estimating Opportunity Costs.” February, 2004.
Sunder, Shyam. “Research Issues in Accounting for Cross-Border Organizations.” Notes on talk given at AAA Cross-Border Business Combinations and Strategic Alliances Conference, Berlin – June 22-25, 2001. PPT Presentation
Sunder, Shyam. “Determinants of Accounting Differentiation: Economic Sectors or National Boundaries.” July 12, 2000.
Shah, Anish and Shyam Sunder. “Directors’ Incentives and Corporate Performance.” March 1999. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
Sunder, Shyam. “Structure of Organizations for Production of Public and Private Goods.” February 1999. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
Sunder, Shyam. “Theory of Accounting and Control: Exercises and Problems.” February 1999. Text (PDF)
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Rethinking Financial Reporting: Standards, Norms and Institutions, Foundations and Trends® in Accounting: Vol. 11: No. 1–2, pp 1-118. http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/1400000034. |
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Rethinking Financial Reporting: Standards, Norms and Institutions (Japanese edition).: シャム・サンダー 著、 徳賀芳弘・山地秀俊 監訳、工藤栄一郎・大石桂一・潮﨑智美 訳、『財務報告の再検討 基準・規範・制度』、税務. (Shyamu Sandah cyo, Yoshihiro Tokuga・Hidetoshi Yamaji kanyaku、Eiichirou Kudou, Keiichi Ohishi, Tomomi Shiosaki yaku, Zaimuhoukoku no Saikentou kijun・Kihan・Seido, Zeimukeirikyoukai. Book Cover, Preface to the Japanese Edition, Chapter 1, Order from Japanese publisher’s website at: http://www.zeikei.co.jp/book/b561062.html). |
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Rethinking Financial Reporting: Standards, Norms and Institutions, Foundations and Trends® in Accounting: Vol. 11: No. 1–2, pp 1-118. http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/1400000034.
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Sunder, Shyam and Yamaji Hidetoshi, eds. 2009. Japanese Accounting for Manufacturing Organization and International Accounting. Kobe Economics and Business Research Series No. 70. University of Kobe, March 2009, 180p. http://www.rieb.kobe-u.ac.jp/academic/ra/researchseries/research_ser/research_ser70.pdf. (Nihon no Monozukuri Sosiki Shikou no Kaikei to Kokusai Kaikei, (Kenkyusousyo 70) Koubedaigaku Keizaikeiei Kenkyusyo, 180peiji, 2009nen 3gatsu. シャム・サンダー、山地秀俊編著、『日本のもの造り組織指向 の会計と国際会計』〔研究叢書70〕神戸大学経済経営研究所 180頁 2009年3月。). |
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Sunder, Shyam and Hidetoshi Yamaji, eds, The Japanese Style of Business Accounting, 1999 – Table of Contents and Preface |
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Sunder, Shyam. Theory of Accounting and Control, Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 1997. ISBN 0-538-86686-1. Reviewed by Susan Perry, The Accounting Review 73, no. 3 (July 1997): 490-91; Robert Bloom, The Government Accountants Journal 46 no. 2 (Summer 1997): 18.Exercises and Problems (PDF) |
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Theory of Accounting and Control (Japanese Edition), 1998 – Foreward and Table of Contents Japanese translation: Hidetoshi Yamaji, Kazumi Suzuki, Yoshinao Matsumoto, and Akira Kajiwara. Kaikei To Kontororu No Riron: Keiyaku Riron Ni Motozuku Kaikeigaku Nyumon. Tokyo: Keiso Shobo Publishing Company, 1998. ISBN 4-326-50146-4. Reviewed by Shota Otomasa, Kigyou Kaikei 51, no. 3 (March 1999). |
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Theory of Accounting and Control (Korean Edition), 1999 Korean translation: Kim Gab-Ryong. Hwekewa Tongjae. Seoul: Dae Young Publishing Company, 1999. ISBN 89-7163-090-6. |
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Theory of Accounting and Control (Standard Chinese Edition) 2000 – Foreward and Table of Contents Standard Chinese translation: Rong-Ruey Duh, Chia-shin Chiang, and Sin-Hui Yen. Kwai Ji Yu Kong Ter Si Tong: Si Wu Guan Cha Yu Lee Lun. Taipei: Yuan-Liou Publishing Company, 2000. ISBN 957-32-4102-1 (494). |
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Theory of Accounting and Control (Simplified Chinese Edition, 2001) Simplified Chinese Translation: Fang Hong Hsing, Wang Peng, Lee Hong Hsia, Kwai Ji You Kon Tz Li Lun. Dalien, China: Dongbei University of Finance and Economics Press, 2000. ISBN 7-81044-687-8/F. 345.
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Theory of Accounting and Control (Spanish Edition, 2005) Spanish translation: Nohora Garcia, Claudia Niño, Diego Hernandez, Manuel Muñoz and Pedro Nel Paez. Teorỉa de la contabilidad y el control. Bogota: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2005. ISBN 0-538-86686-1. Remarks on Release of the Spanish Edition. Presented to Faculty of Economic Sciences, National University of Columbia, Bogota, Columbia, August 17, 2005. Text (PDF).
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Theory of Accounting and Control (Portuguese Edition, 2014) |
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Kigyou Kaikei no Keizaigakuteka Bunseke (Economic Analysis of Business Accounting), Tokyo: Chyuou Keizaisya, 1996. ISBN 4-502-14023-6. |
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Sunder, Shyam. An Empirical Analysis of Stock Price and Risk as They Relate to Accounting Changes in Inventory Valuation Methods. Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University, 1973. Abstracted in Journal of Finance 29, no. 5 (December 1974). Doctoral Dissertation. Abstract (PDF) |
♦Published Articles
234. Shyam Sunder. 2022. “Comments On: Nohora Garcia, ‘Understanding Mattessich and Ijiri: A Study of Accounting Thought’” Journal of Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, 12(4): 305–310, https://doi.org/10.1515/ael-2018-0025.
230. Shyam Sunder. “Accounting Research and Problem Solving,” Editorial, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, https://doi.org/10.1515/ael-2020-0058.
218. Adam Esplin, Karim Jamal, and Shyam Sunder. (2018) “Demand for and Assessment of Audit Quality in Private Companies.” Abacus, A Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business Studies, doi: 10.1111/abac.12138.
216. Shyam Sunder. Yuji Ijiri: Accounting for a Better Society,” Accountant Vol. 69 No. 12 (December 2017): 20-24. ISSN 0386-4448. (In Japanese: Shyam Sunder. Yuji Ijiri: Accounting for a Better Society,” Accountant Vol. 69 No. 12 (December 2017): 20-24).
211. Shyam Sunder, “Financial Regulation for a Better Society“, Account Econ Law 2017; 7(2): 51-58. https://doi.org/10.1515/ael-2017-0013
207. Shyam Sunder. “Value, Creation, Distribution, and Integrated Financial Reporting,” Indian Accounting Review Vol. 21 No. 1 (June 2017), pp. 1-18.
206. Sunder, Shyam. “Statistical studies of financial reports and stock markets,” Journal of Capital Markets Studies, Vol. 1 Issue: 1, pp.5-9, https://doi.org/10.1108/JCMS-10-2017-006. Shyam Sunder https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8623-6409.
Text. Abstract: Renowned for his creativity and engagement with the fundamental aspects and role of accounting in society, Yuji Ijiri was one of the most important accounting scholars of the twentieth century.
204. Shyam Sunder (2016), “Rethinking Financial Reporting: Standards, Norms and Institutions“, Foundations and Trends® in Accounting: Vol. 11: No. 1–2, pp 1-118. http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/1400000034.
- Critic Colin Haslam comments. Text.
- To purchase the book version of this issue at a discounted price ($40 incl. shipping, quote promotion code 693632), go to: http://www.nowpublishers.com/Order/BuyBook?isbn=978-1-68083-144-3.
203. Sunder, Shyam, “Better financial reporting: Meanings and means”. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 35 (2016), pp. 211-223. DOI : 10.1016/j.jaccpubpol.2016.03.002. Abstract (pdf). Text (pdf).
201. Sunder, Shyam , “Risk in Accounting.” Abacus – A Journal of Accounting, Finance and Business Studies, (2015), Vol. 51, No. 4, pp. 536-548. DOI: 10.1111/abac.12060. Abstract. Text.
197. Dye, Ronald A., Jonathan Glover, and Shyam Sunder. “Financial Engineering and the Arms Race Between Accounting Standard Setters and Preparers.” Accounting Horizons, Vol.29, No. 2, 2015, pp. 265-295. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2508360.
196. Jamal, Karim and Shyam Sunder. ” Monopoly versus Competition in Setting Accounting Standards.” ABACUS, Vol. 50, No.4, pp. 369-385. 2014. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2468156.
194. Sunder, Shyam. “Accounting Antecedents of the Financial Crisis,” in Prudence vs. Liquidity: Alternative Approaches to Money, Finance and Accounting. Milan: Bocconi University and Paris: Autorité des normes comptables, 2013, pp. 33-38.
193. Sunder, Shyam. “Custom Fit or Off-the-Shelf Standards: Dilemma of Financial Reporting in Interactive World Economy” 3rd International Conference on Luca Pacioli in Accounting History/3rd Balkans & Middle East Countries on Accounting and Accounting History, Conference Proceedings Vol. I, June, 2013 pp.1-15.
192. American Accounting Associataion’s Financial Accounting Standards Committee (George J. Benston, Theodore E. Christensen, Robert H. Colson, Karim Jamal, Stephen R.Moehrle, Shivaram Rajgopal, Thomas L. Stober, Shyam Sunder and Ross L. Watts), “Response to FAF Exposure Draft on Proposed Changes to Oversight, Structure, and Operations of the FAF, FASB, and GASB .” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Vol. 28, Issues 1, 2009, pp. 51-57.
191. Sunder, Shyam. “The Problem of Improving Financial Reporting.“ Izmir Review of Social Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1, Pgs. 1-6, June 2013.
188. Fiolleau, Krista, Kris Hoang, Karim Jamal and Shyam Sunder. “How Do Regulatory Reforms to Enhance Auditor Independence Work in Practice?” Contemporary Accounting Research Vol. 30 No. 3, Fall 2013, pp. 864-890.
186. Fearnley, Stella and Shyam Sunder. Submission of Evidence to UK Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards, Financial News, October 19, 2012.
185. Fearnley, Stella and Shyam Sunder. “Global accounting rules — an unfeasible aim.” Financial Times, June 3, 2012.
187. Sunder, Shyam. “Corporate Disclosure: A Symposium” Accounting Horizons, Volume 26, Number 2, June 2012, pp. 353-355.
190. Ball, Tracey C., Jonathan Glover, Karim Jamal, Rozina Kassam, Ken Kouri, D. Brad Paterson, Suresh Radhakrishnan and Shyam Sunder, “Reviewing Rotation” CA Magazine, June/July 2012, pp.36-38.
189. Jamal, Karim, Yuri Biondi, Jonathan Glover, James A. Ohlson, Stephen Penman, Shyam Sunder (invited principal and co-author), Eiko Tsujiyama, and Jeff Wilks. “Some Conceptual Tensions in Financial Reporting”, Accounting Horizons, Vol. 26, Number 1, March 2012, pp. 125-133.
180. Sunder, Shyam. “Paradox of Writing Clear Rules: Interplay of Financial Reporting and Engineering.” The Japanese Accounting Review. 1 (2011) pp. 119-130.
181. Jamal, Karim and Shyam Sunder. “Unregulated Markets for Audit Services.” The Japanese Accounting Review, 1 (2011), 1-16
178. Sunder, Shyam. “IFRS Monopoly: The Pied Piper of Financial Reporting.” Accounting and Business Research, 41:3, 291-306 (2011). “Student Discussion Thread from a Master’s Class. Dutch Abstract.
175. Jamal, Karim and Shyam Sunder. “Is mandated independence necessary for audit quality?” Accounting, Organizations and Society 36 (2011), pp. 284-292
- Chris Chapman | Mark E. Peecher, “Worlds of Assurance,”
Accounting, Organizations and Society, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 31 July 2011.
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S036136821100064X - Jere R. Francis, “Auditing without borders,”
Accounting, Organizations and Society, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 23 July 2011.
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0361368211000626 - Jon S. Davis, “Insights from assurance analogs,”
Accounting, Organizations and Society, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 22 July 2011.
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0361368211000602 - Michael Power, “Assurance worlds: Consumers, experts and independence,”
Accounting, Organizations and Society, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 22 July 2011.
- Chris Chapman | Mark E. Peecher, “Worlds of Assurance,”
177A. Sunder, Shyam. “A Conductor of Wisdom”, an interview with Professor Ishikawa, Weekly Report on Financial Accounting Vol. No. 3011, April 11, 2011, pp. 56-58. 財務会計上の週次レポート
177. Sunder, Shyam. “Allowing Financial Reporting Standards to Compete,” Weekly Report on Financial Accounting Vol. No. 3012 April 18, 2011, pp. 47-52. “複数基準の並存を,” 財務会計上の週次レポート
173. Sunder, Shyam. “Imagined Worlds of Accounting.” Reprinted in Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium, Volume 1, Issue 1 (2011), Article 8 Text (PDF).
171. Sunder, Shyam. “Held to account.” ICGN (International Corporate Governance Network) Yearbook 2010, pp. 26-27.
170. James A. Ohlson, Stephen Penman, Robert Bloomfield, Theodore E. Christensen, Robert Colson, Karim Jamal, Stephen Moehrle, Gary Previts, thomas Stober, Shyam Sunder, and Ross L. Watts. “A Framework for Financial Reporting Standards: Issues and a Suggested Model.” Accounting Horizons, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2010, pp. 471-485.
169. Bromwich, Michael, Richard Macve, and Shyam Sunder. “Hicksian Income in the Conceptual Framework” Abacus, Vol. 46, Issue 3, pp. 348-376. September, 2010.
Jeremy Hoskins, David Davis, Howard Flight, Patrick Evershed, Shyam Sunder, Stella Fearnley, Emile Woolf, and Timothy Bush, “UK Accounts Lack Proper Scrutiny,” The Times, July 27, 2010, p. 20.
169A. Sunder, Shyam. Posting on Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation blog, Tuesday June 22, 2010. Discussion of Bromwich, Michael, Richard Macve, and Shyam Sunder. “Hicksian Income in the Conceptual Framework.”
174. Sunder, Shyam. “Devising Efficient Accounting Standards.” Indian School of Business ISBInsight, Spring 2010. Discussion with Professor Tarun Jain.
165. Sunder, Shyam. “True and Fair’ as the Moral Compass of Financial Reporting.” Research on Professional and Ethics in Accounting, Volume 14, 2010, pp 3 -11.
164, Sunder, Shyam. “Adverse Effects of Accounting Uniformity on Practice, Education, and Research.” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Vol. 29, Issue 2, March-April 2010, pp99-114. doi:10.1016/j.jaccpubpol.2009.10.011.
166. Jamal, Karim; Bloomfield, Robert; Christensen, Theodore E.; Colson, Robert H.; Moehrle, Stephen; Ohlson, James; Penman, Stephen; Stober, Thomas; Sunder, Shyam; Watts, Ross L. “A Perspective on the Canadian Accounting Standards Board Exposure Draft on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for Private Enterprises.”Accounting Horizons, Mar2010, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p129-137, 9p.
167. Jamal, Karim; Bloomfield, Robert; Christensen, Theodore E.; Colson, Robert H.; Moehrle, Stephen; Ohlson, James; Penman, Stephen; Stober, Thomas; Sunder, Shyam; Watts, Ross L. “A Research-Based Perspective on the SEC’s Proposed Rule-Roadmap for the Potential Use of Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance with International Reporting Standards (IFRS) by U.S. Issuers.” Accounting Horizons, Mar2010, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p139-147, 9p.
168. Moehrle, Stephen; Stober, Thomas; Jamal, Karim; Bloomfield, Robert; Christensen, Theodore E.; Colson, Robert H.; Ohlson, James; Penman, Stephen; Sunder, Shyam; Watts, Ross L. ” Response to the Financial Accounting Standard Board’s and the International Accounting Standard Board’s Joint discussion Paper entitled Preliminary on Financial Statement Presentation.” Accounting Horizons, Mar2010, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p149-158, 10p. Text (PDF)
162. Sunder, Shyam. 2009. “Kobe Forum Perspectives on Japanese Accounting and Management Research,” in Shyam Sunder and Yamaji Hidetoshi, eds. Japanese Accounting for Manufacturing Organization and International Accounting, Kobe Economics and Business Research Series No. 70. University of Kobe, March 2009, pp. 165-180. Text (PDF)
160. Sunder, Shyam. “IFRS and the Accounting Consensus” Accounting Horizons Vol. 23, No.1 (March 2009) pp. 101-111. Text (PDF)
158. Sunder, Shyam. “SEC’s mandate will lead to a monopoly.” Financial Times September 17, 2008. Text (PDF)
156. Sunder, Shyam. “Building Research Culture” China Journal of Accounting Research Vol. 1 Issue 1. (June 2008) Text (PDF). Chinese Translation (PDF)
154. Sunder, Shyam. “International and National Standards and Norms of Financial Reporting: Monopoly or Competitive Coexistence”, General Accounting Theory. (2008) pp.13-20.
159. Shyam, Manjula and Shyam Sunder, 2008. “Appraising Accounting and Business Concepts in Kautilya’s Arthasaastra,” in Cengiz Toraman, ed. Proceedings of the World Congress of Accounting Historians, Vol. I (pp. 69-81). Istanbul, Turkey: Association of Accounting and Finance Academicians. Text (PDF)
152. Jamal, Karim, George Benston, Douglas Carmichael, Theodore Christensen, Robert H. Colson, Stephen Moerhle, Shivaram Rajgopal, Thomas Stober, Shyam Sunder, and Ross Watts. “A Perspective on the SEC’s Proposal to Accept Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Without Reconciliation to U.S. GAAP.” Accounting Horizons 22, no. 2 (June 2008). Text (PDF)
153. Sunder, Shyam. “Better Corporate Governance: What, Why and How?” Warsaw Academy TIGER and LKAEM Distinguished Lecture Series, Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management, Warsaw – March 28, 2008. Text (PDF)
150. Sunder, Shyam. “Econometrics of Fair Values.” Accounting Horizons 22 no.1 (March 2008): 111-125.
161. Sunder, Shyam. 2007. “Not by Will: Baxter and the Rise of Authoritative Accounting Standards,” in Pauline Weetman, “Comments on Deprival Value and Standard Setting in Measurement: From a Symposium to Celebrate the Work of Professor William T. Baxter,” Accounting and Business Research. Kingston upon Thames. Vol. 37, iss. 3; pp. 233-242. Text (PDF). https://doi.org/10.1080/00014788.2007.9730074.
149. Sunder, Shyam. “Des regulations comptables nationales et internationale: monopole ou coexistence concurrentielle.” La Revue Du Financier 168, (November/December 2007): 18-24. Text (PDF) Link
English Translation: Sunder, Shyam. “International and National Standards and Norms of Financial Reporting: Monopoly or Competitive Coexistence.” General Accounting Theory (2008): 13-20. Republished in translation from French: Sunder, Shyam. “Des regulations comptables nationales et internationale: monopole ou coexistence Text (PDF)
148. Sunder, Shyam. “Interview with President AAA” by Ranjan Kumar Bal. Indian Journal of Accounting 37, no. 2 (June 2007): 83-85. Text (PDF)
147. Fearnley, Stella and Shyam Sunder. “Bring Back Prudence.” Accountancy, October 2007. Text (PDF)
146. Fearnley, Stella and Shyam Sunder. “Pursuit of Convergence is Coming at Too High a Cost.” The Financial Times, August 23, 2007. Text (PDF) Link
144. Sunder, Shyam. “Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty.” Accounting Education News, Summer 2007. Text (PDF)
142. Fearnley, Stella and Shyam Sunder. “Competition Required to Reduce Standards Complexities.” The Financial Times, May 17, 2007. Text (PDF)
141. Antle, Rick and Shyam Sunder. “What Happened to the Accounting Profession?” By Ben Mattison. Q1 (Spring 2007): 63-71. Text (PDF)
140. Sunder, Shyam. “Economizing Principle in Accounting Research.” In Essays in Accounting Theory in Honour of Joel S. Demski edited by Rick Antle, Pierre Jinghong Liang, and Frøystein Gjesdal, 295-310. New York: Springer, 2007. Text (PDF)
138. Sunder, Shyam. “Invitation to Chicago, Illinois.” Accounting Education News, Spring 2007. Text (PDF)
135. Sunder, Shyam. “Academic Journals and Scholarship.” Accounting Education News, Winter 2007. Text (PDF)
133. Sunder, Shyam. “Imagined Worlds of Accounting.” Accounting Education News, Fall 2006. Text (PDF) A longer version was published in Japanese as “Imagined Worlds of Accounting.” Accounting [Japanese] 59, no. 5 (May 2007): 113-119. Text (PDF); Reprinted in Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium, Volume 1, Issue 1 (2011), Article 8 Text (PDF).
132. Fearnley, Stella and Shyam Sunder. “Civil approach to audit avoids the reckless penalties.” The Financial Times, September 14, 2006. Text (PDF)
139. Sunder, Shyam. “Uniform Financial Reporting Standards: Reconsidering the Top-Down Push.” The CPA Journal, April 2007. An earlier draft was published in Turkish as “Tekdüzen Finansal Raporlama Standartlarınının Yukarıdan Aşağıya Uygulanmak İstenmesi Niçin Tekrar Düşünülmeli?” [Why Reconsider the Top-Down Push for Uniform Financial Reporting Standards?] Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi 31 (July 2006): 6-10. Text (PDF)
134. Sunder, Shyam. “Accounting as the Foundation of Engineering of Organizations.” Communicator, Fall/Winter 2006. Text (PDF)
131. Fearnley, Stella and Shyam Sunder. “Global Reporting Standards: The Esperanto of Accounting.” Accountancy, May 2006. Text (PDF)
128. Sunder, Shyam. “Minding Our Manners: Accounting as Social Norms.” The British Accounting Review 37 (December 2005): 367-387. Text (PDF)
127. Sunder, Shyam. “Social Norms versus Standards of Accounting.” In General Accounting Theory: Towards Balanced Development edited by Mieczysław Dobija and Susan Martin, 157-177. Cracow, Poland: Cracow University of Economics, 2005. Text (PDF)
126. Fearnley, Stella and Shyam Sunder. “The Headlong Rush to Global Standards.” The Financial Times, October 27, 2005. Text (PDF)
124. Sunder, Shyam. “Changing Expectations as a Source of and Remedy for Corruption.” The Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management 17, no. 3 (Fall 2005): 420-423. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
122. Jamal, Karim, Michael Maier, and Shyam Sunder. “Enforced Standards Versus Evolution by General Acceptance: A Comparative Study of E-Commerce Privacy Disclosure and Practice in The US and UK.” Journal of Accounting Research 43, no. 1 (March 2005), 73-96. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
121. Sunder, Shyam, panelist. “Accounting Reform: Progress and Unresolved Problems.” In Restoring Trust in America’s Business Institutions: Sloan Project on Business Institutions: Conference Proceedings, November 6-7, 2003 edited by Margaret M. Blair and William W. Bratton, 47-51. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Law Center, 2005. Text (PDF)
120. Balakrishnan, Ramji, K. Sivaramakrishnan, and Shyam Sunder. “A Resource Granularity Framework for Estimating Opportunity Costs.” Accounting Horizons 18, no. 3 (September 2004): 197-206.Text (PDF)
119. Sunder, Shyam. “Competition in the Market for Audit Services and Corporate Governance.” Insight Into How Companies Should Be Run. Dow-Jones Corporate Governance, August 4, 2004. Text (PDF)
117A. Anish Shah, Shyam Sunder, “Directors’ Incentives and Corporate Performance.” Nankai Business Review, 2004, Issue 4, pp 4-14. Text in English Text In Chinese.
117. Sunder, Shyam. “Interaction of Market Discipline and Public Policy: Discussion.” In Market Discipline Across Countries and Industries edited by Claudio Borio, William C. Hunter, George Kaufman, and Kostas Tsatsaronis, 341-345. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004. Text in Chinese (PDF).
115. Sunder, Shyam. “Contract Theory and Strategic Management: Balancing Expectations and Actions.” In General Accounting Theory: Towards Balancing the Society edited by Mieczysław Dobija and Susan Martin, 231-249. Warsaw, Poland: Leon Koźmiński Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management, 2004. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
113. Jamal, Karim, Michael Maier, and Shyam Sunder. “Regulation and the Marketplace.” Regulation: The CATO Review of Business and Government 26, no. 4 (Winter 2003-2004): 38-41. Text (PDF)
111. Sunder, Shyam. “Accounting: Labor, Capital and Product Markets.” In General Accounting Theory edited by Mieczysław Dobija, 187-203. Cracow, Poland: Cracow University of Economics, 2003. Abstract (PDF) , Text (PDF)
110. Arya, Anil, Jonathan Glover, and Shyam Sunder. “Are Unmanaged Earnings Always Better for Shareholders?” Supplement, Accounting Horizons 17 (2003): 111-116. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
109. Sunder, Shyam. “Rethinking the Structure of Accounting and Auditing.” Indian Accounting Review 7, no. 1 (June 2003): 1-15. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF) An earlier draft was published in Chinese as [Political Economy of the Accounting Collapse in the U.S.] in Accounting Research Monthly no. 204 “Mining Intellectual Capital” (November 2002): 32-42 Text (PDF) and in German as “Politish-ökonomische Betrachtungen zum Zusammenbruch der Rechnungslegung in den USA” [Political Economy of the Accounting Collapse in the U.S.]. Die Wirtschaftsprüfung 56, no. 4 (15, February 2003): 141-150. Text (PDF)
108. Jamal, Karim, Michael Maier, and Shyam Sunder, “Privacy in E-Commerce: Development of Reporting Standards, Disclosure and Assurance Services in an Unregulated Market.” Journal of Accounting Research 41, no. 2 (May 2003): 285-309. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
107. Sunder, Shyam. “Knowing What Others Know: Common Knowledge, Accounting, and Capital Markets.” Accounting Horizons 16, no. 4 (December 2002): 305-318. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
106. Duh, Rong-Ruey, Karim Jamal, and S. Sunder. “Control and Assurance In e-Commerce: Privacy, Integrity and Security at eBay.” Taiwan Accounting Review 3, no. 1 (October 2002): 1-27. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF) , Chinese Abstract (PDF)
104. Sunder, Shyam. “Regulatory Competition among Accounting Standards within and across International Boundaries.” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 21, no. 3 (2002): 219-234. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF), Corp. Governance Presentation
Ukranian Translation. Сандер, Шуам. “Конкуренція у регламентації облікових стандартів у меҗах міҗнародних кордонів та крізь них,” Л.В. НападовсЬка, ред. Теорія бухгалтерського обліку: монографія. Київ. Нац. Торг.-екон. Ун-т, 2008, 503-515. ISBN 966-629-356-0. Republished in Ukrainian translation from: Sunder, Shyam. “Regulatory Competition among Accounting Standards within and across International Boundaries.” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 21, no. 3 (2002): 219-234. Text (PDF)
103. Sunder, Shyam. “Regulatory Competition for Low Cost-of-Capital Accounting Rules.” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 21, no. 2 (2002): 147-9. Text (PDF)
102. Demski, Joel S., John Fellingham, Jonathan Glover, Yuji Ijiri, Pierre Liang, and Shyam Sunder. “Some Thoughts on the Intellectual Foundations of Accounting.” Accounting Horizons 16, no. 2 (June 2002): 157-168. Text (PDF)
101. Balakrishnan, Ramji, K. Sivaramakrishnan and Shyam Sunder. “Is the Opportunity Cost of Idle Capacity Zero? Coase (1938) Versus Managerial Accounting Circa 2000.” Indian Accounting Review 6, no. 1 (June 2002): 13-26. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
100. Sunder, Shyam. “Management Control, Expectations, Common Knowledge, and Culture.” Journal of Management Accounting Research 14 (2002): 173-187. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF), Presentation (PPT)
99. Sunder, Shyam. “Stability of Monetary Unit and Informativeness of Corporate Financial Reporting.” In Monetary Unit Stability in Holistic Approach edited by Mieczysław Dobija, 9-26. Warsaw, Poland: Leon Kozmonski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management, 2002. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF), Presentation (PPT)
98. Sunder, Shyam. “Accounting: Continuity and Transition.” In Research in Accounting Regulation 14 edited by Gary J. Previts, 229-243. Oxford: Elsevier Science, 2002. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
97. Dye, Ronald A. and Shyam Sunder. “Why Not Allow the FASB and IASB Standards to Compete in the U.S.?” Accounting Horizons 15, no. 3 (September 2001): 257-71. Reprinted in Developments in International Accounting—International Harmonization of Accounting edited by Christopher W. Nobes. Surrey, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2003. Reprinted in International Financial Reporting Standards: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management edited by Chris Nobes and David Alexander. London: Routledge, [forthcoming January 2008]. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
94. Sunder, Shyam. “Discussion of ‘An Experimental Investigation of Self-Serving Biases in an Auditing Trust Game: The Effect of Group Affiliation’ by Ronald R. King.” In Proceedings of the 14th Symposium on Auditing Research edited by Mark E. Peecher and Ira Solomon, 37-40. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, September 2000. Text (PDF)
93. Sunder, Shyam. “Discussion: ‘Analysis of the Impact of Accounting Accruals on Earnings Uncertainty and Response Coefficients,’ By Gerald A. Feltham and Jinhan Pae.” Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, n.s., 15, no. 3 (Summer 2000): 221-224. Text (PDF), Ponytail Barometer(PDF).
90A. Sunder, Shyam. “Classical, Stewardship and Market Perspectives on Accounting: A Synthesis.” In The Japanese Style of Business Accounting edited by Shyam Sunder and Hidetoshi Yamaji, 17-31. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1999. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF), Presentation (PPT)
90B. Sunder, Shyam. “Design and Implementation of Contracts: A Comparison of Factor Markets Relevant to Financial Reporting in Japan and the U.S.” In The Japanese Style of Business Accounting edited by Shyam Sunder and Hidetoshi Yamaji, 209-220. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1999. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
89. Arya, Anil, Jonathan Glover and Shyam Sunder. “Earnings Management and the Revelation Principle.” Review of Accounting Studies 3, nos. 1-2 (1998): 7-34.
85. Sunder, Shyam. “Accounting and the Firm: A Contract Theory.” Indian Accounting Review 1, no. 1 (June 1997): 1-19. GSIA Reprint No. 1475.Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF), Presentation (PPT)
Ukranian Translation: Сандер, Шуам. “Бухгалтерський обпік та контроль,” Л.В. НападовсЬка, ред. Теорія бухгалтерського обліку: монографія. Київ. Нац. Торг.-екон. Ун-т, 2008, 11-26. ISBN 966-629-356-0. Republished in Ukrainian translation from: Sunder, Shyam. “Accounting and the Firm: A Contract Theory.” Indian Accounting Review 1, no. 1 (June 1997): 1-19. Text (PDF)
83. Sunder, Shyam. “Security Markets and Accounting Standards: Lessons from Research.” The Chinese Accounting Review 30 (March 1997): 1-31. GSIA Reprint No. 1474. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
81. Sunder, Shyam. “An Experimental Investigation of Liability Rules and Damage Measures: Discussion.” In Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Auditing Research edited by Ira Solomon, 49-54. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 26-28, 1996. Text (PDF)
76A. Sunder, Shyam and Hidetoshi Yamaji. “Kigyou Kaikei no Keizaigakuteki Bunseki” [Economic Analysis of Business Accounting]. In Kigyou Kaikei no Keizaigakuteki Bunseki [Economic Analysis of Business Accounting] edited by Shyam Sunder and Hidetoshi Yamaji, 1-11. Tokyo: Chyuou Keizaisya, 1996. Text (PDF)
76B. Sunder, Shyam. “Keiyakurironteki Kigyoukan to Daitaitei Kaikeikan: Kontenteki, Kantenkara, Jutakusekininjou no Kentenkara, Oyobi Sijouapurouchikara Kaikei wo Rikaisi, Tougousuru Shian” [Contract-Based Theory of the Firm and Alternative Forms of Accounting: Classical, Stewardship and Market Perspectives]. In Kigyou Kaikei no Keizaigakuteka Bunseki [Economic Analysis of Business Accounting] edited by Shyam Sunder and Hidetoshi Yamaji, 13-33. Tokyo: Chyuou Keizaisya (1996). Text (PDF)
72. Jamal, Karim and Shyam Sunder. “Convexity of Valuation Accuracy Function: Empirical Evidence for the Canadian Economy.” Contemporary Accounting Research 11, no. 2 (Spring 1995): 961-972. GSIA Reprint No. 1467. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
68. Sunder, Shyam. “Economic Incentives as a Substitute for Detailed Accounting Requirements: The Case of Compensation Value of Stock Options.” Accounting Horizons 8, no. 2 (June 1994): 110. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
56. Lim, Suk and Shyam Sunder. “Efficiency of Asset Valuation Rules Under Price Movement and Measurement Errors.” The Accounting Review 66, no. 4 (October 1991): 669-693. GSIA Reprint No. 1414. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
55. Ijiri, Yuji and Shyam Sunder. “Reals and Ideals of Accounting Education: Building Educational Leverages on Fundamentals.” In Models of Accounting Education edited by Gary L. Sundem and Corine T. Norgaard, 1-13. Accounting Education Change Commission, 1991. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
53. Sunder, Shyam. “Measuring Research Accomplishments.” Issues in Accounting Education 6, no. 1 (Spring 1991): 134-138. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
52. Sunder, Shyam and Yuji Ijiri. “Information Technologies and Organizations” (an interview with Herbert A. Simon). The Accounting Review 65, no. 3 (July 1990): 658-667. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
51. Lim, Suk S. and Shyam Sunder. “Accuracy of Linear Valuation Rules in Industry-Segmented Environments.” Journal of Accounting and Economics 13 (1990): 167-188. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
50. Donegan, Jim and Shyam Sunder. “Contract Theoretic Analysis of Off-Balance Sheet Financing.” Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance 4, no. 2 (1989): 203-216. Reprinted in Off-Balance Sheet Activities edited by Joshua Ronen, Anthony Saunders, and Ashwinpaul C. Sondhi, 103-116. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1990. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF).
49. Sunder, Shyam. “Proof That in an Efficient Market, Event Studies Can Provide No Systematic Guidance to Making of Accounting Standards and Disclosure Policy.” Contemporary Accounting Research 5, no. 2 (1989): 452-460. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
47. Dhaliwal, Dan and Shyam Sunder. “Mergers, Acquisitions, and Takeovers: Wealth Effects on Various Economic Agents.” In Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth: Corporate Reorganizations Through Mergers, Acquisitions, and Leveraged Buyouts edited by Gary Libecap, 169-190 (Supplement 1). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1988. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
46. Sunder, Shyam. “Political Economy of Accounting Standards.” Journal of Accounting Literature 7 (1988): 31-41. Reprinted in Master of Business Administration 60, no. 1 (Jan -Feb 2003): 30-35. ISSN: 1231-0328. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
45. Sunder, Shyam. “Stock Market Volatility and Market for Information.” Minnesota Management Review, Spring 1988. Abstract (PDF) Text (PDF)
44. Amershi, Amin H. and Shyam Sunder. “Failure of Stock Prices to Discipline Managers in a Rational Expectations Economy.” Journal of Accounting Research 25, no. 2 (Autumn 1987): 177-195. Abstract (PDF). Text (PDF)
43. Shih, Michael S. H. and Shyam Sunder. “Design and Tests of an Efficient Search Algorithm for Accurate Linear Valuation Systems.” Contemporary Accounting Research 4, no. 1 (Fall 1987): 16-31. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
41. Sunder, Shyam. “Birds, Baseball and Reverend Bayes: How to Train an Auditor.” Minnesota Management Review 5, no. 2 (Winter 1986): 3. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
40. Sunder, Shyam. “Bingo Cages, Common Knowledge and Accounting Disclosure.” Minnesota Management Review 5, no. 3 (Autumn 1986): 6-7. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
38. Sunder, Shyam. “The LIFO Paradox and Efficient Stock Markets.” Minnesota Management Review 6, no. 2 (March 1985): 5-6. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
37. Sunder, Shyam and Gregory Waymire. “Accuracy of Exchange Valuation Rules: Additivity and Unbiased Estimation.” Journal of Accounting Research 22, no. 1 (Spring 1984): 396-405. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
36. Sunder, Shyam. “Limits to Information.” In 1983 Accounting Research Convocation; Proceedings edited by Kathleen Bindon, 101-110. School of Accountancy, University of Alabama, 1984. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF).
35. Sunder, Shyam and Shailesh Haribhakti. “Economic Interest and Accounting Standards.” In Modern Accounting Theory: History, Survey and Guide edited by Richard V. Mattessich, 165-171. Vancouver, Canada: CCGA Research Foundation, 1984. Text (PDF)
34. Sunder, Shyam and Gregory Waymire. “Marginal Gains in Accuracy of Valuation from Increasingly Specific Price Indexes: Empirical Evidence for the U.S. Economy.” Journal of Accounting Research 21, no. 2 (Autumn 1983): 565-580. Text (PDF)
33. Sunder, Shyam. “Simpson’s Reversal Paradox and Cost Allocation.” Journal of Accounting Research 22, no. 1 (Spring 1983): 222-233. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
32. Sunder, Shyam. Review of “Financial Econometrics: For Researchers in Finance and Accounting” by H. Russell Fogler and Sundaram Ganapathy. The Accounting Review 58, no. 1 (January 1983): 190. Text (PDF)
31. Joyce, Edward J., Robert Libby, and Shyam Sunder. “FASB’s Qualitative Characteristics of Accounting Information: A Study of Definitions and Validity.” Journal of Accounting Research 20, no. 2, pt. II (Autumn 1982): 654-675. Abstract Text (PDF)
30. Sunder, Shyam. Contributor to Kohler’s Dictionary for Accountants, 6th ed., edited by W. W. Cooper and Yuji Ijiri. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1982.
29. Sunder, Shyam. “Research on Accounting and Reporting Policy.” In Accounting Dissertations: Research Design and Implementation, Proceedings of the Big Ten Doctoral Consortium edited by Daniel Jensen, 21-30. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University, 1982. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
25. Sunder, Shyam. “Why is the FASB Making Too Many Accounting Rules?” The Wall Street Journal, April 17, 1981. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
24. Plott, Charles R. and Shyam Sunder. “A Synthesis,” in “Studies on Standardization of Accounting Practices: An Assessment of Alternative Institutional Arrangements,” supplement, Journal of Accounting Research 19 (1981): 227-239. Text (PDF)
23. Sunder, Shyam. Review of “Performance Measurement of the Petroleum Industry” by Alan R. Beckenstein, Leslie E. Grayson, Susan M. Overholt and Timothy F. Sutherland. The Accounting Review 55, no. 4 (October 1980): 693. Text (PDF)
21. Sunder, Shyam. “Corporate Capital Investment, Accounting Methods and Earnings: A Test of the Control Hypothesis.” Journal of Finance 35, no. 2 (May 1980): 553-565. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
20. Dopuch, N. and Shyam Sunder. “FASB’s Statement on Objectives and Elements of Financial Reporting: A Review.” The Accounting Review 55, no. 1 (January 1980): 1-22. Reprinted in Financial Accounting Theory: Issues and Controversies edited by T. Keller and S. Zeff. 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1985. Reprinted in Accounting Theory and Policy: A Reader edited by R. Bloom and Pieter T. Elgers, 66-88. 2nd ed. New York: Harcourt, 1986. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
19. Sunder, Shyam. “Discussion on the Role of Accounting in Financial Disclosure.” Accounting Organizations and Society 5, no. 1 (1980): 81-86. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
18. Lev, Baruch and Shyam Sunder. “Methodological Issues in the Use of Financial Ratios.” Journal of Accounting and Economics 1, no. 3 (December 1979): 187-210. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
17. Grove, Hugh, Theodore Mock and Shyam Sunder (as the Qualitative Characteristics Subcommittee of the Committee on Financial Reporting). “Response to the Exposure Draft on Qualitative Characteristics: Criteria for Selecting and Evaluating Financial Accounting and Reporting Policies of the Financial Accounting Standards Board.” American Accounting Association, October 1979. Text (PDF)
16. Sunder, Shyam. “Statement at the Public Hearings on Measurement-Changing Prices Before the Financial Accounting Standards Board.” FASB Public Record, June 6, 1979. Text (PDF)
15. Sunder, Shyam. “Commentary.” In Oil Pipelines and Public Policy edited by Edward J. Mitchell, 113-116. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute, 1979. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
14. Prakash, P. and Shyam Sunder. “A Case Against Separation of Current Operating Profit and Holding Gains.” The Accounting Review 54, no. 1 (January 1979): 1-22. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
13. Sunder, Shyam. “Accuracy of Exchange Valuation Rules.” Journal of Accounting Research 16, no. 2 (Autumn 1978): 341-367. Abstract (PDF). Text (PDF)
11. Sunder, Shyam. “Optimal Choice Between FIFO and LIFO.” Journal of Accounting Research 14, no. 2 (Autumn 1976): 277-300. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
9. Sunder, Shyam. “Discussion of Competitive Information in the Stock Market: An Empirical Study of Earnings, Dividends and Analysts’ Forecasts.” Journal of Finance 31, no. 2 (May 1976): 680-684. Text (PDF)
8. Sunder, Shyam. “A Note on Estimating the Economic Impact of the LIFO Method of Inventory Valuation.” The Accounting Review 51, no. 2 (April 1976): 287-291. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
7. Sunder, Shyam. “Properties of Accounting Numbers Under Full Costing and Successful Efforts Costing in the Petroleum Industry.” The Accounting Review 51, no. 1 (January 1976): 1-18. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
5. Sunder, Shyam. “Comparability of Divergent Financial Statements in the Petroleum Exploration Industry.” In Proceedings of the Conference on Topical Research in Accounting edited by Michael Schiff and George Sorter, 251-265. New York: Ross Institute of Accounting Research (New York University), 1976. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
4. Sunder, Shyam. “Stock Price and Risk Related to Accounting Changes in Inventory Evaluation.” The Accounting Review 50, no. 2 (April 1975): 305-315. Abstracted in The C.F.A. Digest 5, no. 3 (Summer 1975). Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
3. Sunder, Shyam. “Properties of Accounting Numbers Under Various Definitions of Cost Centers in the Petroleum Exploration Industry.” In Proceedings of the Southwest Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association edited by Kenneth S. Most, 259-274. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University, 1975. Text (PDF)
2. Sunder, Shyam. “Relationship Between Accounting Changes and Stock Prices: Problems of Measurement and Some Empirical Evidence” in “Empirical Studies in Accounting: Selected Studies,” ed. Nicholas Dopuch, supplement, Journal of Accounting Research (1973): 1-45.Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
1. Sunder, Shyam. “An Empirical Analysis of Stock Price and Risk as They Relate to Accounting Changes in Inventory Valuation Methods,” Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Carnegie Mellon University, 1973. Abstracted in Journal of Finance 29, no. 5 (December 1974). Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
Economics and Social Sciences
Shyam Sunder. 2023. “Individual and Institutions: Complexity and Emergence,” International Workshop on Nyaya and the World, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, India, July 9-13, 2023.
Shyam Sunder and Hwee Cheng Tan, “Institutions vs. Behavior: Robustness of Continuous Double Auction Market Outcomes to Noisy Implementation of Four Key Features,” Annual Meetings of the Society for Experimental Finance, Sophia (Bulgaria), June 19-22, 2023.
Shyam Sunder, “Rules and Social Norms in Finance and Financial Reporting Complex Systems,” Center for AI (CENTAI) Kickoff Event: Navigating Research Frontier of AI and Complexity, Turin, Italy, March 1-2, 2023.
Shyam Sunder, “Leadership and Technology of Organizing: The Sangha, University and State,” Rishihood University, February 10, 2023.
Shyam Sunder. “Wisdom of Crowds and Poindexter’s Policy Market Follies,” Yale Koerner Center Third Thursday Talk, September 15, 2022.
Shabnam Mousavi and Shyam Sunder, “Physics, Biology, and Human Faculties: A Step-wise Approach to Modeling Human Behavior,” Annual Meetings of Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics, South Lake Tahoe, CA, August 9 – 11, 2022.
Shyam Sunder, “Structural Rationality: Emergence of Information Aggregation to REE in Markets Populated by Biased Heuristic Algorithms,” Economics Workshop, University of Amsterdam, July 11, 2022.
Shyam Sunder. Panel Discussion on “Digital Currency: Sovereign Monopoly or Private Competition?” Annual Meetings of Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics, Amsterdam, July 9, 2022.
Shyam Sunder, “Faculty Ethics,” Turning the Lens Around: Ethics in Academia, Annual Meetings of Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics, Amsterdam, July 9, 2022.
Shyam Sunder, “Structural Rationality and Its Uses in Making Policy,” Summer School 2022 on Heuristics for the Management of Uncertainty and Complexity, Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, Foundazione Allessandro Volta, Villa del Grumello, Como, Italy, June 22-24, 2022.
Shyam Sunder, “Humanities: Heuristics for Life,” Summer School 2022 on Heuristics for the Management of Uncertainty and Complexity, Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, Foundazione Allessandro Volta, Villa del Grumello, Como, Italy, June 22-24, 2022.
Shyam Sunder, “Structural Rationality: Emergence of Information Aggregation to REE in Markets Populated by Biased Heuristic Algorithms,” Workshop on Computational Economics, Barcelona School of Economics Summer Forum, June 13, 2022 (Remote). June 5, 2022
Shyam Sunder, “Structural Rationality: Emergence of Information Aggregation to REE with ZI/MI Algorithms: Structure and Behavior,” BESLab Experimental Economics Summer School in Macroeconomics, Technical University, Berlin, Germany, June 5, 2022.
Shyam Sunder, “Complexity and Abstraction: Designing Macroeconomic Laboratory Experiments,” BESLab Experimental Economics Summer School in Macroeconomics, Technical University, Berlin, Germany, June 5, 2022.
Shyam Sunder, “Structural Rationality: Emergence of Information Aggregation to REE in Markets Populated by Biased Heuristic Algorithms,” Conference in Honor of Ramon Marimon European University Institute, Florence, Italy, June 3-4, 2022.
Shyam Sunder. 2021. “Finance, Economic Growth and Environment,” Valedictory Address at the Third Global Finance Enclave 2021, O. P. Jindal Global University (Sonepat, India), November 14, 2021. Powerpoint. Video.
Shyam Sunder. “Uncertainty and Probability: A Century Since Knight and Keynes,” Yale School of Management Faculty Research Workshop, September 29, 2021. Powerpoint. Video.
Herbert A. Simon Lecture at the Annual Meetings of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE) and International Association for Research in Economic Psychology, “Organizations sans Markets: Efficient Production of Public Goods“, June 12, 2021 (Virtual).
Shyam Sunder. Virtual: “Roles of Prescription and Evolution in Practice of Financial Reporting” Online Seminars in Business, Accounting and Economics, Mansoura University, Mansoura Egypt, January 15, 2021. https://youtu.be/syAd16oct3E.
S. Mousavi and Shyam Sunder, “MarketNet: Exploring the Rationality of Structures,” First Conference on Zero and Minimal Intelligence Agents, Yale School of Management, Cowles Foundation, and Max Planck Institute for Human Development (Berlin), October 22-24, 2020 (Virtual).
Strategic Management Society, London, October 26-30, 2020 (Virtual), “Adaptive Rationality in Strategic Interaction: Do Emotions Regulate Thinking about Others?” By Timo Ehrig, Jaison Manjaly, Aditya Singh and Shyam Sunder.
K. Gode and Shyam Sunder, “Role of Extra-marginal traders in Double Auctions,” First Conference on Zero and Minimal Intelligence Agents, Yale School of Management, Cowles Foundation, and Max Planck Institute for Human Development (Berlin), October 22-24, 2020 (Virtual).
First Conference on Zero and Minimal-Intelligence Agents, Yale SOM, Cowles Foundation and Max Planck Institute, October 22-24, 2020, “Aggregation of Diverse Information with Double Auction Trading Among Minimally-Intelligent Algorithmic Agents“, Karim Jamal, Michael Maier and Shyam Sunder.
Shyam Sunder, Yale SOM Faculty Workshop, Adaptive Rationality in Strategic Interaction:Do Emotions Regulate Thinking about Others?, New Haven, CT, April 22, 2020.
Shabnam Mousavi, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin and Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India “Physics, Biology, Social Sciences and Decisions” January 25, 2020.
Economics and Finance Faculty Research Workshop,Indian Institute of Management,Kozhikode, India; Shyam Sunder with Karim Jamal and Michael S. Maier “Structural Rationality: Aggregation of Diverse Information with DA among Minimally-Intelligent Algorithmic Agents” January 17, 2020.
International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, India “Engineering and Management of Organizations: The Sangha, University, and State” January 16-18, 2020.
Winter School of Bounded Rationality, T. A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal, India “What Do We Know about Human Attitudes towards Risk?” January 14, 2020.
Winter School of Bounded Rationality, T. A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal, India ” Panel Discussion on Behavioral Economics in Public Policy” January 13-19, 2020.
Shabnam Mousavi, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin and Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar “Physics, Biology, Social Sciences and Decisions” January 9, 2020.
Physics & Decision: An Exploration Workshop at Humboldt University, “Framing Human Action in Physics before Biology and Social Sciences,” December 4-6, 2019.
Shyam Sunder, “Information Aggregation in Markets: Rational Order from ‘Irrational’ Man,” Humboldt Kreise on Physics and Decisions, Berlin, Germany, December 4-6, 2019.
Conference on Theory and Experiments in Monetary Economics, George Mason University. Speculation and Price Indeterminacy, October 5-6, 2019.
Yale School of Management Faculty Workshop, “Structural Rationality: Aggregation of Diverse Information with DA among Minimally-Intelligent Algorithmic Agents,” with Karim Jamal and Michael Maier, Presented in New Haven, CT, October 2, 2019.
2nd Workshop on Algorithmic Trading: Interdisciplinary Investigations, Ushaw College and Durham University Business School, “Structural Rationality: Aggregation of Diverse Information with DA among Minimally-Intelligent Algorithmic Agents,” with Karim Jamal and Michael Maier, Durham, UK, June 6-7, 2019.
Shidler Lecture, School of Accountancy, Schidler College of Business, Univeristy of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu. “Speculation, Price Indeterminancy and Money Supply in Financial Markets: An Experimental Study.” April 18, 2019.
SOM Faclty Research Workshop, Shabnam Mousavi and Shyam Sunder, “Individual and Organization – Physical Principles as Basis for Human Action.” April 3
Charles R. Plott Eightieth Birthday Symposium, California Institute of Technology, “Foundations of Economics: Cognitive or Institutional?” March 2, 2019
Workshop on Complexity: On the Way to Mathematical Foundations of Organization Science. “Market Performance with Human and Zero-Intelligence Agents: Structure and Behavior” Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Science, Leipzig Germany, January 30-February 1, 2019.
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Science, Leipzig Germany. Shabnam Mousavi and Shyam Sunder “Individual and Organization – Physical Principles as Basis for Human Action.” January 30-February 1, 2019.
.Panel on Heuristics in Finance,Winter School on Bounded Rationality, T.A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal, India, January 15, 2019.
“Speculation and Price Indeterminacy, Shinichi Hirota, Juergen Huber, Thomas Stoeckl, and Shyam Sunder, Conference on Theory and Experiments in Monetary Economics, George Mason University, Arlington, VA October 5-6, 2018.
Experimental Macroeconomics Summer School, Technical University, Berlin, Germany, July 4, 2018 “Experiments with Minimally Intelligent Agents and Minimal Institutions: Structure and Behavior.”
SASE Annual meeting, Session on FinTech, Kyoto Japan “What Is Good Finance and Good FinTech?” June 24, 2018.
Adaptive Rationality Center, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, “The Least Action Principle and A Three-Tier Theory of Human Behavior,” Shabnam Mousavi, Johns Hopkins and Max Planck Institute with Shyam Sunder, Berlin, June 5, 2018.
Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT. “Structure of Organizations for Production of Public and Private Goods,” Faculty workshop April 18, 2018.
Andhra University, January 18, 2018, “Markets as Artifacts for Social Prosperity.”
Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru, Workshop, “Financing of Public Goods through Taxation in a General Equilibrium Economy: Experimental Evidence,” January 17, 2018.
Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru, Workshop, “Risky Choice,” January 16, 2018.
T. A. Pai Management Instiute, Manipal, Keynote Address at the Winter Institute in Bounded Rationality, “Markets as Artifacts for Social Prosperity,” January 14, 2018.
Jadavpur University, Center for Advanced Studies, Workshop on Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Kolkata, India, January 10-12, 2018.
- Experiments in Market Structures and Market Equilibria, January 11, 2018.
- Experiments in Finance and Financial Markets, January 11, 2018.
- Macroeconomics: Value of Fiat Money, January 12, 2018.
MICA School of Ideas, Ahmedabad, January 8, 2018, “Public Goods.”
Lecture at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India, January 7, 2018. “Science in Social Science.”
Lecture at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India, January 6, 2018. “Value of Money.”
Lecture at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India, January 5, 2018. “Markets with Zero or Minimally Intelligent Agents.”
Lecture at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India, January 4, 2018. “Market Value of Information.”
Lecture at the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, India, January 3, 2018. “Markets as Artifacts for Social Prosperity.”
Lecture at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India, January 2, 2018. “Information Dissemination and Aggregation.”
Lecture at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India, January 1, 2018. “Properties of Markets.”
Lecture at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India, December 30, 2017. “Institutions as Artifacts.”
Lecture at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India, December 29, 2017. “Society and Institutions.”
Lecture at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India, December 28, 2017. “Cognition and Individual Behavior.”
Lecture at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India, December 27, 2017. “Rationality.”
Shyam Sunder, “Future Risk – Regulating for Systemic Risks,” Conference on Ten Years after the Financial Crisis, Columbia University, New York, December 7-9, 2017.
“The Challenges of Regulating Finance,” Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, December 1, 2017.
Shyam Sunder, “Pathways to Prosperity” Remarks at the Opening Bell Ceremony and Panel discussion at Borsa Istanbul, Turkey, on November 13, 2017.
Shyam Sunder, “Problems of Regulating Finance,” Plenary Address, Turkish Capital Market Summit, Istanbul, November 15, 2017.
“Information Aggregation in Markets: Rational Order from ‘Irrational” Us’, Shyam Sunder, Yale University,Conference on Collective Intelligence, Markets and Prediction, Santa Fe Institute, New York, October 12-13, 2017.
“The Challenges of Regulating Finance“, Jonathan Glover, Columbia University, Shyam Sunder, Yale University, Labex-ReFi Conference on Public Authority and Finance: Deregulation and New Regulation, Paris, September 1-2, 2017.
Labex-ReFi International Advisory Board Conference: Law and Finance in Europe and the US, Paris, June 19-20, 2017.
“Laboratory Experiments in Economics: Coming of Age, Experimental Economics Summer School in Macroeconomics”, Stonybrook University and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Stonybrook, July 20, 2017
“Experiments with Minimally Intelligent Agents and Minimal Institutions: Structure and Behavior”, Tenth Experimental Economics Summer School in Macroeconomics, Stonybrook University and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Stonybrook, July 20, 2017.
Shyam Sunder, “Clear Rules, Ambiguity, Discretion and Culture: Components of Effective Financial Regulation,” Labex-ReFi International Advisory Board Conference: Law and Finance in Europe and the US, Paris, June 19-20, 2017.
Shyam Sunder, “Risky Choice,” Keynote Address, Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality: Predictions under Uncertainty, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, June 6-14, 2017.
Response to Author (Shyam Sunder) Meets Critics (Colin Haslam, Karthik Ramanna, and Paul Williams): Rethinking Financial Reporting Standards, Norms and Institutions.”
Conference of the Multinational Finance Society, Cyprus University of Technology Limassol, Cyprus, April 7-9, 2017. “Risky Curves:
Concepts of, and Attitudes towards Risk in Economics, Accounting and Finance.”
Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Universität Bielefeld, March 23-25, 2017. Joint with Shabnam Mousavi, Johns Hopkins University and MPIB. “Understanding Human Action: A Three-layer Approach.”
Bernoulli Symposium on Risk, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland, February 2-4, 2017, “Theories and Models of Individual Differences.”
Lecture at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics of Sciences, Leipzig, Germany. Shyam Sunder, Yale University. January 17-19, 2017. “Aggregation in Markets – Microfoundations of Expectations: The Role of Emotions in the Anticipation of Aggregate Outcomes of Human Interaction.”
Indian Institute of Technology, Ganhinagar, India, January 4, 2017, “Building Social Sciences with Human and Artificial Agent Experiments.”
Amsterdam Symposium on Behavioral and Experimental Economics, University of Amsterdam, August 29, 2016. “Building Social Sciences with Human and Artificial Agent Experiments.”
21st Workshop on Economic Science with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, Castellon, Spain, June 22, 2016. “Simple Artificial Agents: Spelunkers for Social Institutions as Complex Systems.”
Barcelona LeeX Experimental Economics Summer School in Macroeconomics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, June 14, 2016. “Laboratory Experiments in Economics: Coming of Age.”
Timo Ehrig and Shyam Sunder (by video), University of Southern Denmark Workshop on Strategic Organization Design, Odense, June 10, 2016, “Expectations and Emotions.”
Barcelona LeeX Experimental Economics Summer School in Macroeconomics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, June 9, 2016. “Experiments with Minimally Intelligent Agents and Minimal Institutions: Structure and Behavior.”
Barcelona GSE Summer Forum, Barcelona Spain, June 8-10, 2016. Asset Prices, Finance and Macroeconomics, “Speculation and Price Indeterminacy in Financial Markets.”
University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark. June 6, 2016. “Simple Agents, Intelligent Markets.”
Indiana University, Department of Economics Workshop, Bloomington IA, March 25, 2016. “Simple Agents, Intellligent Markets.”
Indiana University, Department of Economics Workshop, Bloomington IA, March 25, 2016. “Risky Curves: On the Empirical Failure of Expected Utility.”
Southwest Experimental & Behavioral Economics Conference, Experimental Social Sciences Laboratory, Department of Economics, Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Science and Paul Merage School of Business, University of California, Irvine, May 20, 2016. Keynote address. “Risky Curves: On the Empirical Failure of Expected Utility.”
Society for Economic Measurement, OECD, Paris, July 23, 2015, “Measuring Economies of Scale in Financial Services Industry.”
Accounting, Economics, and Law Network Meetings of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, London, July 4, 2015. “Technology, Cost Structure, and Failure of Banking Regulation.”
Accounting, Economics, and Law Network Meetings of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, London, July 4, 2015. “Technology, Cost Structure, and Failure of Banking Regulation.”
Governance and Regulation in Financial Markets and Institutions, Society for Socio-Economics, London, July 3, 2015. “Trade-off of Short-Term Trading: Liquidity vs. Efficiency.”
London School of Economics Workshop, July 2, 2015. “Investment Horizons and Indeterminacy in Financial Markets.”
Theoretical and Experimental Macroeconomics, Barcelona GSE Summer Forum, June 11-12, 2015. “Investment Horizons and Indeterminacy in Financial Markets.”
Barcelona LeeX Experimental Economics Summer School in Macroeconomics, Universitat Pompeu Febra, Barcelona, June 9, 2015. “Laboratory Experiments in Economics: Coming of Age.”
Barcelona LeeX Experimental Economics Summer School in Macroeconomics, Universitate Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, June 9, 2015. “Experiments with Minimally Intelligent Agents and Minimal Institutions: Structure and Behavior.”
Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, May 27, 2015. “Risky Curves: On the Empirical Failure of Expected Utility.”
Ahmedabad University, January 3, 2015. “Measuring Risk in Business and Economics: Possibility of Loss or Dispersion of Outcomes?”
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, December 29, 2014. “Measuring Risk in Business and Economics: Possibility of Loss or Dispersion of Outcomes?”
CEAR/MRIC Behavioral Insurance Workshop, Munich Risk and Insurance Center, Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat, Munich, Germany, December 14-15, 2014. “Risk in Insurance: Concepts, Measurement, Attitudes and Behavior.”
Sixth International Conference on Trade, Business and Finance, University of Namibia, Windhoek, October 14-16, 2014. “Measuring Risk in Business and Economics: Possibility of Loss or Dispersion of Outcomes?”
The Society for Economic Measurement Conference, University of Chicago, August 18-20, 2014. “Risky Curves: On the Empirical Failure of Expected Utility.”
Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam, July 2, 2014. Shinichi Hirota, Juergen Huber, Thomas Stockl, Shyam Sunder, “Short Investment Horizons, Higher Order Beliefs, and Difficulty of Backward Induction: Price Bubbles and Indeterminacy in Financial Markets.” Paper (PDF), Presentation (PPTX).
Foundations of Utility and Risk Conference, Erasmus School of Economics, Rotterdam, June 30-July 2, 2014. “Risky Curves: On the Empirical Failure of Expected Utility.“
Experimental Finance 2014 Conference, University of Zurich, Zurich Switzerland, June 22-24, 2014.
Book presentation, Risky Curves: On the empirical failure of expected utility.
Barcelona LeeX Experimental Economics Summer School in Macroeconomics, Universitate Pompeu Febra, Barcelona, June 13-14, 2014.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 5rd LeeX International Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Macroeconomics, Barcelona, June 10, 2014. “Risky Curves: On the Empirical Failure of Expected Utility.”
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, May 7, 2014. “Risky Curves: On the Empirical Failure of Expected Utility.” Synopsis and Chapter Abstracts.
Rotterdam 2014, “Risky Curves” Presentation Notes. Risky Curves
Yale School of Management Faculty Workshop, April 30, 2014. “Short Investment Horizons, Higher Order Beliefs, and Difficulty of Backward Induction: Price Bubbles and Indeterminancy in Financial Markets.”
Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University, February 19, 2014. “Risky Curves: On the Empirical Failure of Expected Utility.”
Workshop on Decision-Making in a World of Incomplete and Evolving Knowledge, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, January 22, 2014. “Individuals and Institution: Complexity, Decisions, Outcomes Risk, and Causality.”
Yale School of Management Faculty Workshop, November 6, 2013, “On the Empirical Failure of Expected Utility.”
Society for Experimental Finance, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands, June 27-29, 2013, Keynote Address, “Experimental Finance: Responsibilities of Coming of Age.” Tilburg Interview (video)
Kozminsky Academy, Warsaw, Poland. June 22, 2013.
- “What Have We Learned from Experimental Finance?”
- “Markets, Competition and Efficiency”
- “Public Goods”
- “Auctions”
Fourth LeeX International Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Macroeconomics, Barcelona GSE Summer Forum, Universitat Pompeu Febra, Barcelona, Spain, June 11-12, 2013.
Barcelona LeeX Experimental Economics Summer School in Macroeconomics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, June 15, 2013.
Monash University, Department of Economics, Melbourne, Australia, May 17, 2013. “Decoupling Markets and Individuals: Rational Expectations Equilibrium Outcomes from Information Dissemination among Boundedly-Rational Traders.”
Yale Micro Theory Lunch, Yale Department of Economics, May 7, 2013. “Decoupling Markets and Individuals: Rational Expectations Equilibrium Outcomes from Information Dissemination among Boundedly-Rational Traders.”
Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola De Administração De Empresas De São Paulo, Brazil. March 12, 2013. “What Have We Learned From Experimental Finance?”
Prudence vs. Liquidity: Alternative Approaches to Money, Finance and Accounting, Workshop at Bocconi University, Milan, March 1, 2013. “Accounting Antecedents of the Financial Crisis” Summary of Remarks
Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, India; Lecture to Master’s Students, “Foundations of Economics,” January 10, 2013
Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, India; Conference on Social Science Research: Issues, Challenges and Strategies, January 10, 2013:
“Experimental Research in Social Sciences: Economics.”
Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, India; Conference on Social Science Research: Issues, Challenges and Strategies, January 9, 2013:
“Social Science Research: Challenges and Strategies.”
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India; Lecture to Master’s Students, “What Have We Learned from Experimental Finance?” January 11, 2013.
Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, India. Lecture to Master’s Students, “Foundations of Economics,” January 10, 2013.
Conference on Social Science Research: Issues, Challenges and Strategies, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, India, January 10-11, 2013.
Silver Jubilee International Conference, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, December 1-3, 2012, “Experimental Economics.”
Economics Science Association, Tucson, November 17, 2012. “Risky Curves: From Unobservable Utility to Observable Opportunity Sets.“
Economic Science Association, Tucson, November 17, 2012. “Decoupling Markets and Individuals: Rational Expectations Equilibrium Outcomes from Information Dissemination among Boundedly-Rational Traders.”
Yale School of Management Faculty Workshop, November 14, 2012. “Decoupling Markets and Individuals: Rational Expectations Equilibrium Outcomes from Information Dissemination among Boundedly-Rational Traders.”
Whitney Humanities Center, New Haven, CT, October 3, 2012. “Individual Behavior and Social Structures.”
Yale School of Management Faculty Workshop, September 12, 2012. “Introduction to Financial Analysis.”
Kozminsky Academy, Warsaw, Poland. June 23, 2012.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 3rd LeeX International Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Macroeconomics, Barcelona, June 18-19, 2012.
Barcelona LeeX Experimental Economics Summer School in Macroeconomics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, June 12, 2012.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, June 11, 2012. “Why Experimental Asset Markets?”
Economics Workshop, Smeal College of Business, Penn State University, April 5, 2012. “Risky Curves: From Unobservable Utility to Observable Opportunity Sets.“
Department of Economics, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, March 21, 2012.
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, March 3-5, 2012.
- “Why Experimental Asset Markets?”, March 5, 2012.
- “Higher Education in India and China“, March 5, 2012 .
- “Auctions“, March 4, 2012.
- Markets, Competition and Efficiency“, March 3, 2012.
Experimental Economics, Accounting and Society: A Conference in Memory of John Dickhaut, Economic Science Institute, Chapman University, January 13-14, 2012, “Comments on ‘Transparency, Efficiency and Distribution of Economic Welfare in Pass-Through Investment Trust Games.’”
Memorial Service for John Dickhaut, Chapman University, January 14, 2012. John Wilson Dickhaut.
Faculty Research Workshop, Yale School of Management, November 30, 2011. “Financing of a Public Good by Taxation in a General Equilibrium Economy: Theory and Experimental Evidence.”
Fourth Workshop on Empirical and Experimental Economics, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, October 10, 2011. “Risky Curves: From Unobservable Utility to Observable Opportunity Sets.”
Max Planck Institute for Collective Goods, Bonn, Germany, July 14, 2011. Laboratory Experiments in Economics: Coming of Age.”
Max Planck Institute for Collective Goods, Bonn, Germany, July 14, 2011. Financing of Public Good by Taxation in a General Equilibrium Economy: theory and Experimental Evidence.”
Max Planck Institute for Collective Goods, Bonn, Germany, July 11, 2011. Risky Curves: From Unobservable Utility to Observable Opportunity Sets.”
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics Symposium, Krakow, Poland, June 15-17, 2011. “Discussion Comments on Zev J. Eigen’s ‘When and Why Individuals Obey Form-Adhesive Contracts: Experimental Evidence of Consent, Compliance, Promise and Performance,’” June 2011 Draft. These comments were written in response to the companion paper, also by Eigen and available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=1640245, which had been presented at the conference.
SOM Faculty Workshop, Yale University, April 6, 2011. “Risky Curves: From Unobservable Utility to Observable Opportunity Sets.” (Joint work with Daniel Friedman, UC Santa Cruz.)
The Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE), Xiamen University, Xiamen China, December 15 – 16, 2010. . “Default Penalty as a Disciplinary and Selection Mechanism in Presence of Multiple Equilibria.”
Micro Lunch, Department of Economics, Yale University, November 2, 2010. “Risky Curves: From Unobservable Utility to Observable Opportunity Sets.” (Joint work with Daniel Friedman)
Center for Study of Science and Technology Policy, Begaluru, India, August 20, 2010, “Efficient Mechanisms for Private and Public Goods.”
Keynote address at IMPRS Uncertainty Summer School, Max Planck Institute, Jena, Germany, August 7, 2010. “Risky Curves: From Unobservable Utility to Observable Sets.”
Conference on Experimental Social Sciences, University of Bombay, December 28-29, 2009. “Structure and Behavior: Experiments in Social Sciences.” Presentation (PPT)
Workshop on Experimental Social Sciences, Mumbai Vidyapeeth, Mumbai, December 28-29, 2009. “Default Penalty as a Disciplinary and Selection Mechanism in Presence of Multiple Equilibria.” Presentation (PPT)
Competition Commission of India, Delhi, January 7, 2009. “Markets, Competition and Efficiency.” Presentation (PPT)
University of Warsaw, Poland – May 22, 2009. “Three Minimal Market Institutions with Human and Algorithmic Agents: Theory and Experimental Evidence.” Presentation (PPT)
Zimmerman Foundation Lecture, 2009 Asia-Pacific Meetings of the Economic Science Association, University of Haifa, Israel, March 26, 2009. “Fiat Money in Laboratory: Foundations of Experimental Macroeconomics.” Presentation (PPT)
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – February 4, 2009. “Markets, competition and generation of Wealth in Society.” Abstract Presentation (PPT)
Renmin University, Beijing, China – January 15, 2009. Discussion on research program for experiemental economics laboratory.
Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China – January 11, 2009. “An Economy with Personal Currency: Theory and Evidence” Presentation (PPT)
Rivendell Institute Faculty Forum, Moral Dimensions of Financial Crisis December 11, 2008. The Subprime Primer
Nevsehir University, Nevsehir, Turkey, November 28, 2008. “The Global Financial Crisis: Reflections on Impact on Developing Economics.” Presentation (PPT)
Yale School of Management Faculty Workshop, New Haven, CT – October 1, 2008. “An Economy with Personal Currency: Theory and Evidence.” Martin Angerer, Jurgen Huber, Martin Shubik and Shyam Sunder.” Presentation (PPT)
Centre Economie Paris Nord & Laboratoire Analyse, Geometrie et Applications Joint Seminar, Universite Paris Nord 13, Paris, France – May 26, 2008. “Price bubbles sans Dividend Anchors: Evidence from Laboratory Stock Markets,” (joint work with Shinich Hirota).. Presentation (PPT)
University of Tokyo and Yale University Symposium on Mind, Brain and Society: Neurocognitive Approaches to the Social Sciences – Yale University, New Haven CT – April 25, 2008. “Determinants of Economic Interaction: Behavior or Structure.” Presentation (PPT)
Warsaw Academy TIGER and LKAEM Distinguished Lecture Series, Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management, Warsaw, Poland – March 27, 2008. “Price Bubbles sans Dividend Anchors: Evidence from Laboratory Stock Markets”. Presentation (PPT)
Warsaw Academy TIGER and LKAEM Distinguished Lecture Series, Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management, Warsaw, Poland – March 27, 2008. “What Have We Learned from Experimental Finance?” Presentation (PPT)
Panel on The Future of Agent-Based Research in Economics, Eastern Economic Association, Boston MA – March 8, 2008. “Contribution of Agent-Based Modeling to Economics.” (Text PDF)
Odette School of Business, University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada – February 1, 2008. “Price Bubbles sans Dividend Anchors: Evidence from Laboratory Stock Markets.” (Presentation PPT)
University of Tokyo – January 22, 2008. “Everyone-a-banker or Ideal Credit Acceptance Game: Theory and Evidence.” Presentation (PPT)
Waseda University – January 22, 2008. “Everyone-a-banker or Ideal Credit Acceptance Game: Theory and Evidence.” Presentation (PPT )
Osaka University – January 21, 2008. “Everyone-a-banker or Ideal Credit Acceptance Game: Theory and Evidence.” Presentation (PPT)
Indian Institute of Management – January 18, 2008. “Why Experimental Finance?” Presentation (PPT)
Institute for Financial and Management Research – December 21, 2007.: “Everyone-a-banker or the Ideal Credit Acceptance Game: Theory and Evidence.” Presentation (PPT)
Center for Analytical Research in Technology Seminar, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University – October 10, 2007. “Humans, Automatons and Markets.” Presentation (PPT)
Peking University – July 12, 2007. “Price Bubbles and Common Knowledge: Evidence from Laboratory Stock Markets.” (Presentation PPT)
Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China – July 16-18, 2007.
- Shinichi Hirota and Shyam Sunder, “Price Bubbles and Common Knowledge: Evidence from Laboratory Stock Markets.” Presentation (PPT)
- “What Have We Learned From Experimental Finance?” Presentation (PPT)
Intensive Course in Agent-Based Finance, Eighth Trento Summer School, Trento, Italy – July 5-6. 2007.
- “Exploring Market Structures with Zero-Intelligence Agents.” Presentation (PPT)
- “What Have We Learned From Experimental Finance?” Presentation (PPT)
Economic Science Association Asia-Pacific Meeting, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan – February 10-11, 2007. “Markets as Institutions: Discovering Foundations and Properties through Experiments.” Presentation (PPT)
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India – January 1-4, 2007.
- Markets, Competition and Efficiency
- Auctions
- Experimental Asset Markets
- Public Goods
University of Trento Conference, Trento, Italy – Dec 14-15, 2006. “Economic Interactions: Behavior or Structure.” Presentation (PPT)
Harvard University Accounting Conference in Honor of Robert Kaplan – May 31, 2006. “Price Bubbles sans Dividend Anchors: Evidence from Laboratory Stock Markets.” Presentation (PPT)
Rady Business School, University of California at San Diego – March 28, 2006. “Price Bubbles sans Dividend Anchors: Evidence from Laboratory Stock Markets.”
Institute for Financial Management and Research, Chennai, India – February 2, 2006. “Price Bubbles sans Dividend Anchors: Evidence from Laboratory Stock Markets.” Presentation (PPT)
Information Systems Section of the American Accounting Association, Scottsdale, Arizona – January 6, 2006. Plenary Address, “Humans, Automatons and Markets.” Presentation (PPT) Speech
Leitner Workshop in International Political Economy, Yale Center for International and Area Studies – November 14, 2005. Koichi Hamada and Shyam Sunder, “Why Do Economists Favor Free Trade But Politicians Don’t?” Presentation (PPT)
Santa Fe Insitute Business Network Conference, Credit Suisse First Boston, New York – October 21, 2005. “Economics: Structure or Behavior.” Presentation (PPT)
Tenth Workshop on Economic Heterogeneous Interacting Agents, Center for Computational Finance and Economic Agents, University of Essex – June 13-15, 2005. “Structure and Behavior: A Fork in the Road for Economics.” Presentation (PPT)
Finexe Workshop, University of Joensuu, Finland – June 10-11, 2005. “Structure and Behavior: A Fork in the Road for Economics.” Presentation (PPT)
History of Political Economy Conference, Duke University – April 22-24, 2005. “Economic Theory: Structural Abstraction or Behavioral Reduction.” Presentation (PPT)
Yale School of Management Faculty Workshop – April 20, 2005. “Why Do Economists Favor Free Trade but
Politicians Don’t?” Presentation (PPT)
International Conference on Experiments in Economic Sciences: New Approaches to Solving Real-World Problems, Okayama , Japan – December 14-15, 2004. “Why Experimental Finance?” Presentation (PPT)
Baruch College, CUNY – November 2004. “Price Bubbles sans Dividend Anchors: Evidence from Laboratory Stock Markets.” (Presentation PPT)
University of Florida – November 5, 2004. “Price Bubbles sans Dividend Anchors: Evidence from Laboratory Stock Markets.” (Presentation PPT)
IBM Faculty Summit, “Contract Theory and Business Strategy: Reoptimization under Changing Opportunity Sets”, Yale University, May 17-18, 2004. Presentation (PPT).
University of Utah – April 23, 2014. “Investor Beliefs and Price Bubbles sans Dividend Anchors: Evidence from Laboratory Stock Markets.” (Presentation PPT)
Leitner Workshop, “Political Economy of Corporate Governance/Accounting Failures”, Yale University, March 29, 2004. Presentation (PPT). Table (PDF).
Annual Distinguished Lectures, Centre for Computational Finance and Economic Agents (CCEFA), University of Essex , U.K. – March 10-12, 2004.
- Humans, Automatons and Markets
- Designing Trading Automatons
- The Importance of Being Intelligent: Understanding Market Institutions
- Designing Market Institutions
Keynote Address on “Fuzzy Day,” Society of Quantitative Analysts, New York – June 12, 2003. “Why Experimental Finance?”
Cowles Foundation, Yale University – April 16, 2003. “Stock Markets as a ‘Beauty Contest’: Investor Beliefs and Price Bubbles sans Dividend Anchors” (Presentation PPT)
Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta – January 10, 2003. “Why Do Stock Markets Form Price Bubbles?” Presentation (PPT)
Queen Mary College, University of London, November 27, 2002. “Stock Markets as a ‘Beauty Contest’: Beliefs and Price Bubbles sans Dividend Anchors” Presentation (PPT)
Max Planck Institute for Research into Economic Systems, Jena Germany, November 26, 2002. “Stock Markets as a ‘Beauty Contest’: Beliefs and Price Bubbles sans Dividend Anchors” Presentation (PPT)
Universitat Pampeu Fabra Workshop, Barcelona, November 22, 2002. “Stock Markets as a ‘Beauty Contest’: Beliefs and Price Bubbles sans Dividend Anchors” Presentation (PPT)
Cornell University, September 25, 2002. “Keynes’ Beauty Contest: Stock Prices Sans Dividend Anchors” Presentation (PPT)
Yale SOM Faculty Lunch Workshop, September 25, 2002.
University of Kansas, April 5, 2002. “Keynes’ Beauty Contest: Speculative Price Bubbles in the Absence of Common Knowledge in Experimental Stock Markets.” Presentation (PPT)
ESA Meetings, San Diego, March 23, 2002. “Keynes’ Beauty Contest: Speculative Price Bubbles in the Absence of Common Knowledge in Experimental Stock Markets.” Presentation (PPT)
University of Houston, March 22, 2002. “Keynes’ Beauty Contest: Speculative Price Bubbles in the Absence of Common Knowledge in Experimental Stock Markets.” Presentation (PPT)
Osaka University, Japan, March 6, 2002. “Keynes’ Beauty Contest: Speculative Price Bubbles in the Absence of Common Knowledge in Experimental Stock Markets.” Presentation (PPT)
University of Iowa Accounting and Finance Workshop – December 7, 2001. “Keynes’ Beauty Contest: Speculative Price Bubbles in Absence of Common Knowledge in Experimental Stock Markets.” Presentation (PPT)
Guelph University, Canada, October 12, 2001. “Absence of Common Knowledge as A Source of Speculative Bubbles” Presentation (PPT)
Mannheim Summer School in Empirical Economics, Mannheim , Germany – June 26-28, 2001. “Real Phenomena, Theory and Design of Laboratory Experiments in Economics.” Lecture Text (PDF)
Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics, Ochanomizu, Tokyo, Japan, March 25-26, 2000. “Modeling Bargaining Behavior in Ultimatum Games.” Presentation (PPT)
YaleSchool of Management Faculty Research Workshop – October 13, 1999 and Intel Architectural Lab Workshop – October 21, 1999. “Can Postage Save Email from Drowning in Junk? A Market for Attention.” Presentation
♦Working Papers/Notes
Sunder, Shyam, and Hwee Cheng Tan. 2023. “Institution vs. Behavior: Robustness of Continuous Double Auction Market Outcomes to Noisy Implementation of Four Key Features,” June 2023.
Shabnam Mousavi and Shyam Sunder. 2023. “Study of Organization without Strategy: Structural Rationality,” Yale University Working Paper, May 2023. Abstract. Text (PDF).
Shabnam Mousavi and Shyam Sunder, “Physics, Biology and Human Faculties: A Structural Stepwise Approach to Modeling Human Behavior,” Revised March 5, 2023. https://ssrn.com/abstract=4454699.
Shabnam Mousavi and Shyam Sunder, “Study of Organization sans Strategy: Structural Rationality,” Working Paper, December 9, 2022.
Shabnam Mousavi and Shyam Sunder, “Physics, Biology and Human Faculties: A Structural Stepwise Approach to Modeling Human Behavior,” November 7, 2022.
Shyam Sunder, “The Importance of Structural Rationality: Understanding Market Institutions,” June 16, 2022.
Shabnam Mousavi and Shyam Sunder, “Emergence and Embodiment in Economic Modeling,” Yale SOM Working Paper, March 14, 2022.
Ehrig, Timo, Manjaly, Jaison, Singh, Aditya, and Shyam Sunder. “Adaptive Rationality in Strategic Interaction: Do Emotions Regulate Thinking about Others?” Revised August 25, and October 2, 2021.
Shabnam Mousavi and Shyam Sunder. “Framing Human Action in Physics: Valid Reconstruction, Invalid Reduction,” Working Paper, July 2021.
Sunder, Shyam, “The Importance of Being Intelligent.” Revised May 11, 2021.
Mousavi, Shabnam and Shyam Sunder. Framing Human Action in Physics: Reconstruction but not Reduction. December 2020.
Mousavi, Shabnam and Shyam Sunder. Using the Principle of Least Action To Frame the Physics of Human Behavior” Proceedings of the IAISAE 2020 International Conference on Thermodynamics 2.0, June 22-24.
Shyam Sunder. Liquidity Injections May Have Driven the Stock Market Recovery. Yale Insights. June 17, 2020.
Schade, Christian and Shyam Sunder. Physics and Decisions: An Exploration, Editorial for a Mini Symposium in “Mind and Society”, May 22, 2020.
Mousavi, Shabnam and Shyam Sunder. Physics and Decisions: An Inverted Perspective. April 27, 2020.
Shyam Sunder. Rational Order from “Irrational” Actions. Draft April 30, 2020.
Hirota, Shinichi, Huber, Jeurgen, Stockl, Thomas and Shyam Sunder. Speculation and Price Indeterminacy in Financial Markets: An Experimental Study,” April 17, 2020.
Ehrig, Timo, Manjaly, Jaison, Singh, Aditya and Shyam Sunder. “Adaptive Rationality in Strategic Interaction: Do Emotions Regulate Thinking about Others?” March 31, 2020.
Jamal, Karim, Maier, Michael and Shyam Sunder. “Aggregation of Diverse Information with Double Auction Trading among Minimally-Intelligent Algorithmic Agents” June 1, 2019.
Mousavi, Shabnam and Shyam Sunder. “Physical Laws and Human Behavior: A Three Tier Framework” February 21, 2019.
Hirota, Shinichi, Huber, Jeurgen, Stockl, Thomas and Shyam Sunder. “Speculation and Price Indeterminacy in Financial Markets: An Experimental Study.” May 8, 2018.
Nudge, Boost, or Design? Limitations of behaviorally informed policy under social interaction By Samuli Reijula, Jaakko Kuorikoski, Timo Ehrig, Konstantinos Katsikopoulos, and Shyam Sunder, Revised March 2018.
Juergen Huber, Martin Shubik, and Shyam Sunder. “Finance of Public Goods through Taxation in a General Equilibrium Economy: Experimental Evidence.” December 13, 2017.
Glover, Jonathan and Shyam Sunder, “The Challenges of Regulating Finance“, Preliminary draft, August 11, 2017.
Shyam Sunder. “Engineering Design, and Society.” April 22, 2017.
Shinichi Hirota, Juergen Huber, Thomas Stöckl, Shyam Sunder. “Speculation and Price Indeterminacy in Financial Markets.” November 30, 2016.
Shinichi Hirota, Juergen Huber, Thomas Stöckl, Shyam Sunder. “Speculation and Price Indeterminacy in Financial Markets.” November 4, 2015.
Ehrig, Timo, Konstantinos Katsikopoulos, Jaakko Kuorikoski, Samuli Pöyhönen, and Shyam Sunder. “Limitations of behaviorally informed policy under social interaction.” New Working Paper. September 2015.
Huber, Juergen, Martin Shubik, and Shyam Sunder. “Financing of Public Goods through Taxation in a General Equilibrium Economy: Experimental Evidence.” Revised July 6, 2015 (First draft October 28, 2011).
Hirota, Shinichi, Juergen Huber, Thomas Stöckl, and Shyam Sunder. “Investment Horizons and Price Indeterminacy in Financial Markets.” New Working Paper. June 2015.
Jamal, Karim and Maier, Michael S. and Sunder, Shyam, Simple Agents, Intelligent Markets (March 23, 2015). Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1868R. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2478665.
Huber, Juergen, Martin Shubik, and Shyam Sunder. “Default Penalty as a Selection Mechanism Among Multiple Equilibria.” Revised October 21, 2014.
Friedman, Daniel and Shyam Sunder. “Risky Curves: On the Empirical Failure of Expected Utility.” Center for Analytical Finance, University of California, Santa Cruz. June 2014. First draft May 2004.
Sunder, Shyam. “Experimental Exploration into Macroeconomics.” New working paper, February 25, 2013.
Maier, Michael, Karim Jamal and Shyam Sunder. “Decoupling Markets and Individuals: Rational Expectations Equilibrium Outcomes from Information Dissemination among Boundedly-Rational Traders.” Revised July 29, 2012.
Memorial Service for John Dickhaut, Chapman University, January 14, 2012. John Wilson Dickhaut.
Friedman, Daniel and Shyam Sunder. “Risky Curves: From Unobservable Utility to Observable Opportunity Sets”. First draft May 2004. Revised draft June 6, 2011.
Letter from economists to SEC with comments on “Concept Release on Equity Market Structure” (File Number S7-02010). April 16, 2010.Link
Hamada, Koichi and Shyam Sunder. “Information Asymmetry and the Problem of Transfers in Trade Negotiations and International Agencies.” Economic Growth Center Discussion Paper No. 910, Yale University – May 2005. Abstract, Text (PDF)
Hamada, Koichi and Shyam Sunder. “Why Do Economists Favor Free Trade but Politicians Don’t?” November 2004. Text (PDF)
Hamada, Koichi and Shyam Sunder. “The Roles of Tranfers and Participation Constraints in Trade Negotiations.” November 2004.
Gode, D. K., Stephen Spear and Shyam Sunder. “Convergence of Double Auctions to Pareto Optimal Allocations in Edgeworth Box.” May 2004. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
Sunder, Shyam. “Humans, Automatons, and Markets.” Presented at University of Essex – March 10, 2004.
Narayanamoorthy, Ganapathi and Shyam Sunder. “Economics of Financial Analysis.” Preliminary Draft – October 3, 2002.
Sunder, Shyam. “Real Phenomena, Theory and Design of Laboratory Experiments in Economics.” Notes for Mannheim Summer School in Empirical Economics – June 26-28, 2001. Text (PDF)
Sunder, Shyam. “Want, Scarcity and Experimental Economics.” March 2000.
Gode, D.K. and Shyam Sunder. “On the Impossibility of Equitable Continuously-Clearing Markets with Geographically Distributed Traders.” March 2000. Text (PDF)
Gode, Dhananjay and Shyam Sunder. “Dynamics of Double Auctions.” GSIA Working Paper, January 1996.
Sunder, Shyam. “An Introduction to Design, Planning and Conduct of Asset Market Experiments.” February 1991.
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“Risky Curves: On Empirical Failure of the Expected Utility.London: Routledge. Friedman, Daniel, Mark Isaac, Duncan James, and Shyam Sunder. 2013. Synopsis
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Modeling Socio-Economic Behavior: Essays in Honor of Richard M. Cyert. Special edition, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 31, no. 2 (November 1996). ISSN 0167-2681. |
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Experimental Methods: A Primer for Economists. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. ISBN 0-521-45068-3. Friedman, Daniel and Shyam Sunder.
Reviewed by:
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Japanese Edition, translated by Professors Toshiji Kawagoe, Toru Mori, and Testsuya Uchiki. 1999. ISBN 4-495-43471-3. Preface to the Japanese Edition in Japanese.. Preface to the Japanese Edition in English. |
♦Published Articles
236. Shyam Sunder, “Importance of Structural Rationality: Understanding Market Institutions,” Chapter 2 in Eds. Riccardo Viale, Shabnam Mousavi, Umberto Filotto, and Barbara Alemanni, Artificial Intelligence and Financial Behavior, pp. 51-68. Elgar. Print ISBN: 9781803923147; eISBN: 9781803923154; https://doi.org/10.4337/9781803923154.00009.
235. Shabnam Mousavi and Shyam Sunder. 2023. “Physics, Biology and Human Faculties: A Structural Stepwise Approach to Modeling Human Behavior,” the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 212 (2023) 311-321. Abstract.
233. Shinichi Hirota, Juergen Huber, Thomas Stöckl, and Shyam Sunder. 2022. “Speculation, money supply and price indeterminacy in financial markets: An experimental study,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Vol. 200 (2022): 1275-1296. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jebo.2020.06.010.
232. Mousavi S and Sunder S (2022). “Emergence and Embodiment in Economic Modeling.” Frontiers of Psychology (Cognition). 13:814844. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.814844.
231. Timo Ehrig, Jaison Manjaly, Aditya Singh, Shyam Sunder (2022) Adaptive Rationality in Strategic Interaction: Do Emotions Regulate Thinking About Others? Strategy Science. Published online in Articles in Advance 02 Feb 2022. Feb 2022. https://doi.org/10.1287/stsc.2021.0152.
230. Shyam Sunder. “Accounting Research and Problem Solving,” Editorial, Accounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium, https://doi.org/10.1515/ael-2020-0058.
229. Schade, Christian and Shyam Sunder. “Physics and Decisions: an Exploration”, Mind Soc (July 22, 2020), 19, 287-292. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11299-020-00239-z.
228. Mousavi, Shabnam and Shyam Sunder. Physics and Decisions: An Inverted Perspective. Mind Soc (July 21, 2020) 19, 293-298. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11299-020-00244-2.
227. Sunder, Shyam. Rational order from ‘irrational’ actions. Mind Soc (July 20, 2020), 19 (2), 317-321. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11299-020-00245-1.
226. Sunder, Shyam. “How Did The US Stock Market Recover From the Covid-19 Contagion?” in Mind and Society, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020. June 22, 2020
219. Reijula, Samuli, Kuorikoski, Jaako, Ehrig, Timo, Katsikopoulos, Konstantinos, and Shyam Sunder. “Nudge, Boost or Design? Limitations of behaviorally informed policy under social interaction.” Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 99-105, 2018.
217. Juergen Huber, Martin Shubik, and Shyam Sunder. “Financing of Public Goods through Taxation in a General Equilibrium Economy: Experimental Evidence.Financing of public goods through taxation in a general equilibrium economy: Exerimental Evidence” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 148, pp. 171-188.
215. Sunder, Shyam. “How to sync elections: Use Rawl’s “veil of ignorance” approach by pushing it to an unforeeable future” in The Times of India, February 24, 2018.
215A. Sunder, Shyam. “Can a ‘Veil of Ignorance’ Break India’s Election Deadlock?” Yale Insights February 28, 2018.
213. Sunder Shyam, 2018. “Why Reduce Economics to Psychology,” Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium, De Gruyter, vol. 8(1), pages 1-2, March 2018.
213A. Sunder, Shyam. “Rational order from ‘irrational man’” Chapter from State of India’s Environment, 2018. A Down to Earth Annual. Published by Centre for Science and Environment. ISBN: 978-81-86906-11-8
213B. Sunder, Shyam. Reduction of Economics to Psychology. Yale Insights: October 31, 2017.
213C. Sunder, Shyam. “Rational order from ‘irrational’ man.” A Down to Earth Annual, State of India’s Environment 2018, pp. 46-48.
202. Jamal, Karim, Michael Maier and Shyam Sunder. “Simple Agents, Intelligent Markets,” Computational Economics, 49(4), 653-675. DOI 10.1007/s10614-016-9582-3 Text. Abstract.
200. Huber, Juergen, Martin Shubik and Shyam Sunder, “Default Penalty as a Selection Mechanism Among Multiple Equilibria,” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, (2016), Vol. 9, pp. 20-38.
198. Sunder, Shyam. ” Experimental Exploration into Macroeconomics,” in S.M. Dev and P.G. Babu (eds.), Development in India: Micro and Macro Perspectives, India Studies in Business and Economics (2016), pp. 169-195. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-2541-6_10.
195. Juergen Huber, Martin Shubik, and Shyam Sunder. “Sufficiency of an Outside Bank and a Default Penalty to Support the Value of Fiat Money: Experimental Evidence.” Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control (JEDC), 47 (2014) pp 317-337.
183. Sunder, Shyam, Discussion comments: “When and Why Individuals Obey Form-Adhesive Contracts: Experimental Evidence of Consent, Compliance, and Performance,” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), 168 (2012) 147-149. These comments were written in response to the companion paper, also by Eigen and available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=1640245,
182. Sunder, Shyam. “India’s Retarded Retail Sector.” Mint/Wall Street Journal, January 9, 2012, p. 23. (Link )
For some related empirical evidence, please see, K. Sudhir and Debabrata Talukdar, “ Productivity versus Transparency: Information Technology Adoption in Emerging Markets,” Yale University Working Paper, July 2012.
179. Sujoy Chakravarty, Daniel Friedman, Gautam Gupta, Neeraj Hatekar, Santanu Mitra, Shyam Sunder. “Experimental Economics: A Survey.” Economic & Political Weekly, August 27, 2011, Vol XLVI No 35, pp. 39-78.
163. Huber, Juergen, Martin Shubik and Shyam Sunder. “Three Minimal Market Institutions: Theory and Experimental Evidence.” Games and Economic Behavior 70 (2010) 403–424.
172. Angerer, Martin, Juergen Huber, Martin Shubik and Shyam Sunder. “An Economy with Personal Currency: Theory and Experimental Evidence.” Annals of Finance, Volume 6, Number 4, October 2010, pp.475-509.
155. Sunder, Shyam. Book review of Rationality in Economics: Constructivist and Ecological Forms by Vernon L. Smith. Journal of Economic Psychology 30 (February, 2009) pp 107-110.
157. Sunder, Shyam, Blake LeBaron and Shu-Heng Chen – Panelists. “The Future of Agent-Based Research in Economics: A Panel Discussion, Eastern Economic Association Annual Meetings, Boston, MA, March 7, 2008.” Eastern Economic Journal, Spring 2009, 34 Issued 2(550-565) Text (PDF) Link
151. Crockett, Sean, Stephen Spear and Shyam Sunder. “Crockett, Sean, Stephen Spear and Shyam Sunder. “Learning competitive equilibrium” Journal of Mathematical Economics 44 (2008) 651–671. Text (PDF)
145. Sunder, Shyam. “What Have We Learned from Experimental Finance?” In Developments on Experimental Economics: New Approaches to Solving Real-world Problems edited by Sobei H. Oda, 91-100. Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 590. Berlin: Springer, 2007. Reprinted in Information, Interaction and (In) Efficiency in Financial Markets. Linde, (2008): 25-36. Text (PDF)
143. Hirota, Shinichi and Shyam Sunder. “Price Bubbles sans Dividend Anchors: Evidence from Laboratory Stock Markets,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 31, no. 6 (June 2007): 1875-1909.
137A. Sheri Marina Markose, Jasmina Arifovic, Shyam Sunder. “Advances in experimental and agent-based modelling: Asset markets, economic networks, computational mechanism design and evolutionary game dynamics.” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2007, issue 6, pp1801-1807. Text (PDF)
136. Sunder, Shyam. “Economic Theory: Structural Abstraction or Behavioral Reduction” in “Agreement on Demand: Consumer Theory in the Twentieth Century,” eds. Philip Mirowski and D. Wade Hands, annual supplement, History of Political Economy 38:322-342. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006. Text (PDF)
130. Sunder, Shyam. “Determinants of Economic Interaction: Behavior or Structure.” Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination 1, no. 1 (May 2006): 21-32. Text (PDF)
125. Cheema, Amar, Peter T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc, Rajesh Bagchi, Richard P. Bagozzi, James C. Cox, Utpal M. Dholakia, Eric A. Greenleaf, Amit Pazgal, Michael H. Rothkopf, Michael Shen, Shyam Sunder, and Robert Zeithammer. “Economics, Psychology, and Social Dynamics of Consumer Bidding in Auctions.” Marketing Letters 16, no. 3-4 (Fall 2005): 401-413. Text (PDF)
123. Kraut, Robert E., Shyam Sunder, Rahul Telang and James Morris. “Pricing Electronic Mail To Solve the Problem of Spam.” Human Computer Interaction 20 (2005): 195-223. Abstract(PDF), Text (PDF)
118. Gode, Dhananjay K., and Shyam Sunder. “Double Auction Dynamics: Structural Effects of Non-Binding Price Controls.” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 28, no. 9 (July 2004): 1707-1731. Abstract(PDF), Text (PDF)
116. Sunder, Shyam. “Markets as Artifacts: Aggregate Efficiency from Zero-Intelligence Traders.” In Models of a Man: Essays in Memory of Herbert A. Simon edited by M. E. Augier and J. G. March, 501-520. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2004. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
114. Sunder, Shyam. “A Free Market Solution to Spam.” Cato Institute Daily Commentary, February 27, 2004. Link
112. Riascos, Alvaro J. “Shyam Sunder Interview with Webpondo.” Webpondo (e-magazine of Banco de la Republica de Colombia), October-December 2003. Text (PDF)
105. Kraut, Robert E., S. Sunder, J. Morris, R. Telang, D. Filer, and M. Cronin. “Markets for attention: Will postage for email help?” Proceedings of the 2002 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 206-215. New York: ACM Press, 2002. Abstract(PDF), Text (PDF), Yale Daily News Story
96. Jamal, Karim, and Shyam Sunder. “Why do Biased Heuristics Approximate Bayes Rule in Double Auctions?” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 46, no. 4 (2001): 431-435. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
95. Bosch-Domenech, Antoni and Shyam Sunder. “Tracking the Invisible Hand: Convergence of Double Auctions to Competitive Equilibrium.” Computational Economics 16, no. 3 (December 2000): 257-284. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
92. Lin, Haijin and Shyam Sunder. “Modeling Bargaining Behavior in Ultimatum Games.” In Evolutionary Economics in Tokyo, Papers of the Fourth Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics, 88-91. Tokyo: JAFEE, 2000. Reprinted as “Using Experimental Data to Model Bargaining Behavior in Ultimatum Games” in Experimental Business Research edited by Rami Zwick and Amnon Rapoport, 373-397. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
91. Kraut, Robert, James Morris and Shyam Sunder. “‘Postage’ Can Rescue Email from Drowning in Junk.” MBA Bullet Point, February 29-March 27, 2000. Text (PDF)
84. Gode, Dhananjay and Shyam Sunder. “What Makes Markets Allocationally Efficient?” Quarterly Journal of Economics 112, no. 2 (May 1997), 603-630. GSIA Reprint No. 1473. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
82A. Day, Richard H. and Shyam Sunder. “Ideas and Work of Richard M. Cyert.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 31, no. 2 (November 1996): 139-148. GSIA Reprint No. 1472. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
82B. Jamal, Karim and Shyam Sunder. “Bayesian Equilibrium in Double Auctions Populated by Biased Heuristic Traders.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 31, no. 2 (November 1996): 273-291. GSIA Reprint No. 1471. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF).
75. Marimon, Ramon and Shyam Sunder. “Does a Constant Money Growth Rule Help Stabilize Inflation?: Experimental Evidence.” Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 43 (1995): 111-156. GSIA Reprint No. 1468. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
74. Anderson, Matthew J. and Shyam Sunder. “Professional Traders as Intuitive Bayesians.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 64, no. 2 (November 1995): 185-202. GSIA Reprint No. 1465. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
73. Sunder, Shyam. “Experimental Asset Markets: A Survey.” In Handbook of Experimental Economics edited by A. Roth and John Kagel, 445-500. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995. Abstract (PDF), Text(PDF)
70. Sunder, Shyam, “Economics of Sanitation,” Economic Times, November 16, 1994. Text (PDF).
69. Lim, Suk S., Edward C. Prescott and Shyam Sunder. “Stationary Solution to the Overlapping Generations Model of Fiat Money: Experimental Evidence.” Empirical Economics 19, no. 2 (1994): 255-277. GSIA Reprint No. 1450. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
65. Gode, Dhananjay and Shyam Sunder. “Human and Artificially Intelligent Traders in a Double Auction Market: Experimental Evidence.” In Computational Organization Theory edited by Kathleen Carley and Michael Prietula, 241-262. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1994. GSIA Reprint No. 1453. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
64. Marimon, Ramon and Shyam Sunder. “Expectations and Learning Under Alternative Monetary Regimes: An Experimental Approach.” Economic Theory 4 (1994), 131-162. GSIA Reprint No. 1451. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
63. Marimon, Ramon and Shyam Sunder. “Indeterminacy of Equilibria in a Hyperinflationary World: Experimental Evidence.” Econometrica 61, no. 5 (1993): 1073-1108. GSIA Reprint 1447. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
62. Marimon, Ramon, Stephen E. Spear, and Shyam Sunder. “Expectationally-Driven Market Volatility: An Experimental Study.” Journal of Economic Theory 61, no. 1 (1993): 74-103. GSIA Reprint No. 1446. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
61. Gode, Dhananjay K. and Shyam Sunder. “Allocative Efficiency of Markets with Zero Intelligence Traders: Market as a Partial Substitute for Individual Rationality.” The Journal of Political Economy 101, no. 1 (February 1993): 119-137. GSIA Reprint No. 1439. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF), Animations of DA Markets with Human Traders (MP4), AI Traders (MP4), ZI-C Traders (MP4).
60. Gode, Dhananjay K. and Shyam Sunder. “Lower Bounds for Efficiency of Surplus Extraction in Double Auctions.” In The Double Auction Market: Institutions, Theories and Laboratory Evidence edited by D. Friedman and J. Rust, 199-219. Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity 14. New York: Addison-Wesley, 1993. GSIA Reprint No. 1445. Text (PDF)
59. Duh, Rong-Ruey and Shyam Sunder. “El Agente Económico Como un Bayesiano Intuitivo: Evidencia Experimental” [Economic Agents as Intuitive Bayesians: Experimental Evidence (in Spanish)]. Cuadernos Economicos de ICE 54 (1993/2): 101-128. GSIA Reprint No. 1452. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
58. Sunder, Shyam. “Market for Information: Experimental Evidence.” Econometrica 60, no. 3 (May 1992): 667-695. GSIA Reprint No. 1423. Abstract (PDF), Text(PDF)
57. Sunder, Shyam. “Insider Information and Its Role in Security Markets.” In Business Behavior and Information edited by Yuji Ijiri and Isao Nakano, 51-75. Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University Press, 1992. GSIA Reprint No. 1444. Tokyo: Doobunkan, 1992 [in Japanese, pp. 55-78]. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
54. Jamal, Karim and Shyam Sunder. “Money vs. Gaming: Effects of Salient Monetary Payments in Double Oral Auctions.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 49 (June 1991): 151-166. GSIA Reprint No. 1412. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
48. Plott, Charles R. and Shyam Sunder. “Rational Expectations and the Aggregation of Diverse Information in Laboratory Security Markets.” Econometrica 56, no. 5 (September 1988): 1085-1118. Reprinted in The Legacy of Robert Lucas, Jr. edited by Kevin D. Hoover. London: Edward Elger Publishing, 1999. Abstract Text (PDF)
42. Sunder, Shyam. “Systems Development for an Experimental Economics Laboratory.” In Proceedings of the IBM ACB University Conference, 505-512. Boston 1987.
39. Duh, Rong-Ruey and Shyam Sunder: “Incentives, Learning, and Processing of Information in a Market Environment: An Examination of the Base-Rate Fallacy.” In Laboratory Market Research edited by Shane Moriarty, 50-79. University of Oklahoma, 1986. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
28. Plott, Charles R. and Shyam Sunder. “Efficiency of Experimental Security Markets with Insider Information: An Application of Rational-Expectation Models.” Journal of Political Economy 90, no. 4 (August 1982): 663-698. Abstract, (Text PDF)
27. Plott, Charles R. and Shyam Sunder. “The Effect of Trading Option Type Claims on the Efficiency of Experimental Security Markets: A Preliminary Report.” In Proceedings of the Seminar on Analysis of Security Prices 27, no. 1: 243-250. University of Chicago, May 1982. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
26. Sunder, Shyam. “Efficiency of Experimental Security Markets with Inside Information.” In Proceedings of the Seminar on Analysis of Security Prices 26, no. 1. University of Chicago, May 1981. Text (PDF)
22. Sunder, Shyam. “Stationarity of Market Risk: Random Coefficient Tests for Individual Stocks.” Journal of Finance 35, no. 4 (September 1980): 883-896. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
Shyam Sunder, “Leadership and Technology of Organizing: The Sangha, University and State,” Rishihood University, February 10, 2023.
Shyam Sunder, “Anatomy of Research Journals’ Review and Revision Process,” (Virtual), Faculty Development Program, Jindal School of Banking and Finance, Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India, April 21, 2022. Announcement.
Shyam Sunder, “Meeting the Challenge of Revitalizing Engineering Education and Practice in India,” Bangalore Chamber of Industry and Commerce, April 1, 2022.
Shyam Sunder, Innovation Center, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Department of Mechanical Engineering (Prof. P.V.M. Rao). March 19, 2022.
Shyam Sunder. 2021. “Finance, Economic Growth and Environment,” Valedictory Address at the Third Global Finance Enclave 2021, O. P. Jindal Global University (Sonepat, India), November 14, 2021. Powerpoint. Video.
Shyam Sunder. Virtual: What is Good Financial Reporting? How Do We Get There? Indian Accounting Association and Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (Western Region), June 11, 2021.
Shyam Sunder, “In Memoriam: P. S. Mangla (July 8, 1927-April 21, 2021)”in Hindi.
Shyam Sunder. Virtual. “Financing and Quality of Higher Education in India,” Jindal Global University Higher Education Conclave, January 8, 2021.
Shyam Sunder. “Financing and Quality of Higher Education in India” presented at Amity University’s special session entitled “New Education Policy: It’s Implications for US Universities” December 21, 2020.
Shyam Sunder. “Public Funding, Philanthropy and Social Impact,” in Global Virtual Conference on Reimagining and Transforming the University: Confluence of Ideas during and beyond the Covid-19 Disruption, August 6-7, 2020, O. P. Jindal Global University. Poster Photo
Shyam Sunder. Video: “Do You Want to be a Leader? Learn from Others; Think for Yourself” Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India, May 25, 2020.
Shyam Sunder. Powerpoint slides: “Do You Want to be a Leader? Learn from Others; Think for Yourself” Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India, May 25, 2020.
Shabnam Mousavi, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin and Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India “Physics, Biology, Social Sciences and Decisions” January 25, 2020.
Economics and Finance Faculty Research Workshop,Indian Institute of Management,Kozhikode, India; Shyam Sunder with Karim Jamal and Michael S. Maier “Structural Rationality: Aggregation of Divere Information with DA among Minimally-Intelligent Algorithmic Agents” January 17, 2020.
International Conclave on Globalizing Indian Thought, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, India “Engineering and Management of Organizations: The Sangha, University, and State” January 16-18, 2020.
Winter School of Bounded Rationality, T. A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal, India “What Do We Know about Human Attitudes towards Risk?” January 14, 2020.
Winter School of Bounded Rationality, T. A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal, India ” Panel Discussion on Behavioral Economics in Public Policy” January 13-19, 2020.
Shyam Sunder, “Remarks in the Panel on Corporate Fraud” JAAF Symposium, Indian Institute of Management, Bengalaru, January 11-13, 2020.
Shabnam Mousavi, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin and Shyam Sunder, Yale School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar “Physics, Biology, Social Sciences and Decisions” January 9, 2020.
Shyam Sunder, “Financial Reporting in India” Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India, January 8, 2020.
Shyam Sunder, “Why Humanities in Educating Engineers and Other Professionals as Leaders?” Indian Institute of Technology, January 7, 2020.
Shyam Sunder, “Financial Reporting in India,” Punjab University, Chandigarh, India, November 22, 2019.
Shyam Sunder, “What a World Class University is Not,” Remarks at the Panel discussion on Building World Class Universities in India, India Habitat Center, Delhi, November 22, 2017.
Shyam Sunder, “Challenges of Higher Education in India” at Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies & Delhi School of Business, Delhi, India, January 12, 2017.
13th International Accounting Conference, IAA Research Foundation and Deloitte India, Kolkata, January 7, 2017. “Value Creation, Distribution, and Integrated Financial Reporting.”
Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India, January 2, 2017, “Literature and Management Leadership: Macbeth.”
Indian Institute of Technology, Ganhinagar, India, January 4, 2017, “Building Social Sciences with Human and Artificial Agent Experiments.”
Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India, January 3, 2017, “Challenges of higher education and innovation in India: Talent, Financing, and Governance.”
Conference on Corporate Finance, Governance & Sustainability, Delhi School of Business, October 21, 2016, “Sustainable Growth:
Managing for Profits in the Long Run.” VIDEO
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Center for Economic Studies and Planning Workshop, Delhi, India, January 19, 2016. “Economic Interactions: Behavior or Structure.”
Jindal Global University, January 13, 2016, “Governance and Efficiency Resources Utilization in Higher Education.”
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India, Higher Education Leadership Forum, January 8-9 and 11-12, 2016. “Governance and Efficiency Resources Utilization in Higher Education.”
Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar Education Forum, Ahmedabad, India, January 6, 2015. “Higher Education: Options for India and India Inc.“
Keynote Address, Sakal Educon 2014. Paris, France, September 12-14, 2014. “Higher Education: Options for India and India Inc.”
Sakal Educon 2014, Paris, France, September 12-14, 2014. “Higher Education in India: Financing and Efficiency.”
Association of Yale Alumni group visting Kakalev, India in August 2014: “India: An Introduction”, April 27, 2014.
An Interview with D. Murali, “How to Address the Problem of Quality of Higher Education in India”, Chennai, India, January 13, 2014. Video Part 1, Video Part 2,Video Part 3,Video Part 4,Video Part 5,Video Part 6,Video Part 7.
L’Attitude: Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India, January 10, 2014. “Leading and Managing Change in a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous World.” Videos
Indo-US Higher Education Forum, Obama-Singh Knowledge Initiative, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, January 12, 2013; “Efficiency of Resource Use in Higher Education in India.”
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India; Thought Leader’s Forum: “Higher Education Reforms in India,” Connamara Taj Hotel, Chennai, January 11, 2013.
Round table conference The Future of Higher Education in India with special reference to Management Education, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Reflections newsletter, February, 2013.
” India needs to invest in research and doctoral education, says Yale don,” Ravikumar Ramanujam, Hindu Business Line, January 11, 2013.
India-Yale Parliamentary Leadership Program, June 25, 2012. “HIgher Education Reforms in India.”
Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, March 23, 2012. “Higher Education Reforms in India.”
Bridging Nations’ India-China Center, Pune, March 5, 2012. “Higher Education in India and China.”
Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta, March 2, 2012. “Financing of a Public Good by Taxation in a General Equilibrium Economy: Theory and Experimental Evidence.”
International Seminar on Sustainability and Corporate Governance, EIILM, IAA Research Foundation, and Bengal Chamber, Kolkata, March 1, 2012. “Higher Education Reforms in India.”
International Seminar on Sustainability and Corporate Governance, EIILM, IAA Research Foundation, and Bengal Chamber, Kolkata, March 1, 2012. “Sustainability and Corporate Governance.”
Yale South Asian Studies Council Colloquium, November 30, 2011. “Higher Education Reforms in India.”
India -Yale Higher Education Leadership Program, September 25-October 9, 2011. “Higher Education Reforms in India.”
Global Social Entrepreneurship Workshop, Yale School of Management, September 20, 2011. “Issues in Social Entrepreneurship.”
Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), Ahmedabad, India, March 21, 2011, “Skills Training and Delivery of Quality Services.”
Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, India, March 18, 2011. “Better Corporate Management: What, Why and How?
Ahmedabad Education Society Seminar, March 18, 2011. “Higher Education Reforms in India”
Yale-Great Lakes Research conference, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India, December 26, 2010. “Research for Management Policy.”
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India, December 25, 2010. Experiential Learning in Education.” (Text PDF)
Center for Study of Science and Technology Policy, Begaluru, India, August 20, 2010, “Efficient Mechanisms for Private and Public Goods.”
Azim Premji Foundation, Bengaluru, August 19, 2010, “Higher Education Reforms in India.”
Symbiosis Institute of Management, Bengaluru, August 19, 2010, “Higher Education Reforms in India.” Speakers Profile. Presentation. Discussion.
India-Yale Parliamentary Leadership Program, 2010, Yale University, New Haven, CT, June 9-19, 2010. “State of Innovation and Higher Education in India: Will it Derail India’s Progess?“
Conference on Managing Responsibility with Confidence, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, China, December 20, 2009. “Who is Responsible for the C-N-T Equation?”
SSN College of Management and Computer Applications, Chennai, China, December 24, 2009. “Universities as Seed Farms of Innovation to Sustain India’s Economic Growth.” Presentation (PPT)
India-Yale Parliamentary Leadership Program, Yale University, New Haven, CT, June 23, 2009. Presentation (PPT)
Sunder, Shyam. “Yash Pal Committee Report on Higher Education: A Review,” June 26, 2009. Text (PDF)
Report of the Committee to Advise on Renovation and Rejuvenation of Higher Education, June 23, 2009. linked to http://www.hindu.com/nic/yashpalcommitteereport.pdf.
Conference on Shifting Capital Markets and Corporate performance, Millstein Center for Corporate Governance, Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT – November 7-8, 2008. Comments on “Corporate Governance and Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from India” by R. Madhumathi, M. Ranganatham, and R. Kannan. (Presentation (PPT)
International Social Entrepreneurship Workshop, Yale School of Management, New Haven, CT – September 30, 2008. “Engineering of Organizations: A Template”. Presentation (PPT)
TERI MPP Workshop – Yale University, New Haven, CT, July 1, 2008. “Universities as Seed Farms of Innovation to Sustain India’s Economic Growth”. Presentation (PPT)
India-Yale Parliamentary Leadership Program, 2008 – Yale University, New Haven, CT, June 8-14, 2008. “Universities as Seed Farms of Innovation to Sustain India’s Economic Growth.” Presentation (PPT)
Great Lakes Institute of Management – December 23, 2007. “Building Brand India: Doctoral Education and Research as Infrastructure for a Modernizing Economy.” Presentation (PPT)
Indian School of Business – December 17-19, 2007. “Asian Accounting Research: Leadership Challenges.” Presentation (PPT)
Indian School of Business – December 17, 2007. “Accounting Education and Research as Infrastructure for a Modernizing Economy.” Presentation (PPT)
International Seminar on IT Industry in India: Prospects, Retrospects and Policies, Department of Economics, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi (via remote video link) – November 1, 2007. “Investing in the Future of the Indian IT Industry: Prospects and Policy.” Presentation (PPT)
University Administration and International Exchange Program for India, New Haven – September 20, 2007. “Imagining Universities as Seed Farms of Innovation to Sustain India’s Economic Growth.” Presentation (PPT)
Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India, US Educational Foundation in India and Kri Foundation, India Habitat Center, New Delhi – January 9, 2007. “From Grain Revolution to Brain Revolution: Building Seed Farms of Innovation to Sustain India’s Economic Growth.” Presentation (PPT)
Yale University International Development Policy Speaker Series – February 20, 2006. “Computer and the Buffalo: Globalization and Rural Women in Gujrat.” Presentation (PPT)
Jawarharlal Nehru University, Center for East Asian Studies, Delhi, India – February 7, 2006. “India in East Asia: Preparing for Economic Role.” Presentation (PPT)
Remarks at Birthday Celebration of Dr. V. S. Arunachalam, Hyderabad, India – October 28, 2005 Remarks (PDF), Audio Remarks (AVI)
Yale Summer School, PIER Program: Globalization: Focus on South Asia – July 15, 2005. “Computer as a Buffalo: Globalization and Rural Women in Gujarat.” Presentation (PPT)
India-Japan-Taiwan Trialogue , Taiwan Thinktank, Taipei – November 11-13, 2004. “Economic and Trade Cooperation.” Presentation (PPT)
The Future of Secularism Conference, Yale University – March 26-27, 2004. “Comments on ‘Is Secularism Alien to Indian Civilization?’ by Romila Thapar.” Lecture Text (PDF)
Yale Forum on South Asia and Globalization – February 28, 2004. “Computer as a Buffalo: Systematic Consequences of Opening the Windows to Globalization in India.” Presentation (PPT)
Chemical Engineering Society, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi – January 20, 2003. “Indian Software Industry: Prospects and Policy.” Presentation (PPT)
ASHAMid-HudsonValley Chapter and ISA, Pace University – February 21, 2002. “Indian Software Industry: Prospects and Policy.” Presentation (PPT)
♦Working Papers/Notes
Sunder, Shyam, Financing and Quality of Higher Education in India” January 8, 2021.
Sunder, Shyam, “Paying for Higher Education in India.” September 23, 2020.
Shyam Sunder. “Leadership and Technology of Organizing: The Sangha, University, and State.” Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode. May 18, 2020.
Shyam Sunder, “Modi: An Improbable Hayekian,” May 22, 2014.
Sunder, Shyam. “Yash Pal Committee Report on Higher Education: A Review.” June 26, 2009. Text (PDF)
Sunder, Shyam. “How Will Obama Election Affect India?” November 2008. Text (PDF)
Sunder, Shyam. “Mumbai and Malgudi: Cooperate on SEZs to Bring Prosperity to All.” September 2008. Text (PDF)
Sunder, Shyam. “Who Will Work the Seed Farms of Knowledge,” April 2006. Text (PDF)
Shyam, Manjula and Shyam Sunder. “Higher Education for More.” January 2004. Text (PDF)
Sunder, Shyam. “An India-US Primer in Four Varnas.” 2000. Text (PDF)
Sunder, Shyam. “Restructure Railways to Exit the Tragic Cycle.” August 1999.
Arunachalam, V. S. and Shyam Sunder. ” U.S. and India Need A Bold New Start.” June 1998.
Arunachalam, V. S. and Shyam Sunder. “Common Agenda.”
♦Published Articles
222. Sunder, Shyam. “Road map for Indian conglomerates: How a self-audit on the six ‘Cs’ could help them get ready for change” in Fortune magazine – India; November 7, 2018.
215. Sunder, Shyam. “How to sync elections: Use Rawl’s “veil of ignorance” approach by pushing it to an unforeeable future” in The Times of India, February 24, 2018.
215A. Sunder, Shyam. “Can a ‘Veil of Ignorance’ Break India’s Election Deadlock?” Yale Insights February 28, 2018.
207. Sunder Shyam. “Value Creation, Distribution, and Integrated Financial Reporting” in The Indian Accounting Review, Vol. 21, No. 1, June 2017.
205. Sunder, Shyam. “The Great Indian Experiment” in The Times of India, January 11, 2017.
205A. Sunder, Shyam. (Dec. 13, 2016) “What are the Consequences of India’s Currency Reform?” Published in Yale Insights, Yale School of Management online.
204A.Sunder, Shyam. “India needs to invest in research and doctoral education, says Yale don,” Ravikumar Ramanujam, Hindu Business Line, January 11, 2013.
184.Sunder, Shyam. 2012. “Higher Education Reforms in India,” in Chetan Ghate, ed. The Oxford Handbook of the Indian Economy, Chapter 13, pp. 369-419 . Oxford University Press.
183A. Sunder, Shyam. Encouragement is half the battle won.” The Statesman, New Delhi Edition. March 13 2012. classSunder, Shyam. “India needs to invest in research and doctoral education, says Yale don,” Ravikumar Ramanujam , Hindu Business Line, January 11, 2013.
182A.Shyam Sunder, “Education for profit can’t deliver quality: Yale Prof”, DNA Ahmedabad Edition, March 26, 2012.India fails test of ‘knowledge economy’,” Asia Times, November 30, 2012.
182. Sunder, Shyam. “India’s Retarded Retail Sector.” Mint/Wall Street Journal, January 9, 2012, p. 23. (Link )
For some related empirical evidence, please see, K. Sudhir and Debabrata Talukdar, “ Productivity versus Transparency: Information Technology Adoption in Emerging Markets,” Yale University Working Paper, July 2012.
176. Singh, Sarabjit A. Shyam Sunder. 2011. “Long term plans by inclusive thinking,” Rail Business Vol. 2, Issue 6 (January 2011): pp. 12-13.
137. Sunder, Shyam. “Comments on Romila Thapar’s ‘Is Secularism Alien to Indian Civilization?’” In The Future of Secularism edited by T. N. Srinivasan, 109-113. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2007. Text (PDF)
129. Sunder, Shyam. “Stoking the Engine of Innovation.” In A Passage to New India edited by V. S. Arunachalam and Ashok Sarath, 27-28. Bangalore: CSTEP, 2006. Text (PDF)
80. Arunachalam, V.S. and Shyam Sunder. “Infrastructure: A Plan of Action for Rapid Growth.” Economic Times, June 10, 1996.
79. Arunachalam, V.S. and Shyam Sunder. “Needed for the Future: A Leaner, More Focused State.” Economic Times, June 3, 1996.
78. Arunachalam, V.S. and Shyam Sunder. “Reengineering India,” Economic Times, June 1996.
77. Sunder, Shyam. “The 1962 War and After: Time To Get On.” The Indian Express, May 2, 1996. Text (PDF)
70. Sunder, Shyam. “Economics of Sanitation.” Economic Times, November 1, 1994. Text (PDF).
67. Sunder, Shyam. “A Passage for India.” Times of India, May 30, 1994. Text (PDF)
66. Sunder, Shyam. “Lessons to be Learned.” Times of India (Euro-Issues Supplement), March 8, 1994. Text (PDF)
6. Shyam, Manjula and Shyam Sunder. “International Seabed Regime: India’s Interests and Policy Options.” The Indian Political Science Review 10, no. 1 (January 1976): 1-18. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
Japan Society for Social Science of Accounting (31st Annual Conference), Nagasaki University (Katafuchi Campus), October 21-24, 2016. “What Is Better Accounting?”
Grand Design for Japan: A New Education Fifth Project Forum, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, February 20, 2011. “Grand Design for Sustaining Civilization.”
Keizai Koho Center, Tokyo, Japan – May 29, 2009. “Good Corporate Management: What, Why and How?” Presentation (PPT)
Shyam Sunder, “Perspectives on Accounting Research,” Kobe Forum, Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, January 26, 2008.
Shyam Sunder, “International and National Standards and Norms of Financial Reporting: Monopoly or Competitive Coexistence,” Kobe Forum, Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, January 26, 2008. Presentation (PPT)
Shyam Sunder, “Regulation, Competition and Independence in a Certification Society: Financial Reports vs. Baseball Cards,” Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University, Japan, January 25, 2008. Presentation (PPT)
Shyam Sunder, “Everyone-a-Banker or Ideal Credit Acceptance Game: Theory and Evidence,” Saijo Lab, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, January 21, 2008. Presentation (PPT)
India-Japan-Taiwan Trialogue , Taiwan Thinktank, Taipei – November 11-13, 2004. “Economic and Trade Cooperation.” Presentation (PPT)
♦Working Papers
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Japanese Accounting for Manufacturing Organization and International Accounting. Kobe Economics and Business Research Series No. 70. University of Kobe, March 2009, 180p. http://www.rieb.kobe-u.ac.jp/academic/ra/researchseries/research_ser/research_ser70.pdf. (Nihon no Monozukuri Sosiki Shikou no Kaikei to Kokusai Kaikei, (Kenkyusousyo 70) Koubedaigaku Keizaikeiei Kenkyusyo, 180peiji, 2009nen 3gatsu. シャム・サンダー、山地秀俊編著、『日本のもの造り組織指向 の会計と国際会計』〔研究叢書70〕神戸大学経済経営研究所 180頁 2009年3月。). |
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The Japanese Style of Business Accounting. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1999. ISBN 1-56720-219-5. Table of Contents and Preface. Sunder, Shyam and Hidetoshi Yamaji, eds. |
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Japan: Why It Works, Why It Doesn’t. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press, 1998. ISBN 0-8248-1967-5.U of Hawaii Book Commentary Reviewed by:
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Kigyou Kaikei no Keizaigakuteka Bunseke (Economic Analysis of Business Accounting), Tokyo: Chyuou Keizaisya, 1996. ISBN 4-502-14023-6. |
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Japanese Edition, translated by Professors Toshiji Kawagoe, Toru Mori, and Testsuya Uchiki. 1999. ISBN 4-495-43471-3. Preface to the Japanese Edition in Japanese.. Preface to the Japanese Edition in English. |
♦Published Articles
177A. Shyam Sunder. “A Conductor of Wisdom”, an interview with Professor Ishikawa, Weekly Report on Financial Accounting Vol. No. 3011, April 11, 2011, pp. 56-58. 財務会計上の週次レポート
177. Shyam Sunder. “Allowing Financial Reporting Standards to Compete II” Weekly Report on Financial Accounting, Vol. No. 3012 April 18, 2011, pp. 47-52. “複数基準の並存を,” 財務会計上の週次レポート
162. Sunder, Shyam. 2009. “Kobe Forum Perspectives on Japanese Accounting and Management Research,” in Shyam Sunder and Yamaji Hidetoshi, eds. Japanese Accounting for Manufacturing and International Organizations, Kobe Economics and Business Research Series No. 70. University of Kobe, March 2009, pp. 165-180. Text (PDF)
90A. Sunder, Shyam. “Classical, Stewardship and Market Perspectives on Accounting: A Synthesis.” In The Japanese Style of Business Accounting edited by Shyam Sunder and Hidetoshi Yamaji, 17-31. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1999. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF), Presentation (PPT)
90B. Sunder, Shyam. “Design and Implementation of Contracts: A Comparison of Factor Markets Relevant to Financial Reporting in Japan and the U.S.” In The Japanese Style of Business Accounting edited by Shyam Sunder and Hidetoshi Yamaji, 209-220. Westport, CT: Quorum Books, 1999. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
88. Mak, James, Shyam Sunder, Shigeyuki Abe and Kazuhiro Igawa. “The Japanese Economy in U.S. Eyes: From Model to Lesson.” Education About Asia 3, no. 2 (Fall 1998): 22-27. Text (PDF)
86A. Mak, James and Shyam Sunder. “Why Are There So Many Small Shops in Japan?” In Japan: Why It Works, Why It Doesn’t—Economics in Every Day Life edited by J. Mak, S. Sunder, S. Abe, K. Igawa, 45-50. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press, 1998. Text (PDF)
86B. Abe, Shigeyuki, Shoji Nishijima, Shyam Sunder, and Karen Lupardus. “Why Do Students Take It Easy at Japanese Universities?” In Japan: Why It Works, Why It Doesn’t—Economics in Every Day Life edited by J. Mak, S. Sunder, S. Abe, K. Igawa, 73-81. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press, 1998. Text (PDF)
86C. Sunder, Shyam. “Why Do Bank Automatic Teller Machines Shut Down at 7 P.M.?” In Japan: Why It Works, Why It Doesn’t—Economics in Every Day Life edited by J. Mak, S. Sunder, S. Abe, K. Igawa, 137-147. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawaii Press, 1998. Text (PDF)
76A. Sunder, Shyam and Hidetoshi Yamaji. “Kigyou Kaikei no Keizaigakuteki Bunseki” [Economic Analysis of Business Accounting]. In Kigyou Kaikei no Keizaigakuteki Bunseki [Economic Analysis of Business Accounting] edited by Shyam Sunder and Hidetoshi Yamaji, 1-11. Tokyo: Chyuou Keizaisya, 1996. Text (PDF)
76B. Sunder, Shyam. “Keiyakurironteki Kigyoukan to Daitaitei Kaikeikan: Kontenteki, Kantenkara, Jutakusekininjou no Kentenkara, Oyobi Sijouapurouchikara Kaikei wo Rikaisi, Tougousuru Shian” [Contract-Based Theory of the Firm and Alternative Forms of Accounting: Classical, Stewardship and Market Perspectives]. In Kigyou Kaikei no Keizaigakuteka Bunseki [Economic Analysis of Business Accounting] edited by Shyam Sunder and Hidetoshi Yamaji, 13-33. Tokyo: Chyuou Keizaisya (1996). Text (PDF)
Electronic Markets and Software
You may download and run Zero-Intelligence Trader software
- Jamal, Karim and Shyam Sunder. “Bayesian Equilibrium in Double Auctions Populated by Biased Heuristic Traders.” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 31, no. 2 (November 1996): 273-291.
- Click here to download Simul1.exe
- Click here to download Description of Simul1.exe (PDF)
- Click here to download the Abstract of the Published Paper (PDF)
- Bosch-Domenech, Antoni and Shyam Sunder. “Tracking the Invisible Hand: Convergence of Double Auctions to Competitive Equilibrium.” Computational Economics 16, no. 3 (December 2000): 257-284.
- Click here to download Simul2.exe
- Click here to download Description of Simul2.exe (PDF)
- Click here to download the Abstract of the Published Paper (PDF)
- Gode, Spear and Sunder, “Convergence of Double Auctions to Competitive Equilibrium in Edgeworth Box,” Revised November 2001.
- Click here to download Simul3.exe
- Click here to download Description of Simul3.exe (PDF)
- Click here to download the Gode, Spear and Sunder Working Paper (PDF), Abstract (PDF)
- Crockett, Spear and Sunder, “Learning Competitive Equilibrium,” Revised November 2001.
- Click here to download Simul4.exe
- Click here to download Description of Simul3.exe (PDF)
- Click here to download the Crockett, Spear and Sunder Working Paper (PDF)
© Shyam Sunder, 1996-01.
Shyam Sunder. Research Seminar, University of Washington Tacoma, Milgard School of Business, June 4, 2021.
Remarks by Prof. Shyam Sunder at Accounting Hall of Fame Induction,” Yale School of Management, August 18, 2020.
Shyam Sunder. “Public Funding, Philanthropy and Social Impact,” in Global Virtual Conference on Reimagining and Transforming the University: Confluence of Ideas during and beyond the Covid-19 Disruption, August 6-7, 2020, O. P. Jindal Global University. Poster
Shyam Sunder. “Leadership and Technology of Organizing: The Sangha, University, and State.” Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode. May 18, 2020.
220. Sunder, Shyam. 2018. “Engineering Design and Society” in E. Subrahmanian, T. Odumosu and J.Y. Tsao (eds.) “Engineering a Better Future: Interplay between Engineering, Social Sciences, and Innovation. (Chapter 7); Springer Nature Switzerland AG: Springer, pps. 51-60. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91134-2.
221. Shyam Sunder, K. Sudhir and G. Shainesh. Global Network Case 102-18. Aadhaar. Produced by Yale School of Management and Indian Institute of Management Bangalore. http://cases.advancedmanagement.net/aadhaar
Shyam Sunder. “Social Media, The Corporation, and the State.” Yale Insights; November 10, 2017.
Obituary: Yuri Ijiri, Accounting Education News Newsletter Winter Issue, 2017. Text
Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India, January 2, 2017, “Literature and Management Leadership: Macbeth.”
Lecture, University of Kigali, Rwanda, Africa, December 14, 2016, “Asking and Answering Questions: Research as a Way of Our Life and Work.”
Yale U.S. Air Force Reserve Officer’s Training Corps, November 29, 2016, “Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Leadership.”
Conference on Corporate Finance, Governance & Sustainability, Delhi School of Business, October 21, 2016, “Sustainable Growth:
Managing for Profits in the Long Run.”
Yuri Ijiri Distinguished Lecturer, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, August 22-26, 2016.
Recipient of Accounting Horizons “Best Paper Award” presented by the American Accounting Association to the best paper published in the calendar year.“Financial Engineering and the Arms Race between Accounting Standards Setters and Preparers” was published in the June 2015 issue of Accounting Horizons. Ronald A. Dye, Leonard Spacek Professor in Accounting at Northwestern Univeristy’s Kellogg School of Management, and Jonathan C. Glover, the James L. Dohr Professor of Accounting at Columbia Business School, co-authored the paper. The paper analyzes the efforts of accounting regulators to contain the financial engineering that firms use to achieve their earnings, balance sheet, or cash flow targets in financial reports. Sunder, Dye, and Glover shared a $2,500 prize and received a unique art glass piece at the 2016 AAA Annual Meeting on August 10 in New York City.
Carnegie Mellon University, National Science Foundation Workshop on Engineering a Better Future: The Interplay of Engineering, the Social Sciences and Innovation, Pittsburgh PA, April 15-16, 2016, “Engineering and Society: Disciplines and Practices.”
Remarks to the Yale University Art Gallery Board of Trustees, Betts Classroom, Evans Hall, Monday, April 28, 2014.
Remarks for Sarah Smith Memorial Conference, Yale Divinity School, New Haven, January 24, 2012. “Consumption, Numbers and Time: Arithmetic of Sustenance.”
“Grand Design for Sustainability for Civilization”, Keynote speaker at the International Seminar on Sustainability & Corporate Governance, EIILM, IAA Research Foundation & Bengal Chamber, Kolkata March 1, 2012.2011
Grand Design for Japan: A New Education Fifth Project Forum, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, February 20, 2011. “Grand Design for Sustaining Civilization.”
Conference on Managing Responsibly with Confidence, Great Lakes Insitute of Management, Chennai, India, December 20, 2009. “Who is Responsible for the C-N-T Equation?” Presentation (PPT)
Neusoft Institute of Information Technology, Dalien, China – January 10, 2009. Lecture-Discussion on “U.S. Education and Economy”.
J. Demski, N. Dopuch, B. Lev, J. Ronen, G. Searfoss and S. Sunder, “A Statement on the State of Academic Accounting,” April 22, 1991.
Faculty Forum, Rivendell Institute, Yale University, New Haven, CT – December 11, 2008. “Moral Dimensionis of Financial Crisis.” Text (PDF)
Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey, November 27, 2008. “The Futue of Management Education.” Presentation (PPT)
Okerson, Ann and Shyam Sunder. “A Copyright Primer for Scholars.” May 2007. Text (PDF)
Sunder, Shyam. “Social Responsibility and Terror.” September 2001. Text (PDF)
Sunder, Shyam. “Beyond the China Syndrome.” October 31, 1995. Text (PDF)
10. Sunder, Shyam. “A Multiperiod Integer Programming Approach to the Product Mix Problems.” In Marketing, 1776-1976 and Beyond: 1976 Educator Proceedings edited by Kenneth L. Benhardt, 493-497. Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1976. Abstract (PDF), Text (PDF)
Speeches and Letters
Shyam Sunder, “How I Remember Arun”, Memorial Service for Dr. V. S. Arunachalam.
Shyam Sunder. “Felicitation on Prof. Stephen A. Zeff’s Ninetieth Birthday,” Rice University, Houston, August 19, 2023 (remote video).
“Anoush’s Home,” Memorial for Anuosh Kheirandish, January 15, 2023.
Shyam Sunder, “In Memoriam: P. S. Mangla (July 8, 1927-April 21, 2021)” in Hindi, May 2, 2021.
Shyam Sunder’s Induction into Accounting Hall of Fame, August 11, 2020. Video. Acceptance Remarks.
Shyam Sunder, “Stop Covid-19 or Save Economy: Can India Do Both?” Panel Discussion at School of Banking and Finance, O.P. Jindal Global University, May 8, 2020. Poster
Shyam Sunder, “Business Analytics and Data Analytics” Speech Series (1) Management Leadership: Lessons from Humanities” National Taiwan University, Department of Accounting, August 22, 2019. Media Recordings: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Shyam Sunder, Pictures from “Business Intelligence and Data Analytics – Management Leadership: Lessons from Humanities” given at the National Taiwan University, Department of Accounting, August 22, 2019.
Shyam Sunder, “Pathways to prosperity,” Remarks at the Opening Bell Ceremony and Panel discussion at Borsa Istanbul, Turkey, on November 13, 2017.Conference on Corporate Finance, Governance & Sustainability, Delhi School of Business, October 21, 2016, “Sustainable Growth:
Managing for Profits in the Long Run.” VIDEO.
University of Namibia, Windhoek, October 6, 2014. “University Culture:Teaching and Research as a Way of Life.”
Shyam Sunder, Interview for Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective 3e, (PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2008) Revised December 12, 2013.
Jamal, Karim, Shyam Sunder, October 14, 2013. Comment letter to Public Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding Proposed Auditing Standards on the Auditor’s Report and the Auditor’s Responsibilities Regarding Other Information and Related Amendments. Link to PCAOB website for Comment #7
Shyam Sunder, Acceptance remarks for receipt of the American Accounting Association’s Outstanding Accounting Educator Award, 2013, presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, Anaheim Hilton Hotel, Anaheim, CA, August 5, 2013. Video Photo (MP4)
Jamal, Karim, Tracey C. Ball, Rozina Kassam, Jonathan Glover, Ken Kouri, D. Brad Paterson, Suresh Radhakrishnan, Shyam Sunder. December 30, 2011. Comment letter to Public Company Accounting Oversight Board regarding Audit Firm Rotation. Link to PCAOB website for Comment #41.
Jeremy Hoskins, David Davis, Howard Flight, Patrick Evershed, Shyam Sunder, Stella Fearnley, Emile Woolf, and Timothy Bush, “UK accounts lack proper scrutiny,” The Times, July 27, 2010, p. 20.
Shyam Sunder. Interview for Financial Accounting: A Managerial Perspective 3e, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2008.
Sunder, Shyam. Regarding Nick Dopuch. Remarks at Reception for him at AAA Annual Meeting, San Diego, August 2008. Text (PDF)
Sunder, Shyam. Faculty of Economic Sciences, National University of Columbia, Bogota, Columbia – August 17, 2005. Remarks on Release of Spanish Edition of Theory of Accounting and Control. Text (PDF)
Remarks at Birthday Celebration of Dr. V. S. Arunachalam, Hyderabad, India – October 28, 2005 Remarks (PDF), Audio Remarks (AVI)
“Restoring Trust in America’s Business Institutions,” Conference Proceedings, November 6-7, 2003. Sloan Project on Business Institutions at the Georgetown University Law Center, Edited by Margaret M. Blair and William W.Bratton.
Mark Maurer. “Big Four Firms EY Deloitte Report Higher Revenue“. Wall Street Journal, CFO Journal, September 9, 2021.
Shyam Sunder, “The Best Car Insurance Companies for 2021,” Yale School of Management Media Clips April 22, 2021; MoneyGeek.com
Shyam Sunder. “Rational Order from ‘Irrational’ Actions’‘, Yale School of Management Insights, October 19, 2020.
Shyam Sunder, “Great Lakes Chennai announces unique “Term Zero” with Global Thought Leaders for incoming students,” IBG News (India)
Congratulations to Professor Shyam Sunder for being one of the Inductees (2020) to The Accounting Hall of Fame of the American Accounting Association, Indian Accounting Review, Vol. 24, No 1, June 2020.
Shyam Sunder. Liquidity Injections May Have Driven the Stock Market Recovery. Yale Insights, June 17, 2020.
Shyam Sunder, Consumption, Numbers and Time: The Arithmetic of Sustenance , Yale Insights, April 22, 2020.
American Accounting Association Shyam Sunder Inducted into the Accounting Hall of Fame by the AAA
Shyam Sunder Named to American Accounting Association Hall of Fame , India West, March 17, 2020.
What Happens When a Billion Identities Are Digitized? K. Sudhir and Shyam Sunder, Yale Insights, March 27, 2020.
Renowned Think Tanks Arun Maira, former Tata Motors Board member and Prof. Shyam Sunder, Yale University struck a chord on Indian Insights for sustainable global growth , iednewsdesk, Janary 17, 2020.
Conclave on Globalising Indian Thought DailyHunt (India), January 3, 2020
Has Passive Investing Become Fraught With Risk?, US News and World Report, John Devine, November 14, 2019.
Yale Professor recalled as brilliant economist, loving family man. Randall beach, New Haven Register, September 2, 2018.
How to audit the auditors still unclear, The Irish Examiner, June 2018.
Unos 50 profesores agradecen a la Universidad de St Andrews el apoyo a Pondati. Lluis Pellicer, El Pais, April 16, 2018
Yale’s Shyam Sunder to teach portfolio management course with student-run fund Bhargavi Kulkarni, India Abroad, April 18, 2018.
Three Questions: Professor Shyam Sunder on Why We Pay Taxes. Yale School of Management Media Clips April 13, 2018.
SOM trips offer international exposure. Saumya Malhotra, Yale Daily News, April 3, 2018.
New Student-Managed Investment Fund Will Provide Hands-On Experience; Yale News, March 27, 2018.
Borsa Istanbul’s Bell Rings For Companies That Prepare Integrated Reports – Integrated Reporting Experience Sharing Meeting Was Held. Shyam Sunder. Yale School of Management Media Clips November 15, 2017.
Shyam Sunder, “Pathways to prosperity,” Remarks at the Opening Bell Ceremony and Panel discussion at Borsa Istanbul, Turkey, on November 13, 2017.
Forman talks history of legal injustice. Christina Carrafiell. Yale Daily News; Covening Yale talk organized by Shyam Sunder, October 6, 2017.
Pottery Offers Students Hands-on Lesson in Creative Problem Solving. Shyam Sunder MGT 889, Fall 2017.
Ijiri Explored Accounting’s Foundations and Charted New Directions: Bucking modern trend of estimating current values, Japanese-born professor defended historic costs. James R. Hagerty, The Wall Street Journal, January 27, 2017.
Conference on Corporate Finance, Governance & Sustainability, Delhi School of Business, October 21, 2016, “Sustainable Growth:
Managing for Profits in the Long Run.” Video
“Investing in the Future: Security Analysis Course Gives Students a Forward-Looking Perspective”, Yale SOM Portal, July 2016.
Cihan Temiz interviews Shyam Sunder on “Auditor Independence,” Interview Summary September 2015.
“Logjam Dents Image”, Nayan Chanda, Business World, pps. 64-64, September 8-21, 2015.
Shyam Sunder, “Measuring Risk and Economics,” University of Namibia Forum (Namibia), October 2014.
Risky Curves: On the Empirical Failure of Expected Utility. Shyam Sunder, Daniel Friedman, Mark Isaac and Duncan James. (Routledge 2014)
“Management Leadership and Literature Course,” Yale University Art Gallery 2014 Spring Exhibition Guide, March, 2014.
Yale University Art Gallery. Spring 2014. “Management, Leadership and Literature Course” pp. 10-11.
“Outstanding Accounting Educator Award”. Congratulatory note by the Editor, Indian Accounting Review, December 2013.
“To change or not?” CAmagazine, June-July, 2013.
“Top Salaries for Indian Academics, But Few Takers,” Pushkar, Asian Scientist, June 10, 2013.
“Prof. Shyam Sunder from Yale University speaks to Editor B. Mahesh Sarma on what ails the Indian university system“, Careers360, March 2013.
“A Content Economist”, Shilpa Vasudevan, The New Indian Express, February 4, 2013.
Round table conference, “The Future of Higher Education in India with special reference to Management Education”, Great Lakes Institute of Management, Reflections newsletter, February, 2013.
“India needs to invest in research and doctoral education, says Yale don,” Hindu Business Line, January 11, 2013.
“India fails test of ‘knowledge economy’,” Pushkar, Asia Times, November 30, 2012.
“Education for profit can’t deliver quality: Yale Prof”, Smitha Rajan, DNA Ahmedabad Edition, March 26, 2012.
“We need to introduce the youth to the world of ideas.” , Shashank Venkat, The Times of India, myEducationTimes.com, March 12, 2012.
- The Times of India, Mumbai Edition, March 12, 2012.
- topics.treehugger.com
- legalnews.findlaw.com
“Encouragement is half the battle won“, Prabhjeet Singh Sethi, The Statesman, New Delhi Edition. March 13 2012.
“Dealing with the Too-Big-To-Fail”. Financial Focus, Great Lakes Institute of Management newsletter. January 2010, Issue 2, Vol. 1. Text (PDF)
“Great Lakes Announces Opening of Electronic Trading Terminal, ” Financial focus” newsletter article. Great Lakes Institute of Management. January 2010. Text (PDF)
Sunder, Shyam. Malatya Haber.com article. Conference, Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey, November 25, 2008. Link
Sunder, Shyam. Malatyaaguncel.com article . Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey, November 25, 2008 Link
Sunder. Shyam. Malatyaguncel.com article. November 28, 2008 Link
“Debits and credits of accounting professor David Albrecht – Shyam Sunder-IFRS Critic.” The Summa October 8, 2008. Text (PDF) Link
Smerd, Jeremy. “Future Shock.” Workforce Management (August 2007).
“AAA President Shyam Sunder stressed role in imagination.” Anonymous India Abroad. New York, NY October 27, 2006. Vol. 37, Iss 4, pg. C5, 1 pg. Text (PDF) Link
“Stamping out the Spam“, Jon Rhinesmith, Yale Economic Review, Fall 2005.
“India can emerge as a management education hub in the region.”, Bala V. Balachandran, India Today, June 13, 2005.
Yale Professor Shyam Sunder in a candid discussion with managing editor Prem Panicker, India Abroad, August 9, 2002.
Professors propose e-mail postage, Yale Daily News, October 30, 2002.
Some Favorite Reading
Explanations of the “Global Financial Crisis”
- “The Crisis of Credit Visualized” Link
- On the financial crisis, (anonymous), Link
- Yale School of Management Faculty Workshop, New Haven, CT – October 1, 2008. “A Subprime Primer,” (anonymous), Presentation (PPS)
Baxter, William T. “Accounting Standards: Boon or Curse?” Saxe Lectures in Accounting, February 13, 1979, City University of New York. Link
Pencil, Murdock. “Salt Passage Research:The State of the Art.” Journal of Communication (pre-1986): Septemper 1976; 26, 4. Text (PDF)
Baxter, William T. “Recommendations on Accounting Theory.” The Accountant, October 3, 1953. Reprinted in Baxter and Davidson, eds. Studies in Accounting Theory.
Kitchen, J. “Costing Terminology.” Accounting Research, February 1954. Reprinted in Baxter and Davidson, eds. Studies in Accounting Theory.
Donald McCloskey “Other Things Equal.” Eastern Economic Journal, Fall 1994, 20:4, 479-81.
John Kay “The Parable of the Ox.” The Financial Times, July 24, 2012.
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